Travel pet peeves from today's ESPN CBB blog... | Page 4 |

Travel pet peeves from today's ESPN CBB blog...

Never used the can on a plane? Ive laid a ton of cable in planes. And at the dome. And a thruway rest stop. I dont even lay paper on the seat.

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So, I guess you aren't really full of s--t!
I did a three-leg round trip from Denver to Orlando to Syracuse the week before Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful time in Orlando, only to get to the airport for the Syracuse leg to find that the airline I was scheduled to fly on had gone bankrupt and had ceases operations while I was in Florida. American Airlines was now routing me through O'Hare on the day before Thanksgiving. With one thing or another, I ended up getting into Syracuse at 4am. My mother was not amused. The bonus was that it enabled me to see a night launch of the space shuttle...which is spectacular even from 50 miles away.
I did a three-leg round trip from Denver to Orlando to Syracuse the week before Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful time in Orlando, only to get to the airport for the Syracuse leg to find that the airline I was scheduled to fly on had gone bankrupt and had ceases operations while I was in Florida. American Airlines was now routing me through O'Hare on the day before Thanksgiving. With one thing or another, I ended up getting into Syracuse at 4am. My mother was not amused. The bonus was that it enabled me to see a night launch of the space shuttle...which is spectacular even from 50 miles away.

Denver to Syracuse via Orlando? Jeebus..might as well just walk from Denver to Cuse...
A pet peeve is the people who board before you and insist on shoving their carry-on in the first open spot they see, even though their seat is in the back of the plane somewhere. Then, even when you're the first person in your isle to arrive at your seat, the overhead bin is already full. If you're lucky, there's room elsewhere, but it usually results in real stuff show when it comes time to deplane and your carry-on is like 10 rows behind your seat. Plus, it makes me uneasy if you have valuables in your carry on and can't easily keep an eye on it.
A pet peeve is the people who board before you and insist on shoving their carry-on in the first open spot they see, even though their seat is in the back of the plane somewhere. Then, even when you're the first person in your isle to arrive at your seat, the overhead bin is already full. If you're lucky, there's room elsewhere, but it usually results in real stuff show when it comes time to deplane and your carry-on is like 10 rows behind your seat. Plus, it makes me uneasy if you have valuables in your carry on and can't easily keep an eye on it.
On some flights, flight attendants have gotten wise to people who do this, and firmly ask passengers to take their luggage back to where their seats are. I think it should be SOP for all flights. I fly JetBlue a lot and pay the extra bucks for a seat at the front of the plane (mainly to be able to get on and off the plane first). I get seriously annoyed by people from Row 22 who put their stuff in MY overhead bin (which I have PAID a premium for).
Never used the can on a plane? Ive laid a ton of cable in planes. And at the dome. And a thruway rest stop. I dont even lay paper on the seat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That sounds eerily familiar. I had a 20 minute drive home last night from dinner with the Mrs. and I had to stop at Dunkin Donuts AND a gas station on the way home. I guarantee those two old ladies will never again sit that close to the bathroom in Dunkin when the rest of the tables are open.
a variation on the overhead bin theme, but I lose faith in humanity when I watch people try to figure out that "wheels first" will assure that their luggage will fit better and also enable others to fit their bags. You'd think it was the Manhattan project watching people trying to make it work. And this is WITH signage on every bin. The cherry on the top is when the attendent enables this behavior by fitting things around the improperly stowed luggage instead of fixing/messaging how it should work. How else will people learn?

People who aren't aware of their coughing, sniffling and similar body noises drive me nuts.

People who have to be told to turn off their electronics well after the instruction has been messaged piss me off.

Parents who don't put the effort into controlling their kids should be ejected into the sky. kids will be kids and it's not always a battle you can win...but you should have prepared a plan and your #1 job should be making sure those kids don't ruin everybody else's time. I judge effort more than results. Placating your kid with m&ms 10 minutes into a 6 hour flight does NOT count as effort.
On Amtrak along the Northeast Corridor, the Quiet Car is the the best invention since the E-Z Pass. I just love bitch slapping people who violate the Quiet Car Code. I had to do it coming back from Philly this past Saturday with VAOrange.

How airlines (and non-Northeast Amtrak routes) haven't picked up on this is beyond me. There must be demand - there are enough people who are disgusted by the atmosphere on planes.

One negative about the Quiet Car: it has ruined me for all other modes of travel.
Cherie, that's the hardest I've laughed in some time.

Sadly, that laughter just made quite a commotion in the law library. Guess that's what I get for reading messageboards instead of getting work done.
Those who remove their shoes. Whether socked or bare footed. Male or female. More comfortable shoeless? No s#%t! You aren't in your living room.
By far my worst flight was in November 0f 2001, shortly after 9/11. I flew down to Florida from Syracuse with a group for a wedding, and was flying home alone as I had to return a day earlier than the rest.

I woke up the morning of my flight home, which was on American Airlines, and turned on the TV. Flashing news story - an American Airlines Airbus had crashed in Queens and terrorism was suspected.

Drove to the airport an hour later, still not knowing what had happened. Boarded the flight, the crew had a moment of silence for the loss of their counterparts, and the entire plane was just scared sh!tless.

Took a connecting flight through Chicago I believe, and it wasn't until I arrived home that we found out the crash was not terrorism. Never been afraid of flying but I was a mess that day.
Air travel just sucks in general. A lot of it is due to the cramping of the seats and airlines trying to wring every dollar out of their routes (granted, it does keep fares down, but if I'm flying business I can spend more but I still can't justify business class). But still it's amazing the number of people who think they are in their living room.
By far my worst flight was in November 0f 2001, shortly after 9/11. I flew down to Florida from Syracuse with a group for a wedding, and was flying home alone as I had to return a day earlier than the rest.

I woke up the morning of my flight home, which was on American Airlines, and turned on the TV. Flashing news story - an American Airlines Airbus had crashed in Queens and terrorism was suspected.

Drove to the airport an hour later, still not knowing what had happened. Boarded the flight, the crew had a moment of silence for the loss of their counterparts, and the entire plane was just scared sh!tless.

Took a connecting flight through Chicago I believe, and it wasn't until I arrived home that we found out the crash was not terrorism. Never been afraid of flying but I was a mess that day.
I remember this, by the beach, not far from the Rockaways in Queens?

I worked not even 2 blocks from the Trade Center, was coming in very late for work and got lucky to hail a cab and get across the Williamsburgh bridge on 911. Too many messed up stories due to the proximity of my office, but I remember being so angry when I got back into Queens, I punched the crap out of a Stop Sign. I guess I thought he was a terrorist. Still, if it's possible to ever mess up a Stop Sign, he got knocked the funk out.
Not much that bothers me, a lot of self-righteousness here. I can't even wear shorts without annoying someone? I'm a tall guy with big legs so wearing pants for 8 hours crunched up in an airplane seat isn't ideal, basketball shorts are perfect for my own comfort. I can see the flip flop thing, I don't want to smell or see anyone's nasty feet.
Along with bombs and chemicals, deviled eggs should also be banned from flights. I am continuously near someone with prepared eggs on board.
Along with bombs and chemicals, deviled eggs should also be banned from flights. I am continuously near someone with prepared eggs on board.
I like eggs, but is that purposeful, people bringing stinky eggs on as a meal to annoy with the smell? Everyone knows the smell of a hard-boiled egg, and no matter how much you like em', if you're not the one eating them, it's stinky!
1) I cant stand the people who rush up to the front of the gate the second they say they are boarding priority members. Most of the time they are just blocking the way for people with status on the damn flight. Do they realize the whole process would go faster if they just stepped aside?

2) If the flight is very full, put your luggage in the right way - wheels first, not sideways. And dont look at me all pissy when I moved your coat that you spread out on the overhead bin so I can actually put my luggage up there.

3) People in security lines - is this your first rodeo? is it too much to ask that you're kind of prepared before you get to the conveyor belt? if you've got a jacket on, put your wallet/keys/etc. in there since that has to go through the scanner anyway.

4) Jetstar (an australian local carrier) is shitty about its bags, I think they only allow a maximum of 10kgs combined for both carry-on's and threatened to charge us $70 each to check the bags, meanwhile compared to US standards our carry-on's were pretty small (we did 3 weeks in NZ and OZ with just 2 carry-on bags each). To top it off we get on the plane and there's TONS of space in the overhead compartment.

I'll say this much, I love those lounges. I'd often get bumped up to business class when flying from newark to bermuda (I lived in nyc and fiance lived in Bermuda, dont ask why i ever moved from that island to be in NY... luckily I no longer live there now) so I got the continental/united lounge for free. The friday flights were usually around 11am and I'd get there early to get drunk on bloody mary's, then jack and cokes the whole way for the flight. Needless to say my fiance didnt appreciate a 175lb drunk on the back of her scooter.
Coming back from trade show in Dallas yesterday and I have to listen to the comedian flight attendant. After 3 days of standing on a show floor, all I wanted to do was sleep and he had his big yap going the entire time. Non stop quips handing out drinks, dropping the 'big guy' and 'boss' to everyone.
Coming back from trade show in Dallas yesterday and I have to listen to the comedian flight attendant. After 3 days of standing on a show floor, all I wanted to do was sleep and he had his big yap going the entire time. Non stop quips handing out drinks, dropping the 'big guy' and 'boss' to everyone.

Id beg for this, compared to the usual bitter nasties i get on the east west American flights
Biggest pet peeve. Going through security in uniform with my whole squad, and they make us take our boots off, belt off, tags off. I'm in uniform.. I dont have a knife in my boots. Now we are holding up the line as we take everything off.

Big ups to the USOs around the country tho.. If you ever have alot of free time.. Go spend a few hours helping out at one. They have made some rough trips so much easier.
I used to travel with a soft case for my golf clubs. I sat and watched the luggage loaded onto the plane, and never saw my clubs. About 5 minutes before takeoff i see this guy running towards the plane dragging my bag behind him. Suddenly the bag rips open, the clubs are on the ground, and the guy looks left then right, assumes nobody saw it, throws the clubs back in the case does absolutely nothing to plug the hole. I decided to wait until i got to my destination and the airline claimed my clubs were redirected and would deliver the clubs to my hotel. 24 hours later i recieved 7 of my 13 clubs and a brand new case. Needless to say i have new clubs courtesy of the airline, and a hard case.

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