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WWE Thread

Good to hear Paul's new perspective on his health, family, career, and plans for WWE...
Tonight's Summer Slam will be the first without Vince at the helm. He did originally book most of these matches, but it'll be interesting to see how HHH spins it. Either way, he'll have the opportunity to hit the reset button to some degree after tonight.

I would expect some HHH surprises. I'm sure one will include Seth Rollins. He was supposed to take on Riddle (before he was injured).

Edit: It looks like Edge comes back tonight at least by that latest vignette.
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I watch Summerslam so that you don't have to.

Kicks off with an excellent match between Bianca Belair and Becky Lynch. A couple of mistimed spots, but otherwise a (Meltzer scale) 4-star match. After the match, Bayley makes her return. She is joined by Dakota Kai and Io Shirai. Becks stands with Bianca. Yep, we've got a ready-made tag-team match likely leading eventually to Bianca vs. Bayley. And, Beck's Babyface Rehab has finally started. About time.

OK, here comes Miz vs. 'social media megastar' Logan Paul. Paul has been trying and failing to get over as a babyface. He's such a natural heel. Should be an interesting dynamic. One thing we've already seen: the endless video packages and entrances are not a thing of the past. Disappointing.

The Miz heads to the ring accompanied by (wife) Maryse and (last name only) Ciampa. Logan comes out unaccompanied. We get a 'tiny ba--s' chant. WWE humor. It's clear that this match has been painstakingly choreographed. We get the quick cuts to hide the pathetic chops of Paul. I can't stand either of these guys. Match is already longer than it should be, even with Maryse's boobs in a supporting role. Crowd seems pretty dead. Paul lands figure four. Ciampa banished from ringside. Instead, he takes a seat. AJ Styles takes out Ciampa. Appears from the, wait for it, 'WWE Universe'. Paul hits the Miz with the 'Phenomenal Forearm'. I hate this bleep. Paul lays out The Miz on the announce table and lands the Frog Splash. That was impressive. Paul has Miz pinned but Maryse 'distracts the referee'. Miz inadvertently hits Maryse. Paul lands the 'Skull-Crushing Finale', and pins Miz. Good ending to an overly-long match. Don't think Logan Paul's over, though.

Just what we need: a Maximum Male Models commercial for some 'natural water'. Oh, and two commercials for Sly Stallone's new TV show. More commercials. Hey, I get Peacock for free, so who am I to complain? Although, 'I'm a woman and I'm pooping on TV' is a bit much...what's next? 'I'm having my period--on TV'?

(Not) Austin Theory vs. The Almighty Bobby Lashley. Should be short, with Lashley retaining. Theory attacks with briefcase before the bell. Lashley is either on the juice or he's a freak of nature. Theory grabs briefcase and tries to leave. Lashley stops him. Weak dropkick from Theory that couldn't be hidden. Quick full nelson from Lashley and Theory again taps. Why waste a new finish? I'm curious to see whether the Theory push continues with Triple H. To me, he has go-away heat.

Judgment Day (Damien Priest and Finn Balor) vs. Los Mysterios in a No DQ match. Is this where we get the oft-rumored Dominick heel turn? And why don't I care? Dominick sucks. Rhea Ripley at ringside. No doubt, she'll make her presence felt. Balor and Priest have some synergy with each other. If WWE valued tag teams more, they'd be a good one. This match has some crowd heat. Heel team mocks an Eddy Guerrero move. Dom is the babyface in peril. Everyone's calling for the hot tag to Rey. Annd...he's in! Senton to Priest, dropkick to Priest. Rey pounds Priest with chair. Priest nails superkick, Rey kicks out at 2. Both Rey and Finn Balor on top rope. Rey nails Hurricanrana. As both Mysterios go for twin 619s, Rhea interferes. Lights go out, flames come on and--here comes EDGE!! He spears both Balor and Priest. Twin 619's to Balor. Mysterios win. Should've seen that coming.

Pat McAfee vs. Happy Corbin. We all know that Corbin is getting his butt whipped. But we need a video package to set the stage since the average WWE viewer has only seen it about 5 times before. The lemmings have been taught to chant 'Dumba-- Corbin', and they will tonight. And, yes, there's a choir chanting 'Dumba-- Corbin'. Because subtlety is the WWE's strong suit. JEE-zus. Time to quote HL Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

They jaw. Corbin sells well, making McAfee look good. Well, not that good. McAfee's pretty slow. He's gonna make the comeback and win, but, as a match, this isn't much. If you take a close look at 'Li'l Naitch, the hair and the wrinkles in his face don't match. Corbin works McAfee over on the announcer's table to build the heat. There's some, but not what they'd likely hope for. Superplex from McAfee off top rope. Almost botched, but Corbin saved it. McAfee with a flip dive off top rope. Almost botched, but Corbin covered for it. And--we have ref bump. Sort-of. McAfee with the low blow. Sunset flip and McAfee wins. Pretty good. Corbin's a pro.

A promo from Drew McIntyre? He's carrying his sword. Reminds me of a Randy Newman lyric: "Why must everyone laugh at my mighty sword?" Gets cheap cheers by kissing Nashville's butt. Brandishes his mighty sword and the stadium ejaculates--fireworks.

Hall Of Famer Jeff Jarrett comes out sporting an ill-fitting referee's shirt (points for it being sleeveless) for yet another matchup between the Usos and the Street Profits. Profits gotta win, right? I mean, isn't the 50th title match the charm? We know they'll have a good match. Profits wearing Titans' gear. I'm calling it: Title change. Usos come out, announcers tout their 376-day reign. Just gonna watch and enjoy this one. JJ interjecting himself early. Don't like the ref being part of the storyline, at least not here. Usos isolate Dawkins. When do we get the first hot tag? Starting slow, but these teams know how to build a match. Montez Ford could easily be a singles star. Another 'WWE Universe' reference. Was hoping that would disappear along with Vince. Dawson (sorta) hits a flip dive on the Usos. Pace is really picking up. Jarrett's presence suggests to me that he'll play a part in the finish. All sorts of legit almost-three counts. Montez Ford loses his cool at Jarrett, gets punked. Dawson pinned, Usos retained. Real good match. Think the Street Profits should have won.

Matt Riddle shows up. 'Not medically cleared to wrestle' (actually the 'injury' is a work). Calls out Rollins. And, we have a schmozz. 'WWE officials trying to separate the two'. Rollins lays him out. Yep, 'Riddle only has himself to blame.' Building heat.

Ronda Rousey vs. Liv Morgan. Y'know, nobody forced Ronda to take Vince's money. She was underwhelming before she left to have a baby. Been underwhelming since she returned. Those bleeping raccoon eyes don't help. Lose the eyeliner. And learn how to cut a promo. And stop being so miserable. I hope you lose tonight and leave to have another baby. Liv is--OK. Don't think she's a needle mover. But I'd like to see her hold the belt a little longer. Looks like a screw-up a few minutes in. Story of the match is Rousey putting the arm bar on and Morgan finding ways to get out of it. Rousey puts it on again. Morgan pins her, but she had already tapped. Uh, maybe Jeff Jarrett will ref the rematch...Rousey armbars the ref. Eh, wasn't much of a match, and Morgan was made to look weak. Don't think it did anybody any favors.

Kane announces the fake attendance. Hey, he's a politician. Didn't expect him to tell the truth, didja?

The 'energy in the stadium is palpable'for the 'Last Man Standing' match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. The entrance/processional of the Tribal Chief goes on and on. His music is Wagner-like. Fireworks. Lesnar wears MMA chic. The gloves, the shorts, and that pigtail. Oh, there just happens to be a tractor there. Phony WWE announcer laughs. Lesnar puts on flannel and is 'bringing the farm to Summer Slam'. Drives the tractor 'with a front end loader on it' to the ring. Didn't Stone Cold do something like this? Hops into the front end loader. Introduces himself using a southern accent. Cool.

Loser will be the one who fails to get up from a 10-count. Lesnar jumps off the front-end loader to ambush Reigns. Lesnar almost falls off barricade while trying to do a move. Tables are out. Lesnar has gone through one. Um, make that two.

Brock is now in the tractor. Looks like he may set up an ending where Lesnar puts him in the front end loader. Yep, Reigns is in the front loader. Lesnar dumps him in the ring. Reigns is up. First 'This is awesome' chant of the night. Lesnar is doing a series of German suplexes. Man, Lesnar's face is beet-red. -5 from Lesnar. At least he gets to rest during the 10-counts. Reigns with a guillotine. Lesnar reverses it. This match rocks. Lesnar is back in the tractor. He's moving the ring! He's lifted the ring. Reigns falls out. Unreal. Usos attack. Heyman gets -5'd into table. Both Reigns and Lesnar are down. Make it up at 9. Theory comes down to cash in. -5'd by Lesnar. Jimmy & Jey superkick Lesnar. Brock up at 9. Roman pounding Lesnar with briefcase. Reigns hits Lesnar with the belt. 'For the love of God, count faster'. Now they're burying Lesnar beneath the rubble. And standing on it. And Reigns retains.

Absolutely un-bleeping-believable. That's one unforgettable main event.
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HHH puts his stamp on SS after the first match by bringing back his girls NXT girls. Dakota and Io were long overdue for the main roster. Women's division should pick up with Bayley and these two added. Still think HHH gets one if not both Naomi and Sasha back.

Surprised HHH let Ciampa (one of his boys) come out like that with Miz. Hopefully, he can reset after Summer Slam. Kind of weird having AJ coming out randomly in the middle to get Ciampa. Maybe they can build something going forward.. both are really good stand alone characters and workers. Say what you want about Logan Paul, but he is pretty darn good for a non-wrestler. You should definitely catch his frog splash off the top and onto the announcers table. He is a natural heel though.

Good to see Lashley squash Theory. Kid needs to be taken down a level.

I'm over the Mysterios.. mainly because of Dom. Rhea helps the Judgement Day faction, but they still don't have it for me. This was the match I figured Edge would return for. Solid return pyro, etc., but it would've been so much better with an actual big stage. They decided to not have one in the Titans football stadium, so some of the entrances are lacking. Now (unfortunately), we probably get a trios match at the Castle. Judgement Day will need to add another guy though.

I also get Peacock for free with my Xfinity.

P.S. You won't see it on TV, but half the stadium is tarped off. Here are some pics from different angles during the pre-show...
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I watch Summerslam so that you don't have to.

Kicks off with an excellent match between Bianca Belair and Becky Lynch. A couple of mistimed spots, but otherwise a (Meltzer scale) 4-star match. After the match, Bayley makes her return. She is joined by Dakota Kai and Io Shirai. Becks stands with Bianca. Yep, we've got a ready-made tag-team match likely leading eventually to Bianca vs. Bayley. And, Beck's Babyface Rehab has finally started. About time.

OK, here comes Miz vs. 'social media megastar' Logan Paul. Paul has been trying and failing to get over as a babyface. He's such a natural heel. Should be an interesting dynamic. One thing we've already seen: the endless video packages and entrances are not a thing of the past. Disappointing.

The Miz heads to the ring accompanied by (wife) Maryse and (last name only) Ciampa. Logan comes out unaccompanied. We get a 'tiny ba--s' chant. WWE humor. It's clear that this match has been painstakingly choreographed. We get the quick cuts to hide the pathetic chops of Paul. I can't stand either of these guys. Match is already longer than it should be, even with Maryse's boobs in a supporting role. Crowd seems pretty dead. Paul lands figure four. Ciampa banished from ringside. Instead, he takes a seat. AJ Styles takes out Ciampa. Appears from the, wait for it, 'WWE Universe'. Paul hits the Miz with the 'Phenomenal Forearm'. I hate this bleep. Paul lays out The Miz on the announce table and lands the Frog Splash. That was impressive. Paul has Miz pinned but Maryse 'distracts the referee'. Miz inadvertently hits Maryse. Paul lands the 'Skull-Crushing Finale', and pins Miz. Good ending to an overly-long match. Don't think Logan Paul's over, though.

Just what we need: a Maximum Male Models commercial for some 'natural water'. Oh, and two commercials for Sly Stallone's new TV show. More commercials. Hey, I get Peacock for free, so who am I to complain? Although, 'I'm a woman and I'm pooping on TV' is a bit much...what's next? 'I'm having my period--on TV'?

(Not) Austin Theory vs. The Almighty Bobby Lashley. Should be short, with Lashley retaining. Theory attacks with briefcase before the bell. Lashley is either on the juice or he's a freak of nature. Theory grabs briefcase and tries to leave. Lashley stops him. Weak dropkick from Theory that couldn't be hidden. Quick full nelson from Lashley and Theory again taps. Why waste a new finish? I'm curious to see whether the Theory push continues with Triple H. To me, he has go-away heat.

Judgment Day (Damien Priest and Finn Balor) vs. Los Mysterios in a No DQ match. Is this where we get the oft-rumored Dominick heel turn? And why don't I care? Dominick sucks. Rhea Ripley at ringside. No doubt, she'll make her presence felt. Balor and Priest have some synergy with each other. If WWE valued tag teams more, they'd be a good one. This match has some crowd heat. Heel team mocks an Eddy Guerrero move. Dom is the babyface in peril. Everyone's calling for the hot tag to Rey. Annd...he's in! Senton to Priest, dropkick to Priest. Rey pounds Priest with chair. Priest nails superkick, Rey kicks out at 2. Both Rey and Finn Balor on top rope. Rey nails Hurricanrana. As both Mysterios go for twin 619s, Rhea interferes. Lights go out, flames come on and--here comes EDGE!! He spears both Balor and Priest. Twin 619's to Balor. Mysterios win. Should've seen that coming.

Pat McAfee vs. Happy Corbin. We all know that Corbin is getting his butt whipped. But we need a video package to set the stage since the average WWE viewer has only seen it about 5 times before. The lemmings have been taught to chant 'Dumba-- Corbin', and they will tonight. And, yes, there's a choir chanting 'Dumba-- Corbin'. Because subtlety is the WWE's strong suit. JEE-zus. Time to quote HL Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

They jaw. Corbin sells well, making McAfee look good. Well, not that good. McAfee's pretty slow. He's gonna make the comeback and win, but, as a match, this isn't much. If you take a close look at 'Li'l Naitch, the hair and the wrinkles in his face don't match. Corbin works McAfee over on the announcer's table to build the heat. There's some, but not what they'd likely hope for. Superplex from McAfee off top rope. Almost botched, but Corbin saved it. McAfee with a flip dive off top rope. Almost botched, but Corbin covered for it. And--we have ref bump. Sort-of. McAfee with the low blow. Sunset flip and McAfee wins. Pretty good. Corbin's a pro.

A promo from Drew McIntyre? He's carrying his sword. Reminds me of a Randy Newman lyric: "Why must everyone laugh at my mighty sword?" Gets cheap cheers by kissing Nashville's butt. Brandishes his mighty sword and the stadium ejaculates--fireworks.

Hall Of Famer Jeff Jarrett comes out sporting an ill-fitting referee's shirt (points for it being sleeveless) for yet another matchup between the Usos and the Street Profits. Profits gotta win, right? I mean, isn't the 50th title match the charm? We know they'll have a good match. Profits wearing Titans' gear. I'm calling it: Title change. Usos come out, announcers tout their 376-day reign. Just gonna watch and enjoy this one. JJ interjecting himself early. Don't like the ref being part of the storyline, at least not here. Usos isolate Dawkins. When do we get the first hot tag? Starting slow, but these teams know how to build a match. Montez Ford could easily be a singles star. Another 'WWE Universe' reference. Was hoping that would disappear along with Vince. Dawson (sorta) hits a flip dive on the Usos. Pace is really picking up. Jarrett's presence suggests to me that he'll play a part in the finish. All sorts of legit almost-three counts. Montez Ford loses his cool at Jarrett, gets punked. Dawson pinned, Usos retained. Real good match. Think the Street Profits should have won.

Matt Riddle shows up. 'Not medically cleared to wrestle' (actually the 'injury' is a work). Calls out Rollins. And, we have a schmozz. 'WWE officials trying to separate the two'. Rollins lays him out. Yep, 'Riddle only has himself to blame.' Building heat.

Ronda Rousey vs. Liv Morgan. Y'know, nobody forced Ronda to take Vince's money. She was underwhelming before she left to have a baby. Been underwhelming since she returned. Those bleeping raccoon eyes don't help. Lose the eyeliner. And learn how to cut a promo. And stop being so miserable. I hope you lose tonight and leave to have another baby. Liv is--OK. Don't think she's a needle mover. But I'd like to see her hold the belt a little longer. Looks like a screw-up a few minutes in. Story of the match is Rousey putting the arm bar on and Morgan finding ways to get out of it. Rousey puts it on again. Morgan pins her, but she had already tapped. Uh, maybe Jeff Jarrett will ref the rematch...Rousey armbars the ref. Eh, wasn't much of a match, and Morgan was made to look weak. Don't think it did anybody any favors.

Kane announces the fake attendance. Hey, he's a politician. Didn't expect him to tell the truth, didja?

The 'energy in the stadium is palpable'for the 'Last Man Standing' match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. The entrance/processional of the Tribal Chief goes on and on. His music is Wagner-like. Fireworks. Lesnar wears MMA chic. The gloves, the shorts, and that pigtail. Oh, there just happens to be a tractor there. Phony WWE announcer laughs. Lesnar puts on flannel and is 'bringing the farm to Summer Slam'. Drives the tractor 'with a front end loader on it' to the ring. Didn't Stone Cold do something like this? Hops into the front end loader. Introduces himself using a southern accent. Cool.

Loser will be the one who fails to get up from a 10-count. Lesnar jumps off the front-end loader to ambush Reigns. Lesnar almost falls off barricade while trying to do a move. Tables are out. Lesnar has gone through one. Um, make that two.

Brock is now in the tractor. Looks like he may set up an ending where Lesnar puts him in the front end loader. Yep, Reigns is in the front loader. Lesnar dumps him in the ring. Reigns is up. First 'This is awesome' chant of the night. Lesnar is doing a series of German suplexes. Man, Lesnar's face is beet-red. -5 from Lesnar. At least he gets to rest during the 10-counts. Reigns with a guillotine. Lesnar reverses it. This match rocks. Lesnar is back in the tractor. He's moving the ring! He's lifted the ring. Reigns falls out. Unreal. Usos attack. Heyman gets -5'd into table. Both Reigns and Lesnar are down. Make it up at 9. Theory comes down to cash in. -5'd by Lesnar. Jimmy & Jey superkick Lesnar. Brock up at 9. Roman pounding Lesnar with briefcase. Reigns hits Lesnar with the belt. 'For the love of God, count faster'. Now they're burying Lesnar beneath the rubble. And standing on it. And Reigns retains.

Absolutely un-bleeping-believable. That's one unforgettable main event.
Really hope HHH lets McIntyre win at Clash of the Castle. Guy deserves his pop, especially in front of his home fans. This Roman Reigns shtick is months past its prime. Same with the Usos title reign. Time for some new blood.
There was no reason for the Street Profits to lose last night. Even if there's a planned breakup, putting them over would have rejuvenated the tag team division. Not to mention, Triple H could have reversed the planned breakup. Missed opportunity.
Cole was fairly good last night unleashed from Vince in his headset, and the Vince rules.

I went down to Nashville for the show. It is a crazy town, I will say that.
Overall, I did enjoy the show, but A) the video packages are just a killer, and B) they had a spotlight on the big screen once it got dark and it really obstructed the view. Not sure if the "turn the light off" chants made the TV broadcast.
I went down to Nashville for the show. It is a crazy town, I will say that.
Overall, I did enjoy the show, but A) the video packages are just a killer, and B) they had a spotlight on the big screen once it got dark and it really obstructed the view. Not sure if the "turn the light off" chants made the TV broadcast.
No, I didn't hear them. I was expecting some "we can't see" chants after Brock lifted the ring up and left it that way.

Side note.. at the AEW show I went to a couple weeks ago... there was a section chanting "we can't see" once the JAS were in the shark cage.
Ric Flair's latest last match (& PPV) was last night. The legend didn't look great, but he is 73 (I think). Thankfully, he survived. This was the last video from the FiteTV Twitter. You can go back and see a lot of clips from his match and the others if you are interested.
Not surprised with HHH in charge, but rumor has it that an agreement has been reached for Sasha Banks and Naomi to return to WWE.

Reports coming out following SummerSlam... Brock Lesnar made his way back stage to a standing ovation from the entire WWE roster and was embraced by Triple H and Stephanie as well as Paul Heyman. It was being described as an extremely emotional moment.
Will we ever see Omos again.
Seems like he would be a simple deletion under a new viewpoint.
Becky Lynch legit separated her shoulder during her match vs. Bianca Belair at Summerslam. They did an injury angle tonight where she was beaten down by Bayley, Io, and Dakota Kai.

WWE says she'll be out for 'several months'. Guess the face turn is on the shelf for awhile.
Ok, now that Vince is gone….

Can they change the rules for the stupid MITB cash ins? I mean - it’s so stupid when they run down in the middle of the match. Or right after a match. The first time when Edge cashed in on Cena was cool….but they should’ve closed that shortcut loophole right then and there.

Should have to announce it ahead of time when you’re cashing in, and the match should be scheduled. Cmon. The run down opportunistic cash in is just so scrubby.
Admittedly I’ve watched little WWE in the last year and half or so, but I’ve still semi-followed and I’m giving it another shot now under new leadership.

So I’m curious….out of any wrestling company you follow, who’s your top 5 favorites right now? I said “favorite” so be biased.

I’m AEW heavy because that’s what I’ve watched more of recently but I’d go:

1. Britt Baker - The most consistently charismatic, and can produce in the ring.
2. Christian - On an absolute ROLL on the mic and character wise, and still can wrestle.
3. Bryan Danielson - Still the best when healthy.
4. AJ Styles - why is he not pushed like the mid-late 90s Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels of WWE now - meaning he’s consistently one of the top 2-3 guys on the show?
5. Samoa Joe - I know he doesn’t wrestle consistently and is winding down, but he’s still probably the other guy along with Danielson who I think is basically perfect when he’s healthy. He has his character down to a T and it’s one I love, and always delivers in the ring when given the chance.
Vince McMahon's reputation undergoes further tarnishing. From the Wall Street Journal:

"A new report says Vince McMahon paid $5 million in unrecorded company expenses to former president Donald Trump’s charity.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that among the $19.6 million in unrecorded company expenses were two donations to Trump’s now-defunct Donald J. Trump Foundation in 2007 and 2009 that totaled to $5 million. McMahon resigned from WWE in July following the revelation of the unrecorded company expenses, along with allegations of sexual misconduct.

The report says an attorney for WWE told the Wall Street Journal that the payments to Trump should have been booked as business expenses, as McMahon was a principal shareholder and the payments benefited the company. WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt didn’t dispute the report regarding the contributions but denied Trump’s claim that an additional $1 million was a bonus for the success of WrestleMania 23.

“Mr. Trump and WWE entered into a contract whereby WWE agreed to and did pay him personally an appearance fee of $1 million,” McDevitt told the Wall Street Journal. “At the same time, the McMahons made a personal contribution to the Trump Foundation of $4 million. There was no additional fee paid to Mr. Trump, or any additional contribution to the Trump Foundation, due to the success of the event.”
Vince McMahon's reputation undergoes further tarnishing. From the Wall Street Journal:

"A new report says Vince McMahon paid $5 million in unrecorded company expenses to former president Donald Trump’s charity.

The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that among the $19.6 million in unrecorded company expenses were two donations to Trump’s now-defunct Donald J. Trump Foundation in 2007 and 2009 that totaled to $5 million. McMahon resigned from WWE in July following the revelation of the unrecorded company expenses, along with allegations of sexual misconduct.

The report says an attorney for WWE told the Wall Street Journal that the payments to Trump should have been booked as business expenses, as McMahon was a principal shareholder and the payments benefited the company. WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt didn’t dispute the report regarding the contributions but denied Trump’s claim that an additional $1 million was a bonus for the success of WrestleMania 23.

“Mr. Trump and WWE entered into a contract whereby WWE agreed to and did pay him personally an appearance fee of $1 million,” McDevitt told the Wall Street Journal. “At the same time, the McMahons made a personal contribution to the Trump Foundation of $4 million. There was no additional fee paid to Mr. Trump, or any additional contribution to the Trump Foundation, due to the success of the event.”
Tax break for McMahon?? And no income taxes for Trump?? We know he used that money not for charity disbursement
Tax break for McMahon?? And no income taxes for Trump?? We know he used that money not for charity disbursement

This in itself doesn't appear to be anything overly nefarious. (Unlike the sexual misconduct which he fully deserved to go down for) Trump actually provided significant services to the WWE in 2007 in 2009 and was entitled to valid compensation... was a key figure in a co main event at Wrestlemania 2007 and was a RAW GM for a few months in 2009. My guess this has more to do with Trump trying to skirt taxes, and WWE corporate not wanting to get involved -- so Vince paid it himself.

Its just another item that McMahon paid for himself, that benefitted the company... and hence should have been expensed by the company with the offsetting credit going to equity (since Vince paid for it and Vince was not re-imbursed by the company for it). The WWE has to put a press release out since they will be fixing the 2007 and 2009 financials. It will also have no impact with the investors -- can a current investor really claim they were hurt because the 2009 P&L was a net income of 48 million and not 52 million? and there is no balance sheet impact today from this.

The strange thing with this one, is why did McMahon pay this $5M himself? On the surface it appears to be a legitimate expense that nobody would be that upset if reported (and paid by the WWE) at the time. It's very different from the $14.6M of NDA's related to sexual misconduct. Certainly we know why he paid the $14.6 million related to the sexual misconduct NDA's. He was trying to hide those payments from the WWE board and finance team (so they would not be reported on financials), and did not want them leaking out via corporate reports.

A few scenarios I can speculate, which is all speculation:
1) The board did not approve such a "high"excessive payment to Trump, and since VInce really wanted him to come in 2007 and 2009 he decided to pay him with his own money and not the WWE's. Nothing wrong with this scenario except WWE should have expensed it, even if they paid nothing and lost no assets in the scenario.

2) The finance team or board sensed there was something wrong with where the money was going (something off with the Trump charity perhaps ) and did not want to pay it with WWE corporate money, so Vince paid it himself. Again Vince is the loser he since he 100% pays for it, instead of the Company (which Vince only owns 38%). Shareholders did not suffer losses in this scenario

3) Vince paid for it himself to improve the WWE earnings in those years. Which I don't think is likely.

My guess is its something like #2, but speculating.
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Watching for first time in a long time. Crowd was hot for Sami
So far the WWE product has been better, based on my limited scattered viewing in recent weeks.

Its good that HHH has brought in some neglected NXT talent (from before the 2.0) era. That being said bringing in former NXT guys seems to be the big move that HHH has done over several times already -- he hasn't done too much with experienced talent that has been not really utilized well.

Kevin Owens, Rollins, Riddle, Zayn, Styles, Nakamura, Kingston, Woods, Edge... a bunch of talent was not even used at the last PPV Summerslam. These are good wrestlers that have been hurt by WWE booking -- I would like to see HHH to improve the product by using these guys better and I am not sure they really are at this point..

Really his main move so far creatively have been NXT call-ups or pushing guys like Champa. Not bad at all - but would like to see a little more with established talent and improving their utilization.

EDIT - I will also add that so far there is still no sign of Omos (unless I missed it)., which is certainly a good thing.
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