When did you first post to this board and what was it about? | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

When did you first post to this board and what was it about?

I mostly lurked on previous incarnations of this board beginning sometime around 2001, but started posting more frequently (some would say too frequently) when this version launched in 2011.
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Before 1st Gulf War met T.C. in a Bar in B'ville (1st time) later on. Watched a SU Football Game believe Bee's was there also.. Been on since very beginning this is the 3rd era... Hey ? Whatever happened to IGOR?
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My first post on this board:

This is my 3rd move (AOL->Rivals->Scout->here). God, I feel old.

I should have added Prodigy in there with AOL.

And I feel even older now. :D

Edit: Oops - that was not my first post. This was:

So, how is this going to work? Will there be a 'pay' side for info that should not be out in the public domain? Is there a chat room? And what of the floor show?
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Not sure about my very first post, but I do remember defending Jason Hart during his frosh year. I took a lot of flack for saying that after 4 years at SU he would play in the NBA. (the consensus at the time seemed to be that he wasn't even a div 1 talent). I dug up that post a few years later and watched some crow get eaten! :-D

Sometime in the early 2000's I drifted into more of a lurker mode. As the board got more popular (and got more good posters & content) I would find questions I had were already asked & answered, and opinions I had stated by more eloquent posters.

Oh yeah, one more thing. I happened to be "lucky" enough to move to CT the same year they had their "dream season (1989/90)". Ugh. Eventually finding this group if SU fans was a life saver!
I came on the board sometime around 1996. I don't have any memory of my first post. I do remember the great posts Mason used to do about the basketball summer camps he attended. We all learned a lot about the best players from him.

My best early memory came after we moved to South Carolina. Mrs. Real and I attended the Syracuse/South Carolina game in Columbia. The next day I posted about the game in a fair amount of detail. I got a thank you from Mason which made my day as I considered him the fount of knowledge about SU basketball.

This site has been my almost daily pleasure since those days. It has become even more important since we only get to see the occasional game here in the South.

Thanks to all the posters for making this forum a great place.
I'm not real sure when I first posted but think I asked about the Fine tailgate. I had run across some of Orangeyes ' postings while searching for SU recruiting news. He got me following the site and to become a member. I came up for a game and asked about the tailgate. It's been home for me for a while as I've lived in Virginia & Colorado for over 3 decades. I appreciate the venue and the camaraderie more than ever...
I think I joined right after Tyler Ennis shot to beat pitt when we were number one. Couldn't tell you what my first post was.
I came on the board sometime around 1996. I don't have any memory of my first post. I do remember the great posts Mason used to do about the basketball summer camps he attended. We all learned a lot about the best players from him.

My best early memory came after we moved to South Carolina. Mrs. Real and I attended the Syracuse/South Carolina game in Columbia. The next day I posted about the game in a fair amount of detail. I got a thank you from Mason which made my day as I considered him the fount of knowledge about SU basketball.

This site has been my almost daily pleasure since those days. It has become even more important since we only get to see the occasional game here in the South.

Thanks to all the posters for making this forum a great place.

I was at that game in Columbia as a couple of colleagues of mine were USC alums and made the relatively short trip down I-77 from Charlotte after leaving work. We got down there a couple of hours or so before the game and had a few beverages over at Damon's Grill (now closed) which was a stone's throw from the hoops arena.

We were 12-0 and ranked #7 in the country and USC wasn't that good, so I thought we'd roll and was talking some trash. Plus we had crushed them the year before in the Dome, so I was quite confident, or probably if I'm being truly honest, quite cocky. Well, I almost ate a bunch of crow that night before escaping with that 77-74 W in OT.

We headed back to Damon's afterwards for a couple more and I remember feeling incredibly relieved. They on the other hand didn't care that much as they were much bigger football fans than hoops, and got more enjoyment of watching a Yankee squirm a bit. :)
I am pretty sure it was on dial up. It was Nirvana.
Edit:. As I was reading some of these posts, I think that Mason told me about this board when I met him watching practices at Manley. He was a grad student in something I couldn't pronounce, and I was a relatively new attorney.
I think my first was in the 2001-02 season ... I may have been surfing the web for D.C. area Syracuse bars and found it ... met Mason and DCCuse during the 2003 run. I think Mason was yelling at DCCuse to not jinx things by declaring us Final Four bound with about 1 minute left in the Elite 8 Oklahoma game.
I was at that game in Columbia as a couple of colleagues of mine were USC alums and made the relatively short trip down I-77 from Charlotte after leaving work. We got down there a couple of hours or so before the game and had a few beverages over at Damon's Grill (now closed) which was a stone's throw from the hoops arena.

We were 12-0 and ranked #7 in the country and USC wasn't that good, so I thought we'd roll and was talking some trash. Plus we had crushed them the year before in the Dome, so I was quite confident, or probably if I'm being truly honest, quite cocky. Well, I almost ate a bunch of crow that night before escaping with that 77-74 W in OT.

We headed back to Damon's afterwards for a couple more and I remember feeling incredibly relieved. They on the other hand didn't care that much as they were much bigger football fans than hoops, and got more enjoyment of watching a Yankee squirm a bit. :)
Yes, that was a much tighter game than we thought it would be. It was interesting before the game talking to SC fans that we all just hoped there would be a good game. No trash talking.

Just remembered that we ran into this muscular guy with Cuse gear that turned out to be Jarhead Jim. :cool:

My first post in 2011 was on Texas A&M leaving the Big XII for the SEC.
I mostly lurked on previous incarnations of this board beginning sometime around 2001, but started posting more frequently (some would say too frequently) when this version launched in 2011.

samesies. The Fine scandal brought me out of hiding...I did post on Syracuse.com 15 plus years ago and it was awful.
I should not even post in this thread, being a newbie, but am a long, long-time lurker, going back to AOL message board days. Board posting was never my big thing, although I am an avid board-reader. Besides, most people here have more insight than I can provide. However, this forum in its various incarnations has been a cherished part of my life as an SU alum.

In answer to the question, my first post was on the football board in an established thread about Billy Scharr. I was pleasantly surprised that a mention of a relatively obscure QB from thirty years ago went 35 posts and that I actually got some likes for mine. Not everything is historically important. But such times are important to the people who lived them and it's nice being able to share those memories with others.
I brought up this subject in the "Some Love From Matt Park" thread and was urged to make a stand-alone thread for this subject.

I got my first computer for Christmas 1998 and began reading Syracuse.com, (where the founders of this board were at the time) before the end of that basketball season. But I was too timid to actually post anything until the following September when I expressed the hope that SU would move to the Big Ten, which was a bad idea. I survived the onslaught of criticism and am now i n my 21st year of posting. I did my first "Why They'll Win/Why We'll Win" and "Upside/Downside" for the 1999 Michigan game. My first historical series was "Through the Years With Coach P" toward the end of that season, where I tried to explained about my mixed feelings for our coach of that time.

This board really began when we moved from Syracuse.com about a year later and have had 2-3 hosts since then and I've been with it all the way.
No idea.

I was not on the board for the MSU game in 2000.

I was on the board 9/11.

Sometime in that 18 month span, I discovered the board.

No idea what my first post was.

Probably advising someone to message Kaiser (UEO at the time) to ask what channel the game was on. He loves being of assistance in that manner.
Since he started it, this thread might be a good opportunity to express my ample appreciation for SWC75. You produce so much quality content that enriches all SU fans here. It takes more time, effort, and skill that I can imagine. But you obviously do so out of love for Syracuse and sense of brother/sisterhood with everyone in this forum.

Beyond your insight, I admire your reasoned approach, wry sense of humor, respectfulness, and ability to view everything in historical context. This may sound very strange but you are one of my favorite people that I have never actually met. After all these years, you deserve this compliment and many more (ideally expressed much more eloquently than mine).

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