I’d agree with you if the market looked efficient, but it doesn’t. There is a massive inefficiency in the market. That’s why salaries have been sky rocketing.We can't write the checks the bigger schools write. it's that simple. We don't have a big time donor underwriting the athletic department and the school isn't going to bankrupt itself for football. It's completely foolish to suggest it. And i'm happy with that as an alumni. I'd rather see Kent continue to make Syracuse a select school again and to move up the academic rankings. The prior regime destroyed the reputation of the academics at Syracuse.
Back to the football, If Dino gets a huge offer at a school he wants to coach at, so be it. I am numb to coaches moving to greener pastures. We have been blessed to have Boeheim and Pasqualoni because they were completely happy delivering big time results and not leveraging them into better opportunities. Those two coaches built sustainable programs (one longer than the other). It can happen at Syracuse with more restrictive budget constraints if you find the right people. It's a fantastic program, area if you find the right person. It's a lifetime job if you find the right person.
Let's hope Dino Babers. Is the right person. Don't lose sleep if he isn't. There are other guys out there who can deliver results too. I just like the one we have right now
Middle tier P5 programs are paying what elite programs were paying under a decade ago. That jump is incredible.
The trick is to be ahead of the curve.