Time to scrap the hurry-up spread... | Syracusefan.com

Time to scrap the hurry-up spread...


Scout Team
Aug 29, 2011
and return to a Marrone's traditional "multiple" offense with Nassib being under center more and bringing back the fullback and the I-formation.

While Marcus Sales has played very well, imho, Jerome Smith has been SU's most consistent offensive player, much more consistent than 5th year senior Ryan Nassib, the supposed centerpiece of our offense. While Smith may not be flashy or very electric, he runs hard and he consistently gains yards between the tackles. He deserves 20 carries a game. AB deserves more touches, and PTG needs a reduced role: strictly a 3rd down back. There needs to be a little more AAM sprinkled in the regular offense as well.

While Kobena has shown some flashes the truth of the matter is that our roster is devoid of any big time offensive weapons. But our most talented offensive player is Ashton Broyld, another tailback, not quarterback Ryan Nassib. So the SU offense should be more run-oriented, centered around our most consistent and talented players, both tailbacks, and not a hurry-up, pass happy offense centered around a pretty good but ultimately mistake-prone Nassib.

If there isn't a better quarterback option on the bench than Nassib, then he's probably better served being more of a game manger like he was in 2010 and not the trigger man of a pass heavy spread option attack. In a more smash-mouth attack, he would excel in play action like he did when he had DC3 pounding it between the tackles from deep in the 'I.' That's also how Temple beat UConn today.

The bottom line is that the less reliant this offense is on the capable but painfully inconsistent Nassib, the better off it will be. With the way this defense is playing right now, a bowl is still not out of the question. This team can still win six games but, imho, DM and Hackett need to rely less on Nassib's erratic play and adopt a more tailback-oriented, play action attack if they wanna gain bowl eligibility.
What is Marrone thinking, not playing Kobena who hasn't been medically cleared yet.
they use the same guys who continually disappoint and then hold no accountability for their mistakes
Flemming played today.

Of course, he didn't have any catches because he wasn't wearing a Rutgers jersey.

And Tim Lane has better hands than Broyld. Explains why Broyld isn't used as a kick or punt returner.
and return to a Marrone's traditional "multiple" offense with Nassib being under center more and bringing back the fullback and the I-formation.

While Marcus Sales has played very well, imho, Jerome Smith has been SU's most consistent offensive player, much more consistent than 5th year senior Ryan Nassib, the supposed centerpiece of our offense. While Smith may not be flashy or very electric, he runs hard and he consistently gains yards between the tackles. He deserves 20 carries a game. AB deserves more touches, and PTG needs a reduced role: strictly a 3rd down back. There needs to be a little more AAM sprinkled in the regular offense as well.

While Kobena has shown some flashes the truth of the matter is that our roster is devoid of any big time offensive weapons. But our most talented offensive player is Ashton Broyld, another tailback, not quarterback Ryan Nassib. So the SU offense should be more run-oriented, centered around our most consistent and talented players, both tailbacks, and not a hurry-up, pass happy offense centered around a pretty good but ultimately mistake-prone Nassib.

If there isn't a better quarterback option on the bench than Nassib, then he's probably better served being more of a game manger like he was in 2010 and not the trigger man of a pass heavy spread option attack. In a more smash-mouth attack, he would excel in play action like he did when he had DC3 pounding it between the tackles from deep in the 'I.' That's also how Temple beat UConn today.

The bottom line is that the less reliant this offense is on the capable but painfully inconsistent Nassib, the better off it will be. With the way this defense is playing right now, a bowl is still not out of the question. This team can still win six games but, imho, DM and Hackett need to rely less on Nassib's erratic play and adopt a more tailback-oriented, play action attack if they wanna gain bowl eligibility.
i don't know if broyld is a gamebreaker but i do know it would be crazy to be worried about risking turnovers at this point
flemming comes in on running plays ...

lets keep rene as punt return man even though he is clueless back there
I thought during the game there was a stretch where the no huddle was not helping at all because it was hurrying Ryan up when he needed to settle down. I'm not so sure a more methodical approach would have helped against Rutgers defense though.
I think you are way off. The O couldn't move the ball under the old system. So you want us to get less yards? Points won't go up by pulling back the strings. You vastly overrate Smith. The OL cannot block. Teams are trying to stop our pass so it allows us to have decent run stats. Our RBs aren't good so teams don't have to worry about our run game. If you think running the ball against 8 in the box is the answer, good luck.

IMO we have to open things up more. Passing the ball doesn't mean we are wide open. Running a lot of bunch formations doesn't spread a D out. Having WRs go out on 5 yard patterns even when we need 8 for a first down, doesn't put fear in a D. We need to take soem deep shots juts to keep a D honest. We need more 15-30 yard passes as that is Nassib's strength.

Also if we were to go run oriented I rather see us go zone read which will give us a better chance at success. If your O is run, run, pass then get a QB who can run in there.
and return to a Marrone's traditional "multiple" offense with Nassib being under center more and bringing back the fullback and the I-formation.

While Marcus Sales has played very well, imho, Jerome Smith has been SU's most consistent offensive player, much more consistent than 5th year senior Ryan Nassib, the supposed centerpiece of our offense. While Smith may not be flashy or very electric, he runs hard and he consistently gains yards between the tackles. He deserves 20 carries a game. AB deserves more touches, and PTG needs a reduced role: strictly a 3rd down back. There needs to be a little more AAM sprinkled in the regular offense as well.

While Kobena has shown some flashes the truth of the matter is that our roster is devoid of any big time offensive weapons. But our most talented offensive player is Ashton Broyld, another tailback, not quarterback Ryan Nassib. So the SU offense should be more run-oriented, centered around our most consistent and talented players, both tailbacks, and not a hurry-up, pass happy offense centered around a pretty good but ultimately mistake-prone Nassib.

If there isn't a better quarterback option on the bench than Nassib, then he's probably better served being more of a game manger like he was in 2010 and not the trigger man of a pass heavy spread option attack. In a more smash-mouth attack, he would excel in play action like he did when he had DC3 pounding it between the tackles from deep in the 'I.' That's also how Temple beat UConn today.

The bottom line is that the less reliant this offense is on the capable but painfully inconsistent Nassib, the better off it will be. With the way this defense is playing right now, a bowl is still not out of the question. This team can still win six games but, imho, DM and Hackett need to rely less on Nassib's erratic play and adopt a more tailback-oriented, play action attack if they wanna gain bowl eligibility.

Could not agree with this more. In a spread offense like the one they have run the QB has to make plays. QB1 made plays today but for the other team. Agree that Smith has been the most consistent, other than that NW miscue. Play action to would also work better if they were running the ball well- this would be like in the pinstripe bowl when sales went off with a lot of his yards on 2 TD bombs. Of course they have been running the spread exclusively since spring ball so asking them to switch this time of year is like asking a tiger to change his stripes. I place most of the blame for the loss on the player miscues but overall if your players can not, for whatever reason, make the plays you have set up then it falls on the coaches. You either need to change the system or put in players who will make the plays. These last couple of games with Nassib its almost like he waits until the 4th quarter to finally settle down. Sometimes I think we would just be better off running tank the whole game. Or putting ashton in and running wing T. The only way the spread could work is with speed. Gulley would have to be the tailback. Smith should play more of an Owen Schmitt at WVU role as a smasher. Kobena has to play to give a deep threat. Then you can have your possession guys underneath. Clark probably shouldn't play more and should redshirt since he really doesn't know how to play football but is needed this year for his speed. You still need a QB with touch though. I don't think this will happen though since HCDM seems loyal to his upper classmen. On a side not the defense has been solid for 2 straight weeks.
they use the same guys who continually disappoint and then hold no accountability for their mistakes
And that goes for every position all the time. Just the way Marrone is I guess. Also plays the older players almost all the time.
I can't believe what I just read.

We have no chance to win that way now or in the future.

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I can't believe what I just read.

We have no chance to win that way now or in the future.
Agreed. What we really need is a dual threat qb that can throw an accurate deep ball. Then we can run this offense.
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I agree. We have the personal to play the hurry-up, but we don't play them. If we aren't going to play them then go back to a pro-style game.
The bottom line is that the less reliant this offense is on the capable but painfully inconsistent Nassib, the better off it will be. With the way this defense is playing right now, a bowl is still not out of the question. This team can still win six games but, imho, DM and Hackett need to rely less on Nassib's erratic play and adopt a more tailback-oriented, play action attack if they wanna gain bowl eligibility.

IMO, teams will then roll up the corners, play 8 in the box, and blitz to force that same "painfully inconsistent Nassib" to make the same types of passes under constant duress that he struggles with now. Only this time, he will be doing if from a far less effective offense scheme (with have 7 years of history of this).

This O produced 418 total yards and 23 first downs against a good D. The O is fine. The execution and play selection is the issue.
IMO, teams will then roll up the corners, play 8 in the box, and blitz to force that same "painfully inconsistent Nassib" to make the same types of passes under constant duress that he struggles with now. Only this time, he will be doing if from a far less effective offense scheme (with have 7 years of history of this).

This O produced 418 total yards and 23 first downs against a good D. The O is fine. The execution and play selection is the issue.

The o that is fine scored 7 points last week and 15 today. How is that fine. Yards are misleading.
This O produced 418 total yards and 23 first downs against a good D. The O is fine. The execution and play selection is the issue.

Despite the gaudy numbers, the O is far from fine. They don't score enough points and it's usually because of self-inflicted mistakes made in the very same passing attack producing those inflated but ultimately meaningless stats.

The most impressive drive of the game today was the drive that tied it at 7. It was mostly built on Smith's running and ended with the tank formation pounding it in for six. I think an offense attack built around Nassib passing a lot will continue to underwhelm and disappoint.
spare us the faux shock

we're averaging 11 points a game on offense in conference doing it your way
Yeah. They're not doing it my way.

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The o that is fine scored 7 points last week and 15 today. How is that fine. Yards are misleading.

The reason the points aren't there is because of the turnovers and failure to score in the red zone. We've left a lot of points on the field the past four weeks, even though the offense moves the ball up and down the field.
Yeah. They're not doing it my way.

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we'll never win unless we run the offense that you want but are vague about to always give yourself wiggle room

they're airing it out from the shotgun almost 60% of the time.

they should've got another quarterback and run their system last year. problem was that the coach and most fans (including you) thought nassib was going to be a good 3 year starter.
The O couldn't move the ball under the old system.
And they couldn't score then either. What's the common denominator? Ryan Nassib.

For all his positive attributes -- and he certainly has some; he's a good, not great player -- at the end of the day, he's just too inconsistent and mistake prone to build an offense around. Imho, he's better suited for the role of steady game manager rather than no-huddle gunslinger.
Despite the gaudy numbers, the O is far from fine. They don't score enough points and it's usually because of self-inflicted mistakes made in the very same passing attack producing those inflated but ultimately meaningless stats.

The most impressive drive of the game today was the drive that tied it at 7. It was mostly built on Smith's running and ended with the tank formation pounding it in for six. I think an offense attack built around Nassib passing a lot will continue to underwhelm and disappoint.

This year we are leaving points on the field. That is an improvement over the first 3 years where we weren't even close to scoring let alone leaving points behind. BTW were you not here for all the sacks and penalties last year? How would running the ball help us score points?
And they couldn't score then either. What's the common denominator? Ryan Nassib.

For all his positive attributes -- and he certainly has some; he's a good, not great player -- at the end of the day, he's just too inconsistent and mistake prone to build an offense around. Imho, he's better suited for the role of steady game manager rather than no-huddle gunslinger.

So you think it is better to have no points and no yards than to have yards and no points? This is so silly.

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