Triche-- get a shrink-OR- get me one! |

Triche-- get a shrink-OR- get me one!



He is so frustrating. No insticts. thinks way to much. Love the kid and is the type of program player every program needs.

He looks like a stud and plays like a dud.

I 'd love to see him explode alla the N.Car. game in msg were he tried to dunk on them (though he missed) but least he tried.

Has no aggression. Needs a little Edelin for the feel and a little Baron Davis explosion to his game. Maybe he can jump but has poor body control. He is such an impressive specimen but man!

He needs to draw contact . Why is he so scared to dish out the contact.

I am so frustrated with him!
He really is a bizarre player to watch. Looks like a friggin monster, probably one of the most jacked guards I've ever seen. Has talent, we know this. However, he shoots threes like someone who just picked up a basketball, he tries to dunk on people but I've never seen him actually do it and whenever he makes a mistake he does this slow motion shrug-step. No idea what to make of him.
Jacked but doesn't use it. If I had he body I would play 10 hours a day and love every minute of it. Triche has no fun playing the game
He's aiming on his jumpshots. Not a good sign. He's consistently crooked or leaning even when he's all alone.

He had some real big games last year, hopefully he can again this year. I think consistency will continue to elude him but thankfully Waiters is looking like a reliable option on BT's off nights.
The problem is the upstate folks pimpin this kid too much. He was never going to be a star here. He's an average college guard...and we should accept it and move on. JB is doing him a disservice by starting him. He's just not starter quality.
anyone who thinks he is the best player on this team like Bilas said is comical
and jaded
good grief!!!!
enuf with the head hangin'. dude mopes around like charlie brown after lucy yanks the ball away. he needs to get nasty and give that b###tch the knuckles next time she tries that trick. that my 5 cents of advice.
I'd be happy if we could have a hybrid of Triche and Dion. One's too hesitant, the other plays 1 vs 5.
Personally I think he has lost his identity not having the rock in his hands. I don't think he is a natural 2.
All he needs to do is try to make contact and he could live on the foul line. Too bad he tries to avoid contact.
Prediction...just wait...we are down on him...of course 9 pts, 7 boards and good defense isnt enough...if he shot 2 for 5 instead of 3 for 10 we would say he doesnt shoot enough...if he gets 7 boards its because he followed his own shot...geez, kinda wish everyone what happens when he is 6 for 10 has 15 pts 5 assts...and will we say not that good...he is good otherwise JB would not play him...
If we go after anyone after game one try Scoop...2 assts from PG, 3 TOs and some points...c'mon...lets give the guards a few more games...if Dion had missed two of his shots he would have had the same point total as Triche without the boards, without the calm down guys...lets just see who is playing better 10 games from now
The Triche Vs Waiters thing is goofy. It's like people stake their claim and whenever one or the other plays well, or sucks, we get the fanboys out.

Both have been inconsistent. Both have had a few good games. Triche had a better freshman season. Waiters looked better yesterday than Triche has so far this year.

Honestly I don't know which one will turn out to be a better college player. I'll just wait and see. Hope they both blossom.
The Triche Vs Waiters thing is goofy. It's like people stake their claim and whenever one or the other plays well, or sucks, we get the fanboys out.

Both have been inconsistent. Both have had a few good games. Triche had a better freshman season. Waiters looked better yesterday than Triche has so far this year.

Honestly I don't know which one will turn out to be a better college player. I'll just wait and see. Hope they both blossom.
Have to expect this debate -- they both play SG; will be interesting to see who plays in key parts of tight games. In his usual rotation, JB would ride his best horses most of the second half -- will he mix that up at SG?
At this point, it looks like Triche has the same game as last year; while Dion is on the upswing both in scoring and in being a good teammate. Can't say either has terrific form on his outside shot; Dion looks more dangerous slashing to the hoop. Both contribute on defense.
Have to expect this debate -- they both play SG; will be interesting to see who plays in key parts of tight games. In his usual rotation, JB would ride his best horses most of the second half -- will he mix that up at SG?
At this point, it looks like Triche has the same game as last year; while Dion is on the upswing both in scoring and in being a good teammate. Can't say either has terrific form on his outside shot; Dion looks more dangerous slashing to the hoop. Both contribute on defense.

This is probably going to be the most frustrating part of their games throughout the year. Dion has awkward form and really throws up a rainbow, BT is leaning into his shots. They're both going to have games where they hit a high percentage, but I would be shocked if either one can stay at/around/above 40% this year. 32-34% again this year is probably where they'll finish.
On a positive note, KJ showed great form on two outside shots against Fordham, and CJ also looks much improved. For Dion and BT, other players need to be looking to rebound the misses.
Liked your topic headline so much I had to give you a like for the post.
I'd be happy if we could have a hybrid of Triche and Dion. One's too hesitant, the other plays 1 vs 5.

Yeah, well I hate to disappoint but Mr. 1 vs. 5 has also had some pretty assists and I don't know if he's even turned the ball over once so far.
He really is a bizarre player to watch. Looks like a friggin monster, probably one of the most jacked guards I've ever seen.

I had this picutre before. He reminds me of Blake for some reason.
As I put in my other posts, I think we should consider moving him to PG. He has energy, has a motor, experience at Point that MCW doesn't have this year, and could be good at guarding a PG as a upperclassmen. MCW can move to SG and show some point forward skills there.

Take the pressure of scoring off him some let him use channel his energy mentally calling plays and setting them up with some nice court vision to calm him down. Take the pressure of him having to score more then 9 a game off of him and see what he can do.
He would abuse smaller 6'0 pg's in the lane.

He has no passion to his game. Its one thing to maintain an "even keel", but when was the last time Brandon willed the team to a victory?
I keep looking back on that game at WVU his freshman year, where Brandon Triche carried that squad to a win...he was unstoppable in the last few minutes. Sadly, we haven't seen THAT Brandon Triche again.
If we ever do, then I believe this team goes to the next level.
Yeah, well I hate to disappoint but Mr. 1 vs. 5 has also had some pretty assists and I don't know if he's even turned the ball over once so far.

He has.
JB is trying rotation and; lets see Triche at PG with MCW or Dion as 2-guard...see what happens...the good news is we have 4 guards who can play...on any given day...blah, blah...lets wait a few games and then chime in with our views
I love people who complain about people debating who should start, etc. Yes, let's table this discussion and get back to each other in a month. That's why these forums exist. Can we tell anything definitive right now? No, but we can infer.

BT looks the same. They often say there is a huge jump from freshman to sophomore year. The initial eye test? Looks like Waiters has improved.

Every summer I hear about how Triche is tearing up summer league ball, dropping 50, and in the gym every day. That's great. But playing for Brooklyn Pickle in CNY isn't exactly Rucker Park. So far, he looks the same. Yes all that could change very quickly and I hope it does and I'll gladly be wrong.

The PG thing is interesting. He was the starting PG for the #1 ranked team in the country as a frosh, a team that many of us thought was a quad tear away from a NC. Is he out of position at SG? What are his flaws as a PG?
JB is trying rotation and; lets see Triche at PG with MCW or Dion as 2-guard...see what happens...the good news is we have 4 guards who can play...on any given day...blah, blah...lets wait a few games and then chime in with our views
Seriously, the PGs are Scoop and MCW, except for a couple of minutes each game when Dion and BT are paired; even then, I want BT as the off-guard looking to spot-up or drive or finish when Scoop sets him up. Triche needs to get over the idea of being a PG and make the most of what he can do. And, I like Triche as a hard-working guard, who will often get 10 plus points and may on occasion get on a hot streak.
he's just not that good but we like his high school and his last name. i don't know why su needs to wait so long for guys to develop when they have so many players. maybe we won't this year, will wait and see. but i was not happy at all with the first few minutes of the game between scoop and triche.
Could someone tell me what Triche does at a high level? I'm not a savvy basketball analyst. Why is he considered so good and the lock/stock starter? Looking at his game tape, or looking at his numbers..none of it looks very good. What am I missing that the coaching staff sees?

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