You just can't hate this team | Page 5 |

You just can't hate this team

“However if this is our "down" time is it really that awful?”

yes. It’s bad. We lost to Colgate and Georgetown. If the ACC was even mildly good, we almost definitely have a losing record this year. Its time for some acceptance on how bad it is.
It's one thing to accept what the team is and if you stop whining about what was it becomes easier to support the way things are.
Shortcomings and all. There are so many more athletic, talented teams with greater expectations in the past that frustrated us so much more than this team has. Coaching included. This team battles, despite their limitations. None of us are happy about the state of the program, especially with the league being as down as it is. But we are where we are.

We are Syracuse, we should never never be in a rut like we've been. Yet we are. We've all been very fortunate to have enjoyed the success over the years we might have taken for granted. However if this is our "down" time is it really that awful? I don't believe we will ever sink to BC or Pitt or even Uconn level (when the bottom fell out for them) with our resources. We will be back. Syracuse is the next tier under the blue bloods, the university invests in the program. The networks invest in the program. These last few years are just a long overdue blip that the UCLA's, Inidianas and even Kentuckys and etc. have gone through. AND we've still have not sunk as low as they had.

With all that said these kids battle. I still find myself wholeheartedly locked into these games, rooting for this team that wears our colors. Maybe the NIT is the ceiling IF we can make it. It doesn't matter. the winning season streak doesn't matter what does matter is I believe that this team is leaving it on the court and I love them for it. I think we all know the program will eventually turn it around. In the meantime I love this team and the effort they give.

Beat Duke. Go Orange.

If we're talking about Uconn's down time, it was 3 bad years in a row. We've 7 mediocre ones and counting.

I agree with a fair portion of what you said - but "Uconn level" is currently ranked 21st and likely rising after a win against top 10 Villlanova. They also have 4 national titles. Look, I HATE Uconn, hate them! But we'd be lucky to be at their level right now.
If we're talking about Uconn's down time, it was 3 bad years in a row. We've 7 mediocre ones and counting.

I agree with a fair portion of what you said - but "Uconn level" is currently ranked 21st and likely rising after a win against top 10 Villlanova. They also have 4 national titles. Look, I HATE Uconn, hate them! But we'd be lucky to be at their level right now.

Absolutely agree. But, correct me if im wrong but without looking didnt Uconn have some 10-18 like seasons. We are not there, yet.
I would gladly take a few 10-18 seasons if it meant 3 more titles and not sucking for most of a decade.

I think we all would. But obviously there is no guarantee and 10-18 seasons usually lead to more failure than a quick turn around.
Absolutely agree. But, correct me if im wrong but without looking didnt Uconn have some 10-18 like seasons. We are not there, yet.
They were bad but not close to Pitt/BC bad. Ollie went 16-17 and 14-18 in his last two years.
Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe we shouldnt support this "losing team" and save ir for when we are good again. The silver lining of being down is that it is much easier to see the true colors of fellow fans. Don't worry, we'll save your seat on the bandwagon.
Instead of accepting it, point out ways we can to improve. I didn't realize there was only one way of being a fan. In fact I feel it so deeply when we lose its tough to watch anymore. It is what it is. Just the facts.
I don't think you feel the losses as deeply as I do. You can define bandwagon any way you want but it doesn't apply to me.
This is an extremely lazy take.

What was Duke before Coach K? What was UConn prior to Calhoun (and look at the success Kevin Ollie & Dan Hurley have had since)?

Just because the unknown is scary doesn’t mean status quo isn’t scarier. We are a shell of the program JB built. I appreciate him, but you’re acting as though we won’t find anyone and we will have MAAC players (which we kinda already do).

SU has a ton to sell to any coach or recruit. To diminish that by calling JB “Syracuse” is not giving the infrastructure built any credit.
Bill Foster had success. UNC goes back to McGuire. Kentucky Adolf Rupp. UCLA had success after Wooden. We did not really have national success on a sustained basis before JB. The product is so watered down no that an SU offer is not a big deal.
Bill Foster had success. UNC goes back to McGuire. Kentucky Adolf Rupp. UCLA had success after Wooden. We did not really have national success on a sustained basis before JB. The product is so watered down no that an SU offer is not a big deal.
And before those legends had success, they were nothing too.

The brand that was built still has value. Carmelo is still in the NBA. Recruits know him.

The problem is the head coach has ran his course. And isn’t doing the things necessary to get top flight recruits.

You saying SU is JB is the same thing UCLA fans probably said about Wooden at retirement. They stunk for a period, then won national championships recently. How did that happen?

Takes the right coach and commitment, but there’s no reason we can’t be a very good program again. Need new blood.
Absolutely agree. But, correct me if im wrong but without looking didnt Uconn have some 10-18 like seasons. We are not there, yet.

They did not. I looked prior to my 1st response. They were a couple games under .500 in 2 years and maybe 1 game over the 3rd year? Not great by any means, but outside of that stretch they've been pretty good unfortunately.
The individuals that make up this team are trying and would be crushed if they finished with a losing record. All of them are terrific kids no doubt. It’s not their fault
My soul gets crushed when we lose to Colgate and Georgetown. My soul has been into this program twice as long as the players have been on earth. My soul knows we should be better.

Not hating on the players at all, but I’m a fan and worrying about the player’s feelings is not really high on my list.
My soul gets crushed when we lose to Colgate and Georgetown. My soul has been into this program twice as long as the players have been on earth. My soul knows we should be better.

Not hating on the players at all, but I’m a fan and worrying about the player’s feelings is not really high on my list.

I don’t disagree with that, except I haven’t been around that long.

Without question. Just a poorly constructed team. Built by a misguided hall of famer. It feels like he thought that his boys could do it. I don't even blame him, he was blinded. It may have worked if he surrounded them with the proper athletes. But, surrounding them with their buddies who share the same skills as them, but don't compliment them, means that we can easily be beat by even mediocre athletic teams.
I don’t quite get the “constructed by” comment. Yes, he had to go out at the last minute and find Symir, and Cole. ( Jimmy was probably a foregone conclusion.) But do you think he expected to not have Quincy? Or Richmond? Or that Sidibe would be where he is?

Seems like there are a lot of moving parts in constructing a team and sometimes maybe some things are out of control.
I don't mind this team but its not that good.

If the coach had kept Kadary and started him and we kept Quincy who would be playing the role he wanted this team would be awesome. But Joe and Jimmy as 6th/7th in the rotation wasn't an option they had to play 35+ per game.
I don’t quite get the “constructed by” comment. Yes, he had to go out at the last minute and find Symir, and Cole. ( Jimmy was probably a foregone conclusion.) But do you think he expected to not have Quincy? Or Richmond? Or that Sidibe would be where he is?

Seems like there are a lot of moving parts in constructing a team and sometimes maybe some things are out of control.
People were saying that Richmond, Newton and Braswell were leaving over a year ago. There was a lot of chatter about Guerrier as well. I mean if I can hear that from random messages on this site, then I’m sure the head coach was keenly aware.
These guys play hard.
They've been in the game down the stretch in every game except the two against potential Final Four teams Duke and Auburn.
They just have trouble finishing.

Maybe they're tired.
Maybe there's no one to take charge.
Maybe they're just not good enough.

But they sure have been frustrating.
I hate this team. Love the players and coaches but this assembled team is the worst since I have been going to games (1978). It’s probably worse than those in the early 70s but I have no perspective. I love JB but I hate that he is still here. It’s time.
People were saying that Richmond, Newton and Braswell were leaving over a year ago. There was a lot of chatter about Guerrier as well. I mean if I can hear that from random messages on this site, then I’m sure the head coach was keenly aware.
True. But that doesn’t give anyone much time to make additions. We think the portal is like a grocery aisle, but there’s much more to it.
True. But that doesn’t give anyone much time to make additions. We think the portal is like a grocery aisle, but there’s much more to it.
Agree about your portal analogy. However, JB has said that he turned guys away who were interested in SU. That may be just another example of #BoeheimSaysThings, but he did choose to enter the season with only 9 legit rotation players (including Sidibe, who easily may have been done medically). That’s too thin.

I’m just not sold that there was not enough time to add another player or two that could have improved this team. I will grant that the utter disappointment that has been Benny Williams is a factor as well. It sure seems like the staff was banking on him to contribute a lot of high-impact minutes. Oops.
I hate this team. Love the players and coaches but this assembled team is the worst since I have been going to games (1978). It’s probably worse than those in the early 70s but I have no perspective. I love JB but I hate that he is still here. It’s time.

Hey, it takes stones to say it. I wouldn't go quite so far, but good for you for throwing it out there.

I will say that whenever this topic comes up I scratch my head, because it's great to share kind thoughts, but there is a fair bit to dislike about this team.

From my perspective, I don't mean to unfairly disparage the guy or single him out, but what does Joe Girard do on the court that really separates him from Deshaun Williams?

Basketball can be a beautiful game. We've seen a lot of that from hundreds of SU players and dozens of teams. This group, not so much. It's not a question of effort or character. Just a lot of skills and traits that don't mesh with what's needed for good basketball.
I hate this team. Love the players and coaches but this assembled team is the worst since I have been going to games (1978). It’s probably worse than those in the early 70s but I have no perspective. I love JB but I hate that he is still here. It’s time.
My first reaction when I read the thread title was: “Yes. Yes you can hate this team”.
I never have and never would hate on the players or coaches. Indeed, the only other team i “hated” as much was the Andrew White/Jon Dillon monstrosity, and for much the same reasons: Total lack of defense and mismatched parts.
I thought White was too much of a gunner and Dillon not a prototypical SU guard at 5’9? Little did i know that years later, White would look like Dennis Rodman in comparison to the number of shots Buddy & co. take.
Hate is a pretty strong word, but this team as constructed, is one that i truly…hate. JMHO
This is a selfish team. Our players are not suited for dribble drive.
The feeling of helplessness is what forces us to bury our resentment with layers of apathy. I'm sure there could be some improvement next season if the right chips fall into place with the portal, but we're so far below the watermark. It feels like we're waiting for a terminally ill patient on life support to finally give out and it's hanging on... and on... and on. We need Kramer up on the Hill to just go in there and pull the plug.
The feeling of helplessness is what forces us to bury our resentment with layers of apathy. I'm sure there could be some improvement next season if the right chips fall into place with the portal, but we're so far below the watermark. It feels like we're waiting for a terminally ill patient on life support to finally give out and it's hanging on... and on... and on. We need Kramer up on the Hill to just go in there and pull the plug.
Or at least toss some Junior Mints in the wound during surgery. That oughta learn ‘em! :)

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