On the latter: doubtful. I bet a large percentage of them were getting score alerts on their phones, and/or follow 'Cuse related accounts on Twitter and Instagram. They know what's going on.
On the former, the curse of numbers strikes again. At the huge state schools you can have thousands of kids partying during the game and not going into the stadium while a separate set of thousands go to the game, and thus there's no attendance issue. SU's enrollment is tiny compared to all but a handful of P5 schools, so if kids don't go it's instantly noticeable.
Either way, its not like this is a student-only phenomena. How many times have I read here about people bemoaning CNY locals who go to bars, or other people's houses, to watch home games, instead of trekking to the Dome? A: a lot.
Students can do what they want. It's up to the program to make attending the game compelling. We're not there yet.