Where Are We From/Fan History. | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Where Are We From/Fan History.

Fun Thread.. Lets See

Born in 83... Being a cuse fan was more birthright in my house. Grew up in NEPA.. bout 20 mins south of Binghamton,NY. In a podunk town. Now residing in Martinsburg,WV... (DC Region)

Best cuse moments & Fandom.. (well most memorable)

at the ripe age of 3 or 4. watching keith smart hit the dagger... then watching the Richmond loss ... the Moten Timeout. "Cuse is in DA House"... first game was with my dad the year we started 19-0 and blasted UConn at home.. that sold Cuse for me...

Got to the hill the year of Melo.. My family knew the McNamara family somewhat so it was pretty cool that Gerry came to Cuse. Too many moments on the hill to recall.. best though were freshman year... had a great group of guys "Brew 3 represent".. we all painted ourselves ( I know not uncommon) to spell cuse.. for five games we hooked up a deal with one of the cheerleading staff to get the front row as long as we stayed rowdy and painted something different each game.. Pittsburgh game.. we got to handle the CUSE flag duty.. our picture is up by Gate A... labeled 2005 bball (incorrectly) as that was us at the Pitt game...

Have to add.. after the Gtown game.. a couple of whiny Boland kids ruined our front row setup saying it wasn't fair.. humanity vs saavy businessmen.. after that it was a challenge but for five games .. awesome.. we repped in Albany as well.

Can never forget the fun when the team would should up at Archbold.. good ole Craig Forth (who by the way really was a monster)... much better player and athlete than most realized.. just not a high profile big playmaking center.

Married.. no kids but 2 dogs.. hoping to find work back north to get back to being closer to home... and see more Cuse games...
Born in Rochester in '57. Before I was born, my parents would drive to Syracuse to see games- they saw Jim Brown many times. Got both of my degrees at SU (BA, MA). Was an Economics TA for several years in the early 80's. Nice thing was that as a grad student, I still got to buy student tickets. Taught for a year at Oswego, then moved to NJ to work for AT&T. Stayed there until 2 years ago when I took a job in Mass.

Saw so many games in Manley, including the Carrier Classic when Magic Johnson played as a freshman. It was always a BIG game on a Saturday afternoon when Marv Albert and Bucky Waters came to town for the Game of the Week (or whatever it was called) - usually against St. John's or someone like that. Fun memories:

  • In the Carrier Classic mentioned above, chanting, when Rhode Island was playing (featuring Sly Williams for the older group out there)...URI! URI! URINE!!!
  • One year we played Iona early, with Jeff Rutland (and Valvano as coach). Sports Illustrated had ranked us below Iona in the CBB preview issue. We blew them out,and the entire second half, the entire crowd yelled, "SI sucks!!!" Good times.
  • Can't remember the year, but Al McGuire and Billy Packer staged an exhibition - BE vs. USA. I believe Leo Rautins played. Fun time.
  • Had seasons for the first few years of the Dome. Was there for the first FB game and first BB game. Was there for the Ewing can't read this and the orange thrown at the backboard games, also the 3 OT Nova BE championship game, after which we were snubbed from the NCAA's.
  • So many road games - SU-Rutgers FB at the Meadowlands in early 80's (crushed Rutgers and afterwards, the entire team was chanting "Brand new SU!!!"- we finished the year 2-9), the imfamous 'wind' game at Rutgers where I met CTO, BillOrange, and SUTomcat, the hoops game at the RAC when Jonny ruined Mike Rosario's career, taking over MSG and so many other road venues, the East regional finals in the Meadowlands when we beat FL and UNC to go to the FF...can't remember all the great times, many with people I never knew before but met through this board.
I am now an Alumni representative as one way to give back to the University that means so much to me. I also can't say enough about all the great people I have met via this board - if you are a lurker, PLEASE don't be a stranger at tailgates, pre-game get-togethers, etc. I know people through this board that I now consider freinds for life. Take advantage of the opportunity. Go ORANGE!!
Great stuff everyone! Keep it going. It's awesome to hear everyone's stories!
Grew up in Oswego, New York and came of age during the "probation years." Vividly remember a game against G'Town that was on in the locker room at a CYO game I was participating in. During TO's we'd run into the locker room to see if SU was holding off Mourning, Mutumbo and all those other Georgetown thugs. It was the '90-'91 season when SU won in the dome 62-58. Billy Owens led us that day.

Who was my favorite from that team? Oddly it was Adrian Autry. Not sure why, I just liked his swagger. Loved when SU thrashed Kentucky in the dome Autry's senior year, died a little when SU lost to Mizzou despite Autry putting the team on his shoulders during that tourney game.

Favorite team all time is still the '95-'96 team, although that may be a by product of me being a senior in high school that year as well. Legitamitely lost my mind during the Georgia game, and sat in front of the TV for 30 minutes with the TV OFF, after the loss to Kentucky. I may have been the only person in the United States who thought we could beat that all star team that night. Even in defeat John Wallace went down that night as an all time Orangemen. What an unbelievable game from him.

Was a grad student at the 'Cuse during the '00-'01 season and helped get multiple Pitt fans kicked out of MSG during the BET that year. Thus started my hatred for all things Panther related. That was also the year I was good friends with a couple of the SU cheerleaders and had probably one of the most memorable nights of my young life at that point, bar hopping with the cheerleaders and dance team after the loss to Pitt in NYC.

Favorite games of all time in person are the SU-UConn game in '99-'00. Two rows back center court and storming the court afterwards. I loved DeShaun Williams that night.

Other favorite game was in '02-'03 against Pitt. Got yelled at by some to sit down during the game, and he wanted to rumble. I stood up with my buddy and he sat back down. We stood as did EVERYONE around us for the whole 2nd half. Best dome atmosphere I've ever been a part of that night.

Loved the '03 team for obvious reasons, and withstood the punk attitudes, and poor efforts from some more recent teams. Loved the '09 - '10 team, and still believe they played the GAME of basketball better then any SU team I've ever had the pleasure of watching. The biggest problem with that team was if one cog stopped working, they became vulnerable. Onuaku gets injured, and that was that.

I have an SU basketball season christmas tree that I keep out all winter until SU finishes the season. Signed stuff from Kueth (second favorite player of all time) Csonka, and a 2003 championship ball personally signed for me by coach B. My third favorite player of all time? Marius Janulis.

I have a well honed theory that everything Janulis did on the basketball court was for a reason. Get the ball stolen from him? Wants to teach the team transition defense. Shoots up consecutive airballs? Trying to impart on the team what it's like to have true character, and on and on and on...

I love Syracuse sports, and have since I was young. The basketball team is like a religion for me, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
b. 1969
lived in outskirts of 'cuse... huge fan as a kid.

remember listening to a game when I was about 7 or 8. I dont know the anouncer but he was a SU homer for sure. "If he just travelled, he did it in the air"... listened to every game, uncle who was a cop would sneek me in the games. Dad had a seat in the floor behind vistors bench. I usually sat upper deck behind same end. When the dome opened those seats were usually open.

Got an ROTC scholorship to go anywhere I wanted. Came down to Cornell, SU, Miami, and VT. Could not go anywhere else. Enrolled SU fall 88.

Ended up being in on naming OTTO in August 90' and shared OTTO duties that year. Wore that costume for almost 12 hours straights at Miami... Also had misfortune of being Otto for the first 2nd seed to lose.

Traded in the costume for regular cheerleading duties so I could see the games and dames better ;)

Met a lot of guys through the yrs... Jarhead Jim at Auburn was a highlight. He parked his truck in between our RVs and slept in the bed that never needs to be made. Also hosted big tailgates at UMich and Tenn - featuring fireworks from the top of the Knoxvillve PD parking garage...

ahhh the good times...
He parked his truck in between our RVs and slept in the bed that never needs to be made.
Maybe I don't get around, but I don't know what this means.
Born many years ago you can figure it out from rest of post . Played high school football against Ernie Davis when I was a freshman and he was a senior in a scrimmage. Been a fan of SU ever since he helped me up and said hang on there kid with a big grin on his face. Knew both of the Lee brothers since they were kids. Sean Kerins married my parents next door neighbors daughter around SU all my life and went to law school. I bleed orange as do all my kids and grandkids. Been to more basketball,football, and lacrosse games in more venues than I can remember. GO CUSE
Born in 1954 in Gloversville, NY. My mother graduated from Syracuse, and starting in 1959 we went to one football game every season. So I saw a lot of great players. When it came time to chose a college, Syracuse was my last choice, because I was rebellious and did not want to go to the same college that my mother did. But I ended up in Syracuse anyways.
My freshman year I broke my leg over Winter break, the day before classes started. I ended up with a walking cast, but still plaster. I walked to every game at Manley field house with that cast. The first game I attended after breaking my leg, I brought my crutches with me. I hobbled into the field house using my crutches and some poor unsuspecting guy (I am female) in the first row gave up his seat for me. I threw my crutches under the bench and spent the rest of the game jumping up and down. That year we beat St. John's at home, who were #9 at the time. We broke into the top 20, and have been there pretty much ever since. Those were the days of the Lee brothers, Bobby Dooms, and of course Dennis DuVal. Dennis did a warm up of trick shots to the song of It's Allright by JJ Jackson. That is still MY SU basketball anthem!
In 1975 I danced in the dance marathon to raise money for Muscular dystrophy. That is when we beat N. Carolina and Kansas St. in the regionals to go to the Final Four. They bought in a little TV for us to watch while we were dancing. I don't remember watching the Kentucky game, but the consolation game, was not on TV. So I sat in my car and listened to the whole game on the radio.
After graduating, I wanted to stay in Syracuse, so I did for 3 years, and had season tickets at Manley. That is when I saw Magic Johnson in his freshman season at the first ever Carrier Classic. Syracuse won the game, but Magic was the MVP. I also remember seeing David Robinson. I am sure I saw many great players over the years besides the obvious Syracuse ones. Because there were not many job prospects in Syracuse for an advertising major in Newhouse, I moved to NYC.
Once in the NYC area I got to see us play in the NIT semi finals and finals in 1981. Then of course I got to see many other games at the garden over the years. We briefly lived in Toronto, and in 1988 travelled down to Syracuse for my first game in the dome v. Michigan. Believe it or not, I have only seen one other basketball game in the dome, and that is this year's first game against Fordhan I got to see so many games in the NY and NJ and Philly area, that I never ventured up to Syracuse. (Did go to the 2003 W. Va. football game).
Since my freshman year in 1972 I have pretty much watched every game possible. I would mark the games on my calendar, and if someone wanted to go out to dinner with my husband and I , I would have to make sure there was not a game on tv before committing to plans. My poor kids, were what I called "abused Syracuse basketball kids". Dinner or anything else came second to games, LOL. Needless to say, they did not go to Syracuse. But my youngest (26) will go to the final four this year with me if we make it. I wanted to go in 2003, but had already made plans to travel to Ca. on the day between the semis and the final game to visit my parents. I felt that if I changed those plans, we would lose. So everyone can thank me, that I chose to sacrifice going to New Orleans for the team's and the fans' greater interest. (and you thought Hakim Warrick saved the game!). My oldest is at USC because someone had to go to a winning football school!
A year and a half ago I moved from NJ to AZ. I even had to leave my Syracuse Soda machine behind. Another true fan inherited it from me. No more games in NY, NJ or Pa for me That is why I guess I finally got back to the dome this season. That is also probably why we are moving to the ACC, because the team knew I could no longer attend those games anyways! I call sports bars here, and they do not even know what ESPN Full Court is!!!! But I have found a couple good spots to game watch, and haven't missed a game since moving here either.
I'm a bandwagon fan, only root for Cuse when they're in the top 10. Probably will root for Duke, UNC and/or Kentucky when SU gets eliminated in the tourney.

Mostly I like to go to games to be seen, and text my bros.
townie East Syracuse-Minoa
First Game Sweet D starred cant remember who they played
Best moments Jimmy Lee jumper beats UNC
Beating UNC for final 4 berth 87
Pearl beats Ewing in the Dome in the Orange smashed on the backboard game
Beating Kansas 96
Hakim block
b. 1969
lived in outskirts of 'cuse... huge fan as a kid.

remember listening to a game when I was about 7 or 8. I dont know the anouncer but he was a SU homer for sure. "If he just travelled, he did it in the air"... listened to every game, uncle who was a cop would sneek me in the games. Dad had a seat in the floor behind vistors bench. I usually sat upper deck behind same end. When the dome opened those seats were usually open.

Got an ROTC scholorship to go anywhere I wanted. Came down to Cornell, SU, Miami, and VT. Could not go anywhere else. Enrolled SU fall 88.

Ended up being in on naming OTTO in August 90' and shared OTTO duties that year. Wore that costume for almost 12 hours straights at Miami... Also had misfortune of being Otto for the first 2nd seed to lose.

Traded in the costume for regular cheerleading duties so I could see the games and dames better ;)

Met a lot of guys through the yrs... Jarhead Jim at Auburn was a highlight. He parked his truck in between our RVs and slept in the bed that never needs to be made. Also hosted big tailgates at UMich and Tenn - featuring fireworks from the top of the Knoxvillve PD parking garage...

ahhh the good times...

That was Joel Mareiness who did the crazy radio calls. I think it was WSYR AM radio. I used to listen to him under the covers on a little portable transister radio when I was about 10, listening to Roys Runts. Joel had so many awesome calls - "climbing the invisible ladder to get that rebound", and great nicknames for some of the players - Tom Stundis, the back up center was called the Braintree Butcher because he had a fondness for hacking his opponents on defense and obvious came from Braintree, Mass. The Lee brothers were adept at drawing charges, and when they did, Joel called it the Kirkwood (NY) seat of the pants slide. So many memories of those early teams.
That was Joel Mareiness who did the crazy radio calls. I think it was WSYR AM radio. I used to listen to him under the covers on a little portable transister radio when I was about 10, listening to Roys Runts. Joel had so many awesome calls - "climbing the invisible ladder to get that rebound", and great nicknames for some of the players - Tom Stundis, the back up center was called the Braintree Butcher because he had a fondness for hacking his opponents on defense and obvious came from Braintree, Mass. The Lee brothers were adept at drawing charges, and when they did, Joel called it the Kirkwood (NY) seat of the pants slide. So many memories of those early teams.
"Dirty, but good!!!"
Alright here I goooo..

Born in 88
Henninger HS 2002-2006
OCC 2006-2008 received Associates
SUNY Oswego Bachelors in 08

I was a fan as soon as I was born end of story, blood runs orange through me. Live, Eat, Drink, Breathe, Bleed, Everything Orange

fondest memories were in elementary school, I cant remember the year but I was watching the Tourney game us against Iona and we won by like 1 point?
Favorite players - Janilus, Cippola, SHUMPERT!, Melo, Gmac, Flynn, Warrick, Wes, Andy the list goes on.

03 Championship game
6ot game
Gmacs run in the tourney, i was watching that after school in a classroom at Henninger, with about 30 other people...
Gmacs 43 against BYU in 04ish?
I had to skip some classes at college to watch some of the tourney games or I was able to use my charm to get the class out early!

Been to 2 games this season Colgate, and Florida
I'm surprised to see so many UConn converts. I am one as well.

Grew up about 5 minutes from Storrs. Rooted for UConn as a kid after the Tate George year. Also rooted for Cuse football, because that was about as local as it got for a New England kid and BC blows.

I attended Cuse from 1998 - 2002. I converted almost immediately, although I did root for the Khalid El-Amin team to win the title. I specifically remember watching Rip Hamilton tear us up in the Dome in 1999 and feeling all of my former UConn love escape my body. I hated him, UConn and Calhoun in that moment and my conversion was complete.

Strangely the obsession grew worse after I left Cuse and moved to DC. There is something extremely satisfying about being in enemy territory (GTown, Maryland) and talking . Taking over the Verizon Center has become like Christmas for my friends and I, and we make regular trips up to Philly for Nova games and one long trek back to Cuse for a home game each year.

Love Otis Hill, Jason Hart, and Devo. I also always had a soft spot for TRob. Even though he was frustrating as hell, he always gave you effort.
One thing I forgot was what I call "the play"

John Wallace 2/3 court pass to Cipolla before he deaded the jumper against UGA. As big as that shot was, I watch the replay and still don't get how Wallace him in down there on the fly.

I also remember the first time I cried during a sporting event: Moten's time out. I went and sat on my dresser and sobbed for about an hour. Dad, as crushed as I was, had to get me through that.
Born in the Bronx in ’51. As a big fan of NYC professional sports, I thought that Jim Brown was evil incarnate. Was at a Giants-Browns game in Yankee Stadium in ’63 where Brown single handedly beat my beloved Giants 35-24. Thankfully the Giants repaid the Browns in spades 33-6 later that year and went to the title game where they lost to the Bears 14-10.

My first recollection of Syracuse sports was watching the ’66 Gator Bowl against Tenn and rooting big time for the underdog team from NY State. Was disappointed that they fell short in that game but loved their grit and determination. Attended ESF from ’68-’72 during which I became a full-fledged maniac for all SU sports. My first big thrill was the 20-7 upset of then #4 UCLA in ’68 when Ben left the field uncovered in the days leading up to the game and the typical Syracuse weather made the field a mess, which cut into their superior team speed. At one point that season the team was 6-2 but lost the last two games to WVU and PSU to post a sub-standard 6-4 record (some things never change). After that it was all downhill as the college game passed by Ben.

The basketball program started to finally click in my last two years - making the NIT which we thought was just the greatest. My junior year I attended the Fordham game at the Rose Hill Gym during Christmas break and we got creamed 98-75. That was the powerhouse team coached by Digger Phelps that finished the year 26-3 and won the 3rd place NCAA East Regional consolation game against South Carolina. I went to my first post season game in the Garden later the same year when SU took on Michigan in the NIT. Although we lost 82-76 it was the start of a great string of post season appearances only broken by the NCAA sanctions in the ’92-’93 season. During my senior year SU appeared in the Holiday Festival in MSG. I went to the first game when we ran into a Denny Crum coached Louisville buzz saw that spanked SU 103-84. When SU beat Duke in the losers’ bracket I went to the Penn State consolation game and we prevailed 92-77. Since SU played a home & home series every year against them we wound up playing PSU 3 times during that year – winning two. The first (and only) NCAA game I attended was against Furman at the Palestra in ’73 where we squeaked out an 83-82 win. The game was memorable in that it was one of the first dates with my future wife. Well at least she got to see first-hand what she was getting into.

Perhaps the one lasting sports addiction I picked up while a student was the love of lacrosse. Growing up in the Bronx I had no idea that the game even existed, but two gangs chasing each other with sticks and beating the crap out of one another really appealed to the city kid in me! I have wonderful lasting memories of sitting on the hill overlooking the lacrosse field drinking beer in the warm spring sunshine and cheering on my beloved Orangemen.
[COLOR=#000000 said:
The first (and only) NCAA game I attended was against Furman at the Palestra in ’73 where we squeaked out an 83-82 win. The game was memorable in that it was one of the first dates with my future wife. [/COLOR]
I, too was at that game...a great game...and sounds like an even better game for you! Cheers!
I was born in Albany in 1976 and grew up in Clifton Park. My father is a big Syracuse fan. He grew up in South Onondaga and Pulaski. I have vague Syracuse memories from a very early age. I remember the Villanova cheerleader breaking her neck. Does anyone remember what year that was? By the time Pearl Washington came around, I was following the team religiously (even though I was quite young) and haven't stopped since. I've been lurking syracusefan.com since the early 2000s.

I now live in the Rochester area. I usually make it to one or two basketball and football games each year. I never miss this team on television or radio. The DVR is helpful.
I'm surprised to see so many UConn converts. I am one as well.

Grew up about 5 minutes from Storrs. Rooted for UConn as a kid after the Tate George year. Also rooted for Cuse football, because that was about as local as it got for a New England kid and BC blows.

I attended Cuse from 1998 - 2002. I converted almost immediately, although I did root for the Khalid El-Amin team to win the title. I specifically remember watching Rip Hamilton tear us up in the Dome in 1999 and feeling all of my former UConn love escape my body. I hated him, UConn and Calhoun in that moment and my conversion was complete.

Strangely the obsession grew worse after I left Cuse and moved to DC. There is something extremely satisfying about being in enemy territory (GTown, Maryland) and talking . Taking over the Verizon Center has become like Christmas for my friends and I, and we make regular trips up to Philly for Nova games and one long trek back to Cuse for a home game each year.

Love Otis Hill, Jason Hart, and Devo. I also always had a soft spot for TRob. Even though he was frustrating as hell, he always gave you effort.

You were there the same years I was. What dorms did you live in?
Aside from Alibrat (who was my SU classmate and close friend at SU), I might be the oldest poster here

Born and raised in Armonk, NY (when it was a rural cow pasture ... long before it became a fancy NYC suburb). Went to SU because it gave me a full scholly (my father was a cop when cops made no money). Never saw the SU campus until I arrived as a freshman in 1959. Attended all of Ernie Davis' home games ... and attended our National Championship football game (1/1/60 Cotton Bowl). Also attended the first basketball game at Manley in 1962 ... and the NC basketball game in New Orleans in 2003. Until proven otherwise, I will say I am the only person in the world with that trifecta.

Had an eclectic career in journalism and pr.. before retiring from GE a few years ago. As I tell my friends, retirement is very under-rated. It gives me time to pursue all my interests (e.g., music, theatre, birds, travel and SU sports).

Although I live in southern CT, I have season basketball tix at the Dome and attend about five-six games there a year. Have also attended every Syracuse BET game since 1985 and more NCAA games than I can count -- including some I would rather forget (Vermont in 2005, anyone?).

I founded syracusefan.com 1n late 1999 with Fishy and Temery ... in order to give SU fans an alternative to the un-moderated forum on syracuse.com. It is one of the best things I ever did... in that it has given me the opportunity to meet scores of great people who share my passion for SU sports.
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I founded syracusefan.com 12 years ago with Fishy and Temery ... in order to give SU fans an alternative to the un-moderated forum on syracuse.com. It is one of the best things I ever did... in that it has given me the opportunity to meet scores of great people who share my passion for SU sports.

Hear hear!

I've met so many great people through this forum... including you!

A hug thanks for starting this back in the day.

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