You guys dreaming about new OC's and new offensive systems |

You guys dreaming about new OC's and new offensive systems


Living Legend
Aug 17, 2011
better get used to long term disapointment.

Even if Hackett were to leave, the basic approach isn't going to change much.
better get used to long term disapointment.

Even if Hackett were to leave, the basic approach isn't going to change much.
If this is true, and the results don't change much, Marrone is a meathead.
There's a hell of lot more involved in building back this football program than keeping you entertained.

And who says the results won't change?
I take from Go's statement that HCDM has his idea of an offense. Exciting or not, if it works, he succeeds. If it doesn't, he's back to being an OC in the league.
better get used to long term disapointment.

Even if Hackett were to leave, the basic approach isn't going to change much.
Maybe it's the media influence, maybe it's simply the way fans tend to look at things, but too often the first reaction to adversity is to criticize the coaching or the system or the playcalling.

I think many of us think about that story that is told about any number of old coaches: "He can take his and beat yours and can take yours and beat his"

That's a true compliment to a coach but it is not realistic.

The reality is that talent usually prevails over coaching.

When Buddy Ryan was in Philly and Chicago he had great defenses. The system - The 46 Defense - was given a lot of credit for that success, but the same system floundered in Arizona. The difference of course was that in Chicago Buddy had guys like Mike Singletary and Richard Dent and in Philly had Reggie White, Eric Allen and Jerome Brown.

When Buddy left Philly, Bud Carson took the same players, used a new system, and had equal if not greater success. It was the players not the system.

With rare exception the players make system, not the other way around.
better get used to long term disapointment.

Even if Hackett were to leave, the basic approach isn't going to change much.

we went from all bubble screens all the time to this. i wouldn't be surprised to see him scrap the saints approach

if the offense continues to suck, the disappointment won't be that long term
There's a hell of lot more involved in building back this football program than keeping you entertained.

And who says the results won't change?

UGH. It's not about entertainment, it's about gaining yards and scoring points. We're not doing either worth a damn.

We better get improved results, or we're going to be stuck at a 6-7 win ceiling max forever.
we went from all bubble screens all the time to this. i wouldn't be surprised to see him scrap the saints approach

if the offense continues to suck, the disappointment won't be that long term

If they get to a place where they are at about 30pts a game not changing a thing other than improving performance and using new personnel, are we going still get complaints from you about the offense.
I don't know if it's a hint or just out of necessity (influenced by who accepted an offer), but Marrone has recruited QB's that can run...Kinder, Hunt, Bryold. Throw in Miller as more of a passer.

Now whether any of them can actually pass as well as run remains to be seen, but so far it looks like he may be looking to change the offense into a more mobile QB situation. That would be different, if it actually happens.
If they get to a place where they are at about 30pts a game not changing a thing other than improving performance and using new personnel, are we going still get complaints from you about the offense.

They aren't going to get to a place where they are scoring 30 points a game against the better teams without changing the system, imho.

I take from Go's statement that HCDM has his idea of an offense. Exciting or not, if it works, he succeeds. If it doesn't, he's back to being an OC in the league.
If it works, it will be exciting.
Frankly, it's hard for me to tell yet whether or not our system, as it is, can be exciting. When it's fired on all cylinders, which is rare, it's been a lot of fun to watch.
All I ask is for a top 50 offense. Whatever system we have used the past 8 years has not worked. All I know is we are 3 years into the this system and it still sucks. I am not asking for mike leach I am just asking to have an average offense and one that can be productive in conference. I think trying to run an NFL system without top end talent is a complete waste of time in the college game.

All I ask is Marrone reevaluate if need be. I don't see many of these systems being successful at non factory schools. I don't care what system it is
By the sounds of it, just about everything is in our playbook. Marrone has always said there's option, spread option, wildcat, everything. So if the execution continues to fail (both on the field and off the field) I think a change of approach is always on the table. Last year was fine being a growing pains year on offense, we had a defense that was winning us games. We lost our first conference game this year, largely on failings of our offense. We lose more games like it and (gulp) don't go to a bowl game, Marrone isn't going to overly stubborn about it. His removal of Spence proves that.
If they get to a place where they are at about 30pts a game not changing a thing other than improving performance and using new personnel, are we going still get complaints from you about the offense.
one can only dream about being 42nd in the country in scoring offense. (that's what 30 pts got you last year)
Then why the word "boring" being thrown around so much.
because they don't move the ball. that's boring. it also happens to be ineffective.
After three years, I still do not know what the basic approach is.

Maybe we see the Pistol next year.
After three years, I still do not know what the basic approach is.

Maybe we see the Pistol next year.

Funny you should mention, I keep seeing the pistol more and more. Wake was running it, but a lot of other college teams have been using it as well.

I still haven't see the QB bunny hop yet, but I figure, like the pistol, the rest of the college football world will soon catch up to GRob.
better get used to long term disapointment.

Even if Hackett were to leave, the basic approach isn't going to change much.

Forgive me. Please tell me what the basic approach is again?
Forgive me. Please tell me what the basic approach is again?

The thing is most aren't asking for the world, just dreaming of a productive offense or should I say a competent one, dare to dream!
I admit 5 years ago I was looking for a Leach type guy but at this point and for the time being, if we can have a really good defense most years, i will take a top 40-50 offense and roll the dice. Average is such a huge improvement and again I dont care what the scheme is just get the yards and score some freaking points, pretending that we are actually getting better or showing any improvement is absurd. Moving from 94 to 87 isnt improvement, IMO. Stink still stinks, Time to call a spade a spade, and at this point I discount the recruiting debate about giving Marrone time to recruit because he has had enough time to at least show SOME improvement, he flat out isnt getting it done on the offensive side of the ball at this point. I like Marrone and definitely think he will be here a long time and want him to be but the offense needs a change, even the Marrone's Jergens crew said that this was the year for the offense to carry us, to show a large improvment but yet again, we get the talent argument, the he just needs more time, the recruiting stuff, well lets see some IMPROVEMENT, something that makes one feel like we are moving in the rigght direction. I agree we need to recruit better but He had two years to try and replace Carter, to get a game changer at the WR position or a JUCO TE, somebody but people act as he was still dealt this hand 3 years later, its nonsense. I am not discounting the good things Marrone has done but the offense is still an unmitigated disaster and the reason we can't take an inferior opponent to the woodshed which I believe we will see this Saturday once again, does anyone actually believe this offense is capable of hanging 50 on Tulane, Army can do it but we can't Are you ing kidding me? We have not one QB that has even challenged Nassib at this point and that is freaking sad, that is not good because Ryan has been OK but this is what is wrong with the program, we should at least have one guy that should be challenging a very average college QB but we don't.

It is now the gorilla in the room for me. I have had it because our offense sucks so bad we have no room for error anywhere, you cant win that way year in year out. Yes wew need more talent but 75% percent of the problem with the offense is the scheme and the guys who implemented it. Sure it works with Drew Brees so it must be a good scheme!!
It is now the gorilla in the room for me. I have had it because our offense sucks so bad we have no room for error anywhere, you cant win that way year in year out

We have to at least give him the rest of the year. From what we have seen so far I do not like our system and don't see it being successful. But we have seen some flashes RU and UConn in 2009, then K St in the Bowl game. At the end of the year if not much changes, I think we should move onto a new system.
Then why the word "boring" being thrown around so much.

I don't want to speak for others, but I'm guessing it's probably because ranking 99th in yards/game and 87th in PPG is realllly ing boring.
Biggest question in the offseason will be whether Hackett is a chosen OC or a budget OC. If the latter, I'm going to assume the future conference move increases those budgets.
With so many schools racking up yards on offense, I can see the frustration. Why not run some no-huddle? Or zone-read? Last year's excuse was we had a young QB. Now we have an experienced QB who has great talent, experienced WRs, and an experienced OLine. Again, not hard to see why people are frustrated with the offense.

Personally, I'd like to see some type of no-huddle.

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