Agree with this. I know this issue causes a lot of disagreement, but if you have a policy, you can't dictate it and then immediately walk it back and land somewhere that is equivalent to a shoulder shrug.
I get you will never have 100% compliance, but maybe you can make it fun. Have orange-masks being handed out. Heck, have them branded. Hand them out with orange towels. I don't care. Yes, will some people always poo poo them, sure. Will some people half-heartedly wear them, of course. But do something that shows you are in support of your own policy.
Let students wear masks that say some obnoxious stuff on them. Honestly, I don't care. But don't throw out a policy and then try to walk away from the responsibility of the policy and put it on the ushers or the fans to try to decipher what you really mean by it.