Travel pet peeves from today's ESPN CBB blog... | Page 2 |

Travel pet peeves from today's ESPN CBB blog...

When traveling to Europe for work...

Getting stuck in an aisle seat near a coach bathroom. Europeans seem to think its ok to just hangout near the bathroom and strike up conversations with people on a redeye.

The people who get up to use the bathroom during the final approach. It has happened every time I'm flying. Sit down and hold it.

Having to listen to the flight attendant shpiel in four languages because they won't turn on the inflight entertainment in the head rests until its done.

Going through customs and people are fumbling around to find their passport at the officer's desk.

Many, many more as well
I hate it when the some of the unwashed masses from coach sneak into 1st class to use our bathroom. I also hate those people in 1st class that act like they are better than everyone else. I am a self-loathing eliteist!

Oh yeah, and standing on the moving walkway is total horse S#@t!!! Some people are actually in an airports because they have somewhere to be. Not to relax and leisurely take in the sights of a crowded metropolitan airport at 0.5 mph. The only thing worse than standers on walkways are the people that barely move at all. They move just enough so you can't get past them and slow everyone else down. They should place cops at the end of moving walkways to give those d-bags citations!

I am not sure where all of this rage suddenly came from.

God how I wish I could fall asleep on planes. Flight home from Puerto Rico last year that left at 5 a.m. Was out drinking till 2 a.m. and slept for about an hour before I had to get up. Was wide awake the whole damn 4 hour flight home.

Nyquil brotha. Learned my lesson on a flight to Korea.. Wide awake for 14 hours.
Wow! My travel week: on the road at 6:30 to drive to Buffalo to save travel time and a few $hundred. Incoming plane cancelled, wind ip leaving at 2, not 10. Hour delay in Cleveland. Arrive Dallas 9:30 central time.
Todays flight out by US Air at 8:30 cancelled. Bumped to Delta. On plane to leave at 9:30. Deplane at 11:00 due to mechanical issues. In line trying to get home. Just saw Steve Martin and John Candy, I swear.

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Still in Dallas, but hopefully taking off soon

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Ever notice that 80% of the people that show up for the middle seat are like 100 lbs. overweight? It's almost like the airlines somehow know who the fatties are and assign them a middle seat.

That's because 80% of the people in the country are overweight.
Nyquil brotha. Learned my lesson on a flight to Korea.. Wide awake for 14 hours.

I've never been on a flight 8 hours-plus, but you better believe that will definitely be my solution when I do.
Ever notice that 80% of the people that show up for the middle seat are like 100 lbs. overweight? It's almost like the airlines somehow know who the fatties are and assign them a middle seat.

Would help if the seats were designed for the average man and not men that are Tom Cruise height. Always sucks getting three 6' tall dudes in a row because not only do their legs not fit but neither do their shoulders.
1. Unruly, incorrigible children with parents who don't bother to control them. I've had a little girl kick me repeatedly, and just stare. Each time, daring me to say/do something. Her mother stopped her a few times, but not often enough.
2. No problems with people standing on motorwalkways if they're far enough to the right to pass.
3. I've never heard/smelled a fart on an aircraft!
4. People should be forbidden from bringing hot food onto planes. The worst is if there's a KFC or McDonald's in the terminal.
5. Seats are getting closer and closer together. I no longer fit in a coach seat. A few times, on 10-12 hour flights to South America, i had to decline meals because with the tray down, i had no room to move my arms. Couldn't eat. Didn't fit in the seat with the person in front reclined without turning completely sideways and using the seat next to me. I'm (only) 6'3". It's ridiculous.
6. Business Class is amazing. The warm chocolate chip cookie is worth the extra thousand dollars.
7. I hate people who act as if they're somehow special or elite because they're taking a plane trip. Like they're big pimpin' or some such. Gotta have that cell phone/bluetooth piece goin', to show they're a mover and shaker.
8. I also hate that plane travel is so casual now. It used to be that people dressed to travel. Now, people look like they just came back from the pool. Sloppy. Sweatpants and flipflops... I hate people who take their shoes off and aren't wearing socks. Or the douchebags who feel like, if there's a carpeted wall/bulkhead in front of them, they HAVE to put their feet on it. It's their right, damnit!
Nyquil brotha. Learned my lesson on a flight to Korea.. Wide awake for 14 hours.

Ambien. It's the bomb. After the second of my 25+ 12 hour flights to Brazil, Argentina, etc, i gave up on the OTC stuff. Ambien puts you to sleep smoothly, and when you wake, there's no residual effect. Clean.
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Ambien. It's the bomb. After the second of my 25+ 12 hour flights to Brazil, Argentina, etc, i gave up on the OTC stuff. Ambien puts you to sleep smoothly, and when you wake, there's no residual effect. Clean.
Absolutely. If I am taking an overnight flight, I take an Ambien right before the cabin lights are dimmed. I sleep so well... that I normally sleep through breakfast and don't wake up until plane begins final approach. Only way to deal with those long flights.
8. I also hate that plane travel is so casual now. It used to be that people dressed to travel. Now, people look like they just came back from the pool. Sloppy. Sweatpants and flipflops
This gets me. I don't wear a suit & tie when flying, but I do dress like I'm going to the office. And while I'm not a huge germophobe or get skeezed out by people ... fer crissakes wear long pants and shoes on a goddamn flight. Not shorts and flip flops. The reverse is that you don't need to wear your logger boots with 16 eyelets, that take 20 minutes to get off and on, either.

And gate lice irritate me. I don't fly nearly as often as I used to so I don't have any status anymore, but when your boarding pass says 4, don't pile up near the gate with your obese family thinking you're going to get an overhead bin because you weren't going to pay $$$ to check that monstrous bag of yours.

Coming back from somwhere, I don't even remember, this asian couple who feigned that they didn't understand a lick of english (plausible deniability) had crammed in two huge duffels and a suitcase into their seats and were literally squashed up with their knees up to their chests. The flight attendent had a meltdown when she saw them on the packed flight. I couldn't understand why the gate agent had let them board with those duffel bags.
People who bring their hot smelly food on the plane. Nothing like sitting next to some clown eating an airport cheesesteak

Dudes in ballcaps and flipflops. Grow up.
1) Rude people
2) People wandering around a terminal staring at their phones/talking on thier phones weaving side to side when you are booking trying to make a tight connection.
3) Dweebs on planes sitting 7 rows apart and talking on walkie talkies. This has actually happened to me 5 times now. If I had a firearm I would be in prison
4) People who don't travel often. These are the folks who take 20 mins to try and fit the gigantic bag into the overhead which you can tell in one glance ain't going in there and holding up the entire boarding process
5) The fake wheelchair people cutting the line then walking onto the plane with no problem as soon as they get there
6) Excessive talkers. I really do not need to know that your ex-husband never put down the seat, rarely flossed and had a thing for pink feather boas.

Ambien is the bomb with one caveat. You will pass out and likely sleep in a strange contorted position only to wake up with a screaming nechache that won't go away. Ask me how I know this......
This gets me. I don't wear a suit & tie when flying, but I do dress like I'm going to the office. And while I'm not a huge germophobe or get skeezed out by people ... fer crissakes wear long pants and shoes on a goddamn flight. Not shorts and flip flops. The reverse is that you don't need to wear your logger boots with 16 eyelets, that take 20 minutes to get off and on, either.

And gate lice irritate me. I don't fly nearly as often as I used to so I don't have any status anymore, but when your boarding pass says 4, don't pile up near the gate with your obese family thinking you're going to get an overhead bin because you weren't going to pay $$$ to check that monstrous bag of yours.

Coming back from somwhere, I don't even remember, this asian couple who feigned that they didn't understand a lick of english (plausible deniability) had crammed in two huge duffels and a suitcase into their seats and were literally squashed up with their knees up to their chests. The flight attendent had a meltdown when she saw them on the packed flight. I couldn't understand why the gate agent had let them board with those duffel bags.

Damn, I'm not even allowed to wear shorts on a plane now?
On Amtrak along the Northeast Corridor, the Quiet Car is the the best invention since the E-Z Pass. I just love bitch slapping people who violate the Quiet Car Code. I had to do it coming back from Philly this past Saturday with VAOrange.
While I have experienced a person in a wheelchair that I seriously questioned, there can be other reasons.
My dad would be in a wheel chair up to the cabin and then walk down the aisle holding the seatbacks. But there was no way that he could have walked the length of a jetway.
People who suddenly can't count from 1-20, forget the alphabet from A-G, and can't find the right seat.
On Amtrak along the Northeast Corridor, the Quiet Car is the the best invention since the E-Z Pass. I just love bitch slapping people who violate the Quiet Car Code. I had to do it coming back from Philly this past Saturday with VAOrange.
I sat in the quiet car not realizing it. One lady took it upon herself to be the quiet car nazi.
I sat in the quiet car not realizing it. One lady took it upon herself to be the quiet car nazi.
That was no lady, that was Bill Orange.

I have no beef with people standing on the walkway as long as they are to the right.

If you're wearing shorts and flip flops on a plane, you better be going to Orlando or the Caribbean.

I hate being in security behind the guy/gal/family that never travels, knowing that the line is going to come to a screeching halt because they have liquids in their bag, or a laptop, or think they probably don't need to take off the spiked heavy metal belt.
For 3 years I traveled overseas to Dubai just about every other month...a Lunesta and a neat Scotch and I'm sleeping liking a baby. British Airways is good...but you haven't flown until you get on Air Emirates Business or First Class!
I always check most of my bags. Could never understand lugging around heavy bags all over an airport.

I stand on the walkway. But always to the right. Walk around and don't bitch. Unless you have a tight connection, don't rush, life is too short.

Eat your damn food before you get on the plane, you disgusting people.

Don't recline your chair into my lap. You'll be getting my knees in your back.

Wear whatever you want, just don't smell.

And don't use your toothbrush or nail clippers next to me, I'll tell you what I think of you.

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