TMZ reporting Kobe killed in copter crash | Page 12 |

TMZ reporting Kobe killed in copter crash

So basically pilot thought he could see enough to not need the instruments directing the majority of the action ...

Seems pretty incompetent that one would be cocky enough to do that and not even know the terry sun enough to realize there are mountains between where you are and where you’re going

You go LOW so you can see...but it's hard to gauge distance in bad conditions. So, probably got too close and realized too late? Who knows...we'll all find out at some point.
They were flying low to stay under the clouds. When they turned left to go south, they were headed straight for a mountain. You can see they went from 1300‘ to 2100‘ very fast as the pilot saw what was in front of him.
I’m just a layman here but you can get away with that in Kansas ... but maybe in that area with mountain the fog isnt the biggest issue?
I’m just a layman here but you can get away with that in Kansas ... but maybe in that area with mountain the fog isnt the biggest issue?

I'm thinking the pilot had flown that route many times, the weather caught them by surprise and the pilot got simply messed up. Not every accident is complicated. Humans make mistakes.
JFK jr wasn’t instrument trained. He also hit poor visibility and lost his horizon, got inverted and dove into water thinking he was increasing his altitude. I think.

I guess what I had remember hearing is that he relied on visual navigation in very thick fog, became totally disoriented not even realizing what was up vs down. Scary stuff.
You go LOW so you can see...but it's hard to gauge distance in bad conditions. So, probably got too close and realized too late? Who knows...we'll all find out at some point.
Can’t you just stop and hover in a chopper and reverse course or do you need to maintain forward thrust at that altitude to not drop
Can’t you just stop and hover in a chopper and reverse course or do you need to maintain forward thrust at that altitude to not drop
They had circled over the LA zoo for 15 minutes. The pilot felt he needed to get to his destination.
That’s scary .. human error can override every tech safety innovation ever

An interesting article about the Air France flight that crashed and how easily human error can occur.....I remember reading this years ago and being astonished. Anyway, only if you're interested.

I feel so badly for his family. Husband and child lost. Sister and Dad. Son, Son in law, cousin, Granddaughter, niece, friend, business partner, neighbors...
When someone passes the ripple of loss travels through so many.
I don’t believe so. JFK jr was flying at night and lost perspective. Couldn’t figure which way was up or down due to the darkness.

He also had fog issues, I think. Ironically my wife was reading a book about this and we talked about it this morning. Dude never should've been up in the air.
He also had fog issues, I think. Ironically my wife was reading a book about this and we talked about it this morning. Dude never should've been up in the air.
Ok ok, we get it, fog is bad. Can we focus on the families please?
I hope I can be half of the father that Kobe was when I am fortunate enough to have kids. All of the videos of him and Gianna or him talking about her have really been pulling on my heart strings.
Fyi cnn is running an extended segment with Bob Costas and Jay Williams that is fantastic
Visual flight rules.

To fly any aircraft there are generally two sets of rules: VFR and IFR. IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules and VFR stands for Visual Flight rules. ... On the whole there are many other aspects that influence the decision but in simple words it totally depends on the weather, whether a pilot fly VFR or IFR.

The pilot could not have flown unless he was IFR rated at least. VFR rated pilots (the initial rating one can get) means no flying if visibility is less than 5 miles or cloud base ( ceiling) heights of less than 3000 ft. IFR refers to visibility 1-3 miles and or cloud ceilings of less than 1000 ft. There are lower flight categories called low IFR (LIFR) and very low IFR (VLIFR). This is when ceilings and visibility can get dangerous esp VLIFR. You can’t land if it gets too bad, must be able to see runway before landing obviously. Can take off a little easier than land in bad visibility. Fog is a huge concern for aviation. If it was that bad, surprised helicopter took off. Don’t know what type of instrumentation it had on it. But crash cause and contributions are all conjecture at this point. No matter what, just horrific the crash scene which I just saw on TV, and for those who perished! So so sad!
My wife and I were sharing an update about our sports ministry responsibilities this morning at church with the congregation, we touched on how influential sports is and how athletes are viewed as heroes in our culture and around the world (and the need for God/Jesus in that)... basically at the same time this was happening.

I’ve always been a Kobe “hater”... I “chose” to be an Allen Iverson guy and rode with him (still do, my favorite player ever), but you would be an absolute fool if you did not value Kobe’s skill, drive, athleticism, etc.

Not only was an NBA building block (for many of us in that generation. I was 13 when he was drafted), but the role of him as a father in the next stage of life with his daughter was just coming into the public eye more prominently. Man this one hurts, I just texted someone that I’m feeling the weight of it... heavy.
My wife and I were sharing an update about our sports ministry responsibilities this morning at church with the congregation, we touched on how influential sports is and how athletes are viewed as heroes in our culture and around the world (and the need for God/Jesus in that)... basically at the same time this was happening.

I’ve always been a Kobe “hater”... I “chose” to be an Allen Iverson guy and rode with him (still do, my favorite player ever), but you would be an absolute fool if you did not value Kobe’s skill, drive, athleticism, etc.

Not only was an NBA building block (for many of us in that generation. I was 13 when he was drafted), but the role of him as a father in the next stage of life with his daughter was just coming into the public eye more prominently. Man this one hurts, I just texted someone that I’m feeling the weight of it... heavy.

AI vs. Kobe was a popular argument in the late 90s-early 00s. Kobe vs. TMac was a good one briefly too. Miss those days.
Bill burr is always yammering away about his helicopter piloting .. I hope reconsiders After this ... only fly with pro pilots please .

this makes me sick to my stomach .. that poor family ..kobe dying is tragic enough .. but his daughter dying makes it horrific..

we all grow up living with the unspoken knowledge that we expect to see our parents pass at some point and we deal with it.. some get 80 years with their parents .. some get 8 minutes

But losing the 13 year old daughter really makes this an entire new level of pain ...

One of my first thoughts was Freckles' obsession with helicopters & that I hope he finds another hobby. His wife, Nina, might've had a conversation with him. He clearly adores his 3-year-old girl.

After the initial shock wore off, my thoughts actually went to Bill Burr too. Some of his favorite topics are helicopters, Boston/LA sports rivalries, and being a father. I’m really interested in hearing his podcast tomorrow.

With the way he keeps quitting everything that could take away time with his daughter, you gotta think he stops flying.
I hope he grounds himself, too, for the sake of his wife, Nina, & 3-year-old girl, Lola. A Nina tweet tonight during the Grammys.

It’s heartbreaking that Kobe will never get to give a HOF Speech.

Thankfully, he was able to give us “Dear Basketball”.

Word to the wise... don’t watch that tonight.

(sobbing uncontrollably)

Doin Work too!

Man, I ordered WWE network and am watching Royal Rumble just because I can’t deal with any Kobe stuff on TV right now and needed something mindless to watch. Can’t handle basic news reports, let alone Doin Work or Dear Basketball right now.
Saw another person who died, his assistant coach. She leaves behind a husband and kids...
AI vs. Kobe was a popular argument in the late 90s-early 00s. Kobe vs. TMac was a good one briefly too. Miss those days.

Vince vs Kobe for a brief time as well, in Carter's second and third seasons.

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