We are the villains... | Syracusefan.com

We are the villains...


Living Legend
Sep 24, 2012
I'm seeing a pattern with our treatment from the southern ACC schools and I'm not sure if it's just me or?

Here's what I got:

  • In football, leading up to the Clemson game there was a whole lot of faux outrage over comments our players made. Both Jerome and T.Hunt thought that they could actually win the game. The horror! Instead of just coming at us - they pretended that we offended their fine southern sensibilities.
  • A similar crapton of crying came when Shafer made a joke about the weather and Atlanta being soft-nosed. Right or wrong - the outrage from southern folk far outpaced the joke. Again - how dare we?
  • In basketball it seems the NC area has been thirsting to make JB out to be a villain. His comments about food and Greensboro played out over and over again (and like comparing our ability to handle snow vs Atlanta, NYC vs Greensboro became a "thing"). The audacity to rush out on the court when the refs made a questionable call. This idea that we are being disrespectful because we whipped on most of the league for two months, the joy in watching us lose to Virginia. Southern ACC beat writers calling the 2nd most winning coach in NCAA history a "drunk uncle"?
  • In both football and basketball - the conference games have been marred by questionable ref's, calls, etc. There were a lot of phantom calls in football. And it seems lately, that our interior players are getting called for fouls going straight up, while obvious calls on the other end go unchecked. How many non-conf games did Baye and Rak both have 4 fouls compared to the last month of ACC games.

It might all be in my head; maybe my orange colored glasses are fused to my skull? I don't know. But it seems like there's a lot of folks looking for a reason to hate us - and some real bias in how games are called.

Every time I read an article I can't help but think about this.*
There's a new Sheriff in town - and he's wearing Orange!
Good Lord man, it's all about a freaking GAME. If you want to feel hated, find a strawman by all means. But trying to blame "Southern schools" for a case of feeling put upon is quite frankly hilarious bordering on unstable.

Have a good time and try not to take life so seriously...trust me, you're not going to live past it anyway. :)
Maybe it's just me but I DO get it. Think about it, if the roles were reversed many here would be bitching and moaning about it, perhaps myself included ;-)

Think about all of the comments that have been made. Yes, they were made in fun but many of them were a bit condescending in nature. As for football, it wasn't just that a couple players said that they thought they could win the game. Jerome Smith stated on Twitter that he would take Hunt over their QB, Boyd. For 99% of the football population (including many who wear SU Orange) felt like that was a ridiculous comment to make. Nonetheless, I didn't really care and actually liked the fact that one of our guys was showing some moxie and loyalty.

I love spending time here reading threads instead of working, but a constant theme that I get a little tired of at times is how many try to paint us as the victim. Like everyone gets special attention and we always get screwed. It just isn't true. Now if we are talking about Duke, that is a different story. It's a true challenge to come away after a day without seeing at least one thread that is all about how referees, media, NCAA, ACC, or someone else who is screwing us over.

I'm not losing any sleep over comments that have been made and find what Boeheim has said to be quite comical. However, with that said, I do get why some folks down in the South would have an issue with it and not look at us too favorably. I say so be it.
We've had some bad calls go against us, particularly in football. We get our fair share of calls too.

Maybe the reason Rak picks up fouls quickly is because he treats it like it's a hobby. Try letting a pump fake go by every now and then without leaving your feet.

I was deeply embedded in the Carolinas for two years. I was so deep, I spent time in towns that weren't even on the detailed fold-up state road maps. What follows is based on my experience:

Fact is, the South has a different way of going about things than we do in the northeast. We are more upfront and vocal about our feelings. It is more obvious where we stand on things. Things are more latent in the South. True feelings are kept quiet and you likely won't know how someone really feels about you through face to face conversation. Rather you find out about it through back-channels. (Caveat: a lot of southerners will tell you flat out that they hate all Yankees). If you are new, you are expected to be polite and keep quiet unless called upon, unless of course you want to blow daisies up someone's arse. They will get all uppity and passive aggressive with Yankees who don't abide.
RenoHeel said:
Good Lord man, it's all about a freaking GAME. If you want to feel hated, find a strawman by all means. But trying to blame "Southern schools" for a case of feeling put upon is quite frankly hilarious bordering on unstable. Have a good time and try not to take life so seriously...trust me, you're not going to live past it anyway. :)

I'm not feeling put upon, nor do I mind being the villain. More of an observation.

I find the hate kind of endearing in an odd way. Like talking bad about the new kid in school after he took your girl.
dollarbill44 said:
We've had some bad calls go against us, particularly in football. We get our fair share of calls too. Maybe the reason Rak picks up fouls quickly is because he treats it like it's a hobby. Try letting a pump fake go by every now and then without leaving your feet. I was deeply embedded in the Carolinas for two years. I was so deep, I spent time in towns that weren't even on the detailed fold-up state road maps. What follows is based on my experience: Fact is, the South has a different way of going about things than we do in the northeast. We are more upfront and vocal about our feelings. It is more obvious where we stand on things. Things are more latent in the South. True feelings are kept quiet and you likely won't know how someone really feels about you through face to face conversation. Rather you find out about it through back-channels. (Caveat: a lot of southerners will tell you flat out that they hate all Yankees). If you are new, you are expected to be polite and keep quiet unless called upon, unless of course you want to blow daisies up someone's arse. They will get all uppity and passive aggressive with Yankees who don't abide.

That's the kind of cultural thing I think that is at play here. It's odd. Rutgers fans are vile to your face. The ACC fan bases in the south are all sweet and polite - but don't like you.
I would to say that southerners are a soft people who can't handle a little good natured ribbing...but some of us explode at every slight whether real or perceived. Just part of sports and makes it fun to bring a little good natured hate.

But we are the enemy and I'm ok with that.
I've lived in the south, with the exception of a brief two year stint in California, since graduating from SU, which goes back 21 years ago. I have lived in Georgia (Greensboro and Atlanta), Alabama (Huntsville), Florida (not really the South), North Carolina (Raleigh) and South Carolina (Columbia) where I reside now. I have heard countless discussions over the years about how different Northerners and Southerners are. I think there is some general truth to that belief. However, I also believe there tends to be a lot of over generalizations that just don't fit based on my experience down here over the years.

I see a lot more similarities between folks from the North and South than I see differences. Spend some time in Atlanta... I don't think you will come away feeling that the folks were all that hospitable unless you were staying at a 5 star hotel. Even more, spend some time on the interstate and you will feel more like you were in L.A. rather than Atlanta. Not that people in Atlanta are rude, but it's a big city and you just won't see that many differences. However, take a smaller town like Huntsville, Alabama where I lived or even smaller - Greensboro, GA, and you will definitely see more.

If you are comparing the backwoods to a metropolitan area up north, then of course you will find it to be pretty shocking how different people can be. The bottom line is that I just don't see it as different as what has been painted by some here. Just one man's opinion and experience.
Good Lord man, it's all about a freaking GAME. If you want to feel hated, find a strawman by all means. But trying to blame "Southern schools" for a case of feeling put upon is quite frankly hilarious bordering on unstable.

Have a good time and try not to take life so seriously...trust me, you're not going to live past it anyway. :)

"bless your heart"....how does that feel?
Nicknack said:
I've lived in the south, with the exception of a brief two year stint in California, since graduating from SU, which goes back 21 years ago. I have lived in Georgia (Greensboro and Atlanta), Alabama (Huntsville), Florida (not really the South), North Carolina (Raleigh) and South Carolina (Columbia) where I reside now. I have heard countless discussions over the years about how different Northerners and Southerners are. I think there is some general truth to that belief. However, I also believe there tends to be a lot of over generalizations that just don't fit based on my experience down here over the years. I see a lot more similarities between folks from the North and South than I see differences. Spend some time in Atlanta... I don't think you will come away feeling that the folks were all that hospitable unless you were staying at a 5 star hotel. Even more, spend some time on the interstate and you will feel more like you were in L.A. rather than Atlanta. Not that people in Atlanta are rude, but it's a big city and you just won't see that many differences. However, take a smaller town like Huntsville, Alabama where I lived or even smaller - Greensboro, GA, and you will definitely see more. If you are comparing the backwoods to a metropolitan area up north, then of course you will find it to be pretty shocking how different people can be. The bottom line is that I just don't see it as different as what has been painted by some here. Just one man's opinion and experience.

Agreed. Although I think the differences are exacerbated by sports and team pride and the like.
So the Carolina's are butthurt. IMO you aren't livin' unless you're being shot at jumping out of some southern belle's window.

It's a metaphor, people.
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I think we worry about villains more than the other teams consider us villains. We had home court advantage for years at msg, the ACC tourney is moving north eventually and things will straighten out.
"bless your heart"...how does that feel?

A Southerner would say "Bless your little heart" which is akin to patting you on the head and saying "It will be fine once you grow up, sober up, and develop a functioning brain."

It has also been said a Southerner will slip a knife between your ribs while he shakes your hand so warmly you'll likely enjoy the trip to Hades he's sending you on. Don't believe that...we enjoy a good twist at the end. :rolleyes:
As a native North Carolinian who has traveled all over this country for 20 years and works with people from all regions, I've been able to make lots of observations about southerners vs northerners. First of all, you get good and bad folks from every region. Where someone is from has no bearing on their character. But there are most certainly different flavors and nuances from one region to another. For me, northerners tend to be louder, more brash and take pride in bravado. As a group, southerners take the opposite opinion and take offense to the stereotypical "loud mouth yankee". Southerners also hate it when northerners move to the south and then vocally complain about everything and try to make it just like where they came from, despite the fact they moved south to get away.

Southerners will never tell you "everything". We always hold some observations back. Some may find that disingenuous. But just because we think a thing, doesn't compel us to share it. Sometimes that's in the name of being tactful. And sometimes it just feels empowering for better or worse.

Southerners are also FAR more "peculiar". That's true in both good and bad ways. But it definitely adds color and flavor to the region. It shows up in the food, the literature, the music and the vernacular. Some of that peculiarness comes from our tendencies at being more clickish and clannish vs northerners. Northerners are much more likely to mix and mingle with those less like themselves than southernerns are. And that sometimes colors a southerner as snooty.

Southerners have more reverence for traditions, customs, protocols, and "ways". We're raised with them, which goes back to my "peculiar" comments. We respect them and recognize they make us who we are. And we don't like when outsiders infringe upon them.

The heart of the old ACC is a southern, persnickety bunch. The Big East schools have helped to stabilize this conference in an era of expansion and TV markets. But right now, you'll have to accept the fact that you are considered a carpetbagger and/or an interloper. That will fade with time as you create history. You and Pitt are trading that in the short term for gaining long-term stability. Just as original ACC schools have to accept the new landscape - also in exchange for long-term stability. Few things ever remain the same for any of us. Go PACK!
I'm seeing a pattern with our treatment from the southern ACC schools and I'm not sure if it's just me or?

Here's what I got:

  • In football, leading up to the Clemson game there was a whole lot of faux outrage over comments our players made. Both Jerome and T.Hunt thought that they could actually win the game. The horror! Instead of just coming at us - they pretended that we offended their fine southern sensibilities.
  • A similar crapton of crying came when Shafer made a joke about the weather and Atlanta being soft-nosed. Right or wrong - the outrage from southern folk far outpaced the joke. Again - how dare we?
  • In basketball it seems the NC area has been thirsting to make JB out to be a villain. His comments about food and Greensboro played out over and over again (and like comparing our ability to handle snow vs Atlanta, NYC vs Greensboro became a "thing"). The audacity to rush out on the court when the refs made a questionable call. This idea that we are being disrespectful because we whipped on most of the league for two months, the joy in watching us lose to Virginia. Southern ACC beat writers calling the 2nd most winning coach in NCAA history a "drunk uncle"?
  • In both football and basketball - the conference games have been marred by questionable ref's, calls, etc. There were a lot of phantom calls in football. And it seems lately, that our interior players are getting called for fouls going straight up, while obvious calls on the other end go unchecked. How many non-conf games did Baye and Rak both have 4 fouls compared to the last month of ACC games.

It might all be in my head; maybe my orange colored glasses are fused to my skull? I don't know. But it seems like there's a lot of folks looking for a reason to hate us - and some real bias in how games are called.

Every time I read an article I can't help but think about this.*

Thing is, this is by far the least demonstrative SU bball team I've ever seen. I don't think I've seen one player talk crap or celebrate or do anything to draw attention to themselves all year.

Imagine if we were going into the ACC with the Devendorf-Flynn teams? Or John Wallace? Or even the Waiters-Joseph(with his finger gun holster thing after like every 3) teams? They would hate us 100 times more.

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