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Tyrell Richards

Just recruit them. What people think we do & what "we do" are two different things.
Get somebody who's not afraid of a real inner city kid to recruit them.

It's real bad when a high school kid says "that coach is a meow"; "he acts like he's scared of "N word."

You can say what you want, but those kids see right through that BS.
I’m excited for Bear to rip it up this season!! Been a while!
Just recruit them. What people think we do & what "we do" are two different things.
Get somebody who's not afraid of a real inner city kid to recruit them.

It's real bad when a high school kid says "that coach is a meow"; "he acts like he's scared of "N word."

You can say what you want, but those kids see right through that BS.
Interesting. So you’re saying if a coach comes in and acts or shows the perception of understanding inner city Miami he has a chance of getting a top talent player and if not it doesn’t matter what else the potential college offers for future life endeavors?
And if it’s a white recruiting coach how is that perceived?
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You make light of driving while impaired? I sure don't. I don't want to be on the road with anyone on drugs and speeding. They have a much better chance to hurt me or a member of my family than almost any other criminal out there.
I don't wish to make light of it. I was aiming a small amount of hometown ire at the Manlius Police department. In a "you guys ruin everything" kind of way. I think it was just poorly expressed.
Interesting. So you’re saying if a coach comes in and acts or shows the perception of understanding inner city Miami he has a chance of getting a top talent player and if not it doesn’t matter what else the potential college offers for future life endeavors?
And if it’s a white recruiting coach how is that perceived?
Color has Nothing to do with it. It's about being REAL.
Jimbo, Saban, Satterfield, Myers, etc. Even a few coaches who have a DEEP SOUTHERN "TWANG" can get what they want & do because they are REAL.

Kids are committing to the COACH WHO RECRUITS them. Kids are NOT commiting to a school.
Kids can perceive if a coach is "fake." It's the level of "Realness" within the recruiter.

Just like when you meet someone and you can tell if they are "vibing" with you or not.
Color doesn't have Jack to do with it.
You cannot have a soft coach recruit a tough player. PERIOD
In fact, all you have to do is look at the players on the offer list of each school and it personifies their self perception of what they can get.

For example, Tutu Atwell/Miami Northwestern (the receiver from Louisville who torched us and the rest of the ACC and we'll be torturing our azz again) wanted to come to Syracuse, but we didn't even recruit him!

We list their players (Dade County) but we don't really try to get those guys. It's a carbon copy situation with Miami Central - we may list a player or two on our offer sheet...but they really don't talk to those guys.
As a matter of fact I spoke with the KEY PERSON this past weekend and several coaches over drinks who decides where half of those players go and he told me personally; "McKinley man Syracuse ain't trying to get s#it from here. They want those soft azz players."
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I don't wish to make light of it. I was aiming a small amount of hometown ire at the Manlius Police department. In a "you guys ruin everything" kind of way. I think it was just poorly expressed.
I’m excited for Bear to rip it up this season!! Been a while!
As Bizarre as this may sound. This season can't end fast enough for me.

I'm focused on the 2022 Recruiting Class!!!!!

Thanks 4 supporting Bear though!
I’m excited for Bear to rip it up this season!! Been a while!
You make light of driving while impaired? I sure don't. I don't want to be on the road with anyone on drugs and speeding. They have a much better chance to hurt me or a member of my family than almost any other criminal out there.

I don't disagree with your premise but if you feel strongly about avoiding this class of people (those who drink and drive) I strongly suggest you stay away from the Dome on game days. The amount of drinking and driving happening there is substantial its just not policed.
Yeah if we took a poll of everyone who posts on this site I feel pretty confident that over 90% of us would admit to driving once or twice at a minimum when we probably shouldn’t have. With at least 50% happening in our teenage years. Sometimes there is a “holier than thou” attitude around here. Yes we don’t want people like that on the road. Call Uber in this day and age. That kinda goes without saying. Hopefully like most of us he will learn not to do that with maturity.
Color has Nothing to do with it. It's about being REAL.
Jimbo, Saban, Satterfield, Myers, etc. Even a few coaches who have a DEEP SOUTHERN "TWANG" can get what they want & do because they are REAL.

Kids are committing to the COACH WHO RECRUITS them. Kids are NOT commiting to a school.
Kids can perceive if a coach is "fake." It's the level of "Realness" within the recruiter.

Just like when you meet someone and you can tell if they are "vibing" with you or not.
Color doesn't have Jack to do with it.
You cannot have a soft coach recruit a tough player. PERIOD
In fact, all you have to do is look at the players on the offer list of each school and it personifies their self perception of what they can get.

For example, Tutu Atwell/Miami Northwestern (the receiver from Louisville who torched us and the rest of the ACC and we'll be torturing our azz again) wanted to come to Syracuse, but we didn't even recruit him!

We list their players (Dade County) but we don't really try to get those guys. It's a carbon copy situation with Miami Central - we may list a player or two on our offer sheet...but they really don't talk to those guys.
As a matter of fact I spoke with the KEY PERSON this past weekend and several coaches over drinks who decides where half of those players go and he told me personally; "McKinley man Syracuse ain't trying to get s#it from here. They want those soft azz players."

We didn't want Tutu Atwell?! Please tell me at that time, there was a very good reason for that.
I will explain the process for DWI drugs to you all.

When you approach a vehicle and the driver appears impaired, you treat it the same way whether it is alcohol or drugs. I am sure the majority of you are familiar with standardized field sobriety testing. Even if you do not have the odor of an alcoholic beverage, you still perform these tests if there are obvious signs of impairment.

If the operator of the vehicle fails these tests ie there are enough clues to point to impairment, you typically ask them to blow into a field alco sensor. In these instances if the individual is not drunk, they will typically oblige without an issue. Remember at this point they have already failed the fields, so you know they are impaired (unless there is a medical issue such as diabetes complications).

If the field alco sensor gives a reading of 0%, you can rule out the alcohol. So at this point you have enough evidence to reasonably assume they are under the influence of drugs (erratic operation, maybe bloodshot eyes or pinpoint pupils, and failed sobriety tests). The next step is to call in a drug recognition expert. These are police officers who have gone through additional and extensive training to detect the presence of drugs. You bring the individual back to the station and the DRE will perform tests for you. Again, these guys are experts who are constantly tested and have to maintain a standard of accuracy or they lose their designation.

The DRE will perform a number of tests including further eye examinations, blood pressure, etc. At some point a sample is collected to send to a lab for confirmation. In some instances there is a medical reason for the erratic operation and failed tests, they can typically figure that out with ease and seek medical help for the individual.

In today's environment of cop hating, many cops do not feel it is the right thing to just provide rides to people. It is a huge liability issue for the officer and department. You can take someone home, that does not stop them from jumping in another vehicle and driving or returning to where theirs was left parked.

The key here is the individual has to be impaired. People who smoke marijuana daily can smoke it and not be impaired. Richards must have been showing very obvious signs of impairment. Every officer has discretion on these things, but you are literally staking your job and maybe your personal assets on these people if they do not remain in place once you take them home.
What an idiot... complains about social justice issues online then goes out and drives impaired. Puts not only his life at stake but anyone else on the roads. I guess if he hit and killed another person then their life didnt matter
I feel safer knowing these criminals are off the streets.
You would feel differently if someone whose driving ability was impaired injured or killed a loved one. Its not the ingestion of substances that should be criminal, but the irresponsible actions that put others lives at risk.
You would feel differently if someone whose driving ability was impaired injured or killed a loved one. Its not the ingestion of substances that should be criminal, but the irresponsible actions that put others lives at risk.
I don't disagree and I don't wish to downplay the loss of others or the consequences of driving impaired. It is serious stuff and I should have been more careful in trying to make light of the situation. As I said in an earlier reply I was leveling sarcasm that was poorly expressed.
What an idiot... complains about social justice issues online then goes out and drives impaired. Puts not only his life at stake but anyone else on the roads. I guess if he hit and killed another person then their life didnt matter
Here’s what matters to a lot of parents, whether their kid is from the inner city, suburbs or farmland: Is the coach someone they trust to mentor their son, develop his career, help guide him through the passage of big-time football, academics, and college social life and freedom? From my standpoint, not sure you can find a better man for that than HCDB. And, just a small aside, he’s also an absolutely outstanding football mind and motivator. And his assistants share those values and skills. The best coaches have a positive, lifelong Influence on a player’s life —
I agree, BUT HCDB only knows the prospects that are presented to him.

My ONLY focus is the 2022 football signing class.

I have too many kids, parents, college teammates sons,etc. I know personally on the 2deep on Clemson's team (even TD the NG), Frank, sweet P's son Fred Davis, June's jit Demarcus the #3rb in the nation.

I Personally know 9 on FSU' 2 deep (that's not even the roster). Hell Cyrus the FS...I got his dad Jeff to give me first dibs on where he signed when he was born, because I recruited Rasheen Mathis (NFL), Damion Cook ( NFL who I personally coached & recruited to Plantation American Heritage & Bethune Cookman) Taji aka " The Matrix" who played 5 positions for him as a Favor. I didn't even hit the South Florida Kids on Louisville's roster. Shesh

Coach Chip from Virginia was a huge addition. I knew about His "REP" before he even came on board, and when I had the honor of meeting him; I knew IMMEDIATELY he would be the kind of coach the "tough kids" & their coaches would connect to instantly.

IMO - I'd send him (Coach Chip) to what Nick Saban & Jimbo Fischer refer to as the SEC of high school football & have him tag team with Nick Monroe & THEN we will see an SERIOUS upward trajectory in commitments from game changers from South Florida.

Again I agree with EVERYTHING YOU SAID about Coach Babers, but Coach Babers only knows the prospects that are presented to him.

No disrespect but Please don't tell me what matters to parents from South Florida. I suggest that you GOOGLE "ESPN investigation on South Florida Youth Football Gambling."

NO REGION PRODUCES MORE NFL PLAYERS THAN SOUTH FLORIDA FACT, because it is a football factory from pee wee to high school and the stakes are high (and no one is more heartbroken about this as I am about the process). Your talking about a league that spans Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County with a real playoff system and a superbowl to boot. Judges, Ceo's, wealthy businessmen place bets from the comfort of their homes while drug dealers place bets at the parks from 5 to 50k , because the lawyers say little league is the only pure bet you can't rig. So your son :)if he is good enough,) will be recruited and the gamblers offer to pay all your bills (mortgage/rent, light bill, car note (insurance included), phone bill, and give you gas cards (or provide transportation), and give you a stack (1k) if his team wins after the game. That is what drives these kids and parents to make sure their kid is the best. So they train year round, because they have been paying all the bills and the current and former NFL players come back and sponsor camps. It's a reality only a south florida person gets to experience (as sad as it is).

That's why everyone knows everyone, but back to the subject. Coach Babers or any coach for that matter has to be introduced to the player by his coach, but if that Coach "can't kick it" with those coaches and trainers who have a stronghold on that kids decision - HE WILL NEVER COMMIT. When that kid looks into that coaches eyes he has to see himself (and color has NOTHING to do with it)! The first thing I said to myself when I met Coach CHIP is..."this is the MF Coach Babers needs to send with Nick to holler at Magoo, B Love, Chibo, Corvin, Glass, and the rest of the coaches from the city to get the kids we NEED to win.

A top 25 recruiting class will accelerate our program by 2yrs.


****BTW Clemson has quadrupled their efforts in South Florida.
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What an idiot... complains about social justice issues online then goes out and drives impaired. Puts not only his life at stake but anyone else on the roads. I guess if he hit and killed another person then their life didnt matter
Lets remember they are still kids. Thats the purpose of college its the last chance to screw up as a kid and first chance to learn how to be an adult.

I'm glad that it happened to him as a student vs. a married with children, government employee with benefits and loose everything.
Yeah if we took a poll of everyone who posts on this site I feel pretty confident that over 90% of us would admit to driving once or twice at a minimum when we probably shouldn’t have. With at least 50% happening in our teenage years. Sometimes there is a “holier than thou” attitude around here. Yes we don’t want people like that on the road. Call Uber in this day and age. That kinda goes without saying. Hopefully like most of us he will learn not to do that with maturity.
I agree, BUT HCDB only knows the prospects that are presented to him.

My ONLY focus is the 2022 football signing class.

I have too many kids, parents, college teammates sons,etc. I know personally on the 2deep on Clemson's team (even TD the NG), Frank, sweet P's son Fred Davis, June's jit Demarcus the #3rb in the nation.

I Personally know 9 on FSU' 2 deep (that's not even the roster). Hell Cyrus the FS...I got his dad Jeff to give me first dibs on where he signed when he was born, because I recruited Rasheen Mathis (NFL), Damion Cook ( NFL who I personally coached & recruited to Plantation American Heritage & Bethune Cookman) Taji aka " The Matrix" who played 5 positions for him as a Favor. I didn't even hit the South Florida Kids on Louisville's roster. Shesh

Coach Chip from Virginia was a huge addition. I knew about His "REP" before he even came on board, and when I had the honor of meeting him; I knew IMMEDIATELY he would be the kind of coach the "tough kids" & their coaches would connect to instantly.

IMO - I'd send him (Coach Chip) to what Nick Saban & Jimbo Fischer refer to as the SEC of high school football & have him tag team with Nick Monroe & THEN we will see an SERIOUS upward trajectory in commitments from game changers from South Florida.

Again I agree with EVERYTHING YOU SAID about Coach Babers, but Coach Babers only knows the prospects that are presented to him.

No disrespect but Please don't tell me what matters to parents from South Florida. I suggest that you GOOGLE "ESPN investigation on South Florida Youth Football Gambling."

NO REGION PRODUCES MORE NFL PLAYERS THAN SOUTH FLORIDA FACT, because is a football factory from pee wee to high school and the stakes are high (and no one is more heartbroken about this as I am about the process). Your talking about a league that spans Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County with a real playoff system and a superbowl to boot. Judges, Ceo's, wealthy businessmen place bets from the comfort of their homes while drug dealers place bets at the parks from 5 to 50k , because the lawyers say little league is the only pure bet you can't rig. So your son :)if he is good enough,) will be recruited and the gamblers offer to pay all your bills (mortgage/rent, light bill, car note (insurance included), phone bill, and give you gas cards (or provide transportation), and give you a stack (1k) if his team wins after the game. That is what drives these kids and parents to make sure their kid is the best. So they train year round, because they have been paying all the bills and the current and former NFL players come back and sponsor camps. It's a reality only a south florida person gets to experience (as sad as it is).

That's why everyone knows everyone, but back to the subject. Coach Babers or any coach for that matter has to be introduced to the player by his coach, but if that Coach "can't kick it" with those coaches and trainers who have a stronghold on that kids decision - HE WILL NEVER COMMIT. When that kid looks into that coaches eyes he has to see himself (and color has NOTHING to do with it)! The first thing I said to myself when I met Coach CHIP is..."this is the MF Coach Babers needs to send with Nick to holler at Magoo, B Love, Chibo, Corvin, Glass, and the rest of the coaches from the city to get the kids we NEED to win.

A top 25 recruiting class will accelerate our program by 2yrs.


****BTW Clemson has quadrupled their efforts in South Florida.
Thank you for being so open and honest. You hit it out of the park regarding South Florida...I live in the tri-county area and have seen and heard it all. Again, thank you!
SMARTMAN please do Tyrell a favor and delete this post, because This is the type of collective social media content that NFL scouts use to reduce the payout, and draft level of a player.

So if you "CARE", Please for Tyrell's sake delete this & let the LEAGUE"S only background file be that of the police report/record.

You will NEVER see BAMA, Clemson, USC, UM, or other schools fans say anything negative about their players in their school blog, because they understand it hurts their brand and other schools use it against them during the recruiting process.

Please consider what's at stake... Thanks

NO REGION PRODUCES MORE NFL PLAYERS THAN SOUTH FLORIDA FACT, because is a football factory from pee wee to high school and the stakes are high (and no one is more heartbroken about this as I am about the process). Your talking about a league that spans Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County with a real playoff system and a superbowl to boot. Judges, Ceo's, wealthy businessmen place bets from the comfort of their homes while drug dealers place bets at the parks from 5 to 50k , because the lawyers say little league is the only pure bet you can't rig. So your son :)if he is good enough,) will be recruited and the gamblers offer to pay all your bills (mortgage/rent, light bill, car note (insurance included), phone bill, and give you gas cards (or provide transportation), and give you a stack (1k) if his team wins after the game. That is what drives these kids and parents to make sure their kid is the best. So they train year round, because they have been paying all the bills and the current and former NFL players come back and sponsor camps. It's a reality only a south florida person gets to experience (as sad as it is).
Boom! Thanks. That’s info I was trying to get at and somewhat understand. If you’re not “in the game” you’re definitely “out of the game “.

So if you can tell me/us Cuse fans... has Bear enjoyed or feels he has gotten the most he could have out of is his Cuse time?
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Thanks for posting:rolleyes:...I'm Lynard Funderburg and was trying to keep low profile after I got busted.
Carlos Danger and Ron Mexico want in on this action
NO REGION PRODUCES MORE NFL PLAYERS THAN SOUTH FLORIDA FACT, because is a football factory from pee wee to high school and the stakes are high (and no one is more heartbroken about this as I am about the process). Your talking about a league that spans Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach County with a real playoff system and a superbowl to boot. Judges, Ceo's, wealthy businessmen place bets from the comfort of their homes while drug dealers place bets at the parks from 5 to 50k , because the lawyers say little league is the only pure bet you can't rig. So your son :)if he is good enough,) will be recruited and the gamblers offer to pay all your bills (mortgage/rent, light bill, car note (insurance included), phone bill, and give you gas cards (or provide transportation), and give you a stack (1k) if his team wins after the game. That is what drives these kids and parents to make sure their kid is the best. So they train year round, because they have been paying all the bills and the current and former NFL players come back and sponsor camps. It's a reality only a south florida person gets to experience (as sad as it is).
Boom! Thanks. That’s info I was trying to get at and somewhat understand. If you’re not “in the game” you’re definitely “out of the game “.

So if you can tell me/us Cuse fans... has Bear enjoyed or feels he has gotten the most he could have out of is his Cuse time?
I NEVER asked him, because I didn't want him to do comparisons with his past. Because every head coach and position coach he ever had since he was 5 years old played in the NFL. Hell most of the kids on any college football team rarely had one former NFL player personally coach them. For example, His second Little League team where Devin Bush SR was the coach had like 7 or 9 ex NFL players taking their time teaching on fundamentals. Do you know how much further ahead a kid will be when you have that type of expertise being imparted to you daily in terms of football IQ. That's why most kids from South Florida when they go out of state they usually make the 2 Deep on the depth chart by their sophomore year. It's an embarrassment to the player & his highschool coaches to come back to South Florida as a football player and not be playing by your sophomore year.

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