What drives me crazy about the Gulley situation | Syracusefan.com

What drives me crazy about the Gulley situation


All Conference
Aug 26, 2011
is that I saw clips of him at the end of the game dancing, smiling,etc. And then he was singin the alma matre with his arms around teamates and a big smile. When did this damn thing happen?( weird thing was the same situation around Chandler Jones after the 1st game)
Yep. Consider me baffled as well. I saw the same thing and was wondering how and when did something happen to him. Maybe during an after game celebration in the locker room or something, who knows.
Yep. Consider me baffled as well. I saw the same thing and was wondering how and when did something happen to him. Maybe during an after game celebration in the locker room or something, who knows.

I agree on Gulley, Jones sounds like a meniscal tear or something which most times if it isn't a bad tear you won't feel until you cool down, Chandler he probably felt it duruing the game played through it and then it probably hurt like a bastard the next morning, sounds like Gulley must have experienced the same thing.

Sucks for Gulley... just had a real solid game and showed some nice elusiveness and power for a smaller guy
I agree on Gulley, Jones sounds like a meniscal tear or something which most times if it isn't a bad tear you won't feel until you cool down, Chandler he probably felt it duruing the game played through it and then it probably hurt like a ******* the next morning, sounds like Gulley must have experienced the same thing.

Sucks for Gulley... just had a real solid game and showed some nice elusiveness and power for a smaller guy

A miniscus tear should be 2 weeks, 3 weeks max. If he doesn't play this weekend, it will be 4 weeks. Likely something else. High ankle sprain?
This would be 3 weeks for C Jones, he dressed last week, I though I read somewhere , where it was pretty much confirmed it was a menisus issue, I have had two and it isn't a 2-3 week thing, 2-3 week where you can walk without pain, but to plant, twist, etc is different. It wasn't operated on either, so who knows maybe an injection, PT, etc to see if that calms it down.
is there a chance it was Rene on a late PR? And the SID office just got the name wrong? Remember, Gulley did return a punt late in the game, ducking under that would-be tackle
This is where I buy into the crap about us being snake-bitten (sorry Bees), this isn't just a case of us being beaten up or experiencing joint-crushing hits on the field... our guys get injured during non-contact drills during practices and fall to phantom injuries during games. Hell, Anderson and Lyn leave every single game with some sort of issue, I could understand why they might miss a game or two at a time, but gotta give em credit, THEY are the ones who make it back onto the field.
is there a chance it was Rene on a late PR? And the SID office just got the name wrong? Remember, Gulley did return a punt late in the game, ducking under that would-be tackle
Good point, I remember this as well.
but marrone was asked point blank about gulley last nite and he said "it did not look good" so if it eas rene, wouldn't he have said so to clear it up??
but marrone was asked point blank about gulley last nite and he said "it did not look good" so if it eas rene, wouldn't he have said so to clear it up??

The optimist in me says, this is where the headgames come into play. I just don't know what in the world may have happened to Gulley, and some might say "it's not like Shady would prepare for our #2 back all that much," but that isn't the case if we don't intend to use Gulley like a #2 back. There is no doubt he is the guy that finally sparked our run game, and we saw some Bailey and Gulley in the same backfield... soooooooo, whether it's wishful thinking or a gut feeling, I say Gulley plays and we utilize some creative runs by both backs.
I was told by a reliable source that on the way out of the stadium he tripped over some guy named "Al" who was just laying down in the middle of the sidewalk.
Who was the Blue Chip Lineman from Pa that got hurt playing grabA$$ in the Shower,He was a Big time recruit,sued SU , SU Team Doc. Think he was on Mac's Team not P's I could be wrong. He was all everything Lineman.He never developed.
Who was the Blue Chip Lineman from Pa that got hurt playing grabA$$ in the Shower,He was a Big time recruit,sued SU , SU Team Doc. Think he was on Mac's Team not P's I could be wrong. He was all everything Lineman.He never developed.

Hahaha! I don't know this story
Who was the Blue Chip Lineman from Pa that got hurt playing grabA$$ in the Shower,He was a Big time recruit,sued SU , SU Team Doc. Think he was on Mac's Team not P's I could be wrong. He was all everything Lineman.He never developed.

Was it Matt Neenan?

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