One article says that Tomaselli was die hard kansas fan and he was extremely angry that Syracuse beat his team in the title game in '03. Basically he hated us.2 Things
1. Didn't Zach Tomaselli win biggest fan when he was in high school?
2. If Tomaselli was a Syracuse fan I can't even imagine what he would have accused Keith Smart of.
I was told (solid source) that a former basketball player had posted a series of videos on youtube, that consisted mostly of a holiday meal at the Fine's home. (The fine's had hosted a meal for several players during a holiday break)
Zach watched these videos and used them for references.
Youtube has since removed the videos.
The only part that needs to be looked at with skepticism is whether BD told him what to say. His original story was full of holes from day 1.
Bingo.We may never know what was said between Bobby Davis and Zach Tomaselli. I'm sure Mark Schwarz didn't listen in.
However, we know Mark Schwarz put Zach Tomaselli in touch with Bobby Davis. Why would he do that. Because he saw an opportunity to move the story to a higher level in the media.
Putting ZT in touch with BD indicates to me that Schwarz thought ZT was FOS. It may also indicate that he doesn't quite believe BD. Maybe Schwarz hopes BD will coach ZT on the details of his story. So, the two of them could get their story straight before ZT spoke with the police. Then Schwarz pushes ZT to the Post Standard to "break" the story and files his story immediately after so ESPN gets the national exposure before the Post Standard story propagates on the web.
Weren't those just of the kitchen/dining room area? Pretty limited views of the house particularly if any abuse was supposed to be committed there. It doesn't seem that descriptions of the kitchen/dining room would be enough.
This quote blows my mind - Davis said to me, 'you know Mike Lang? I helped him with his story and look where he is now.'
I doubt the Feds cared that much about his veracity. He was a live body and he was enough to get a warrant.Apparently, his descriptions were used as proof (lie) that Zach had been to Bernie's home.
One article says that Tomaselli was die hard kansas fan and he was extremely angry that Syracuse beat his team in the title game in '03. Basically he hated us.
Here you go ...Does someone have a link to an article that says that Tomaselli accurately described Fine's house?
Thanks, hopefully this is being investigated thoroughly.Here you go ...
Wonder if Rose Ryan will face charges for filing a false affidavit.