2015 NFL season general discussion thread | Page 36 | Syracusefan.com

2015 NFL season general discussion thread

Briancuse said:
Trash talk has been going on for years, doesn't excuse what he did.

Homophobic trash talk? Nice to know you dismiss that. Read some of the post game tweets. More homophobic talk.
Homophobic trash talk? Nice to know you dismiss that. Read some of the post game tweets. More homophobic talk.

It's just talk, it goes on during every nfl game that has ever been played, it doesn't give him the right to launch himself like a missile at a players head, and hit him in the head, and all of his other antics.
Briancuse said:
It's just talk, it goes on during every nfl game that has ever been played, it doesn't give him the right to launch himself like a missile at a players head, and hit him in the head, and all of his other antics.

It's just talk...
Using homophobic slurs is unacceptable. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the NFL doesn't really care about it.

And the baseball bat thing is one of the silliest excuses I've ever seen.
I've been arguing that the Patriots likely violate the Salary Cap with Brady's lower take but that I was sure there were alternate arrangements. This article would seem to suggest that's been happening...co-investments, etc etc.

I'm sure there's a lot more and this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Also, I'd love to have some of the 45 yards they called on the Bills in penalties back based on OBJ late hits, maybe tack a couple onto OBJ which is what the Bills were saying after Game 4 this year...that's a 75 yard swing, maybe turns the tide and the Bills would have been 3-1 not 2-2.
Sorry but the excuses from OBJ are not believable. The dude is lucky he only got 1 game. He should have been ejected. Norman can be fined but the bat excuse is hilariously weak.
Did Beckham actually think the Panthers were going to bring the bat on the field and hit him. What a bleeping weak sauce excuse. If OBJ believes that he is even dumber. That is no excuse for behaving the way he did. He wants to attack me with a bat so I gotta go crazy. Okay Odell.

Teams use bats all the time. To bring the wood. This excuse is more laughable than Suh claiming the cold caused him to lose feel of his legs and why he stomped Rodgers last year.
Alsacs said:
Sorry but the excuses from OBJ are not believable. The dude is lucky he only got 1 game. He should have been ejected. Norman can be fined but the bat excuse is hilariously weak. Did Beckham actually think the Panthers were going to bring the bat on the field and hit him. What a bleeping weak sauce excuse. If OBJ believes that he is even dumber. That is no excuse for behaving the way he did. He wants to attack me with a bat so I gotta go crazy. Okay Odell. Teams use bats all the time. To bring the wood. This excuse is more laughable than Suh claiming the cold caused him to lose feel of his legs and why he stomped Rodgers last year.

That whole thing went over your head. Where did he or anyone say they thought bats were actually going to be used? It's called symbology.

And do you agree with Brian that homophobic slurs are acceptable just because it's on the football field?
The helmet to helmet was bad. But Norman was every bit wrong as OBJ and video shows that. He went hands to the face and arms to the helmet every bit as much as OBJ. Even on run plays to the opposite side, which replay even showed. The announcers as well as posters here want to ignore that.

"But Norman was every bit as wrong as OBJ and video shows that."

When you say stuff like this it's hard to take you seriously. Your ability to argue the inarguable is unparalleled.
I've been arguing that the Patriots likely violate the Salary Cap with Brady's lower take but that I was sure there were alternate arrangements. This article would seem to suggest that's been happening...co-investments, etc etc.

I'm sure there's a lot more and this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Also, I'd love to have some of the 45 yards they called on the Bills in penalties back based on OBJ late hits, maybe tack a couple onto OBJ which is what the Bills were saying after Game 4 this year...that's a 75 yard swing, maybe turns the tide and the Bills would have been 3-1 not 2-2.
I love you. You are hilarious. The league and the NFLPA which agree on nothing said this in that story.

“We are aware of the arrangement and have not determined that there is any violation of the CBA.'' The NFLPA also told the Globe that the arrangement between the Patriots and TB12 has no salary cap implications

Do you have any clue that this story was already reported in the Boston Magazine 2 months ago but the Globe ran it again because they love trolling Pats fans. If you weren't a Patriots hater you would realize this isn't a tip of the iceberg.
The guy Alex Guerrero is a shady guy who has a done some very bad stuff in the past. I don't like him but Brady hires him to tell him what to put in his body and as a life coach. This company is partially owned by Brady but he isn't making millions off it. It pays market value rent to the Patriots Mall it is located at and the NFL knows the players go there.

The Globe treats the Patriots like the Post Standard treats SU sports they go negative for click bait. However go ahead and say it is the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy another season of complaining and telling us games are predetermined. Cause lord knows the NFL wants Carolina 14-0 and wants the big market teams like Cowboys/Giants eliminated.
That whole thing went over your head. Where did he or anyone say they thought bats were actually going to be used? It's called symbology.

And do you agree with Brian that homophobic slurs are acceptable just because it's on the football field?
Stop it trash talk isn't going to be stopped. Would I use homophobic slur NO. However would I kill my body by playing pro football? NO.

This game is full of jacked up meatheads and they say a lot of non-PC stuff in the locker room and on the field. If Beckham was truly offended by the stuff I would say he is a mental midget. Most players release the mechanism and can tone the noise out. Nothing the Carolina players said should have caused Beckham to behave like he did. You are in the deep minority on this.
Listen to Francesa and Carl Banks they are putting it on Beckham.

Based on your logic if you are taunted by slurs you are justified to go crazy. Sorry that isn't justification to be a nutjob.
bpo57 said:
"But Norman was every bit as wrong as OBJ and video shows that." When you say stuff like this it's hard to take you seriously. Your ability to argue the inarguable is unparalleled.

Wrong in the sense of the number of hits to the head and cheap shots.
Alsacs said:
Stop it trash talk isn't going to be stopped. Would I use homophobic slur NO. However would I kill my body by playing pro football? NO. This game is full of jacked up meatheads and they say a lot of non-PC stuff in the locker room and on the field. If Beckham was truly offended by the stuff I would say he is a mental midget. Most players release the mechanism and can tone the noise out. Nothing the Carolina players said should have caused Beckham to behave like he did. You are in the deep minority on this. Listen to Francesa and Carl Banks they are putting it on Beckham. Based on your logic if you are taunted by slurs you are justified to go crazy. Sorry that isn't justification to be a nutjob.

Didn't read any of the linked articles did you? Quotes from people a lot smarter than you or I on the NFL.
Point? That's why he got suspended. Did I say he shouldn't have been?
I honestly don't care about your point if you concede he should have been suspended because that is the only point I care about.

I have no interest in the culture wars debates. As unless Odell Beckham Jr. is gay then homosexual taunts shouldn't bother him one bit on the field. That is why the NBA/Rondo stuff with the ref got national attention. The ref Rondo made the homosexual slur towards was gay. If he didn't come out and make his announcement then the national story would have been nothing.
This story is nothing unless Beckham is gay then the Panthers crossed a line but we don't know and I don't care as a result. Preventing young men from saying stupid stuff isn't going to happen. It is like saying the war on drugs is an easy fix. One scoop of sand on the beach and people consider that a win when the entire sand on the beach is the problem.

Young black men can call their friends the N word. It is not my right as a white man to tell them they can't do that. It is up them to stop using that word. I know I can't ever use it in any way shape or form as it is one of the most evil words to say but I completely understand it is their right to use it whenever they want too.
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So Orangeman.


ESPN releases a story that the NFL has withdrawn from supporting a BU program researching concussions because they don't' like a doctor who been objective. Within a matter of minutes the NFL responds via twitter that the ESPN report is incorrect and questioning the ESPN Outside the Lines report.

However in January Chris Mortenson reported the incorrect information about the Patriots PSI levels and Colts PSI levels and to this day the NFL still hasn't on the record set out a respond the information was wrong even though the evidence has shown it was wrong and their own Wells Report showed it was wrong.

However you believe Robert Kraft and Roger Goodell are buddy buddy laughing it all up. What a joke the NFL is. They destroyed the Patriots with no evidence and now everyone knows it. Except people like you don't care to admit the inconsistency and just want to say they are buddy buddy when everyone who is objective sees the NFL was wrong in Deflategate. They didn't care and they let misinformation out to get what they wanted. ESPN and Roger Goodell Fries guy.
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Look, I think you're absolutely right...the NFL's behavior around DeflateGate, and this Mortensen leak in particular, is irrational.

It makes no sense, unless there is something else going on, some other motivation.

Which is why I think it speaks to a bigger, broader issue with the NFL, that the competitive balance that they've sought in public was in actuality a fraud and that the broader population of players coaches, whose livelihoods are at stake and who face bigger risks than other "stakeholders", were revolting and the NFL had to make a response.

I don't want to get all redundant on this, particularly during the Holiday season, but my assumption is there's more to the story and this lack of response to Mort's report actually affirms my view on the matter, which may be hard for Patriots fans' to agree with...

I have a view that the team I root for gets the short-end of it in the NFL...but that's not the only sport/team I root for and I don't think that way about all of them.

Ironically, this season got even worse with the calls against the Bills...some out-right wrong ones but also a bunch of BS game-changers like the inexplicable PI that lost the game vs. the Jags (who turned out to be better than people thought). I did pay attention to the patterns this season, and it held up extremely well this year: The Bills would get a bunch of calls on them in the first half that were drive-altering calls, tipping the balance of calls to unnatural levels, and then the numbers would get evened out in the 2H so the end-game didn't look so bad (for example, against the Giants, it was absurd like 11-1 and then ended up 17-11 in the infamous OBJ game...we all now know how undisciplined the Giants are so this was not a "discipline" issue).

If I had the time and resources to collect/analyst all the data I'm sure I'd find patterns in the officiating crews and calls they make that vindicate my position, but I just don't care enough, I'd rather waste other people's time on a sports forum.

Anyway, the NFL will learn their lesson, they're starting to lose fans. I'm pretty confident this will all come out some day, just as we're learning more about how bad SpyGate really was...
Cusefan0307 does Drew Brees get cut after this year? Watching MNF his cap number for next year is insane. The guy is good but not worth that much money. I get Brady at 38 is an outlier but his cap number is lower now because the Pats front loaded his contract in 2011-2013 with higher numbers.

Brees needs to give the Saints some cap relief for their D. That secondary needs some draft picks. The offense has a good OL and WRs.
Cusefan0307 does Drew Brees get cut after this year? Watching MNF his cap number for next year is insane. The guy is good but not worth that much money. I get Brady at 38 is an outlier but his cap number is lower now because the Pats front loaded his contract in 2011-2013 with higher numbers.

Brees needs to give the Saints some cap relief for their D. That secondary needs some draft picks. The offense has a good OL and WRs.

Man I hope not . He's my favorite player in the NFL. He's had a great year despite the terrible supporting cast he has, but I could see a complete rebuild on the horizon, especially if Payton is gone which is a good possibility. The cap is expected to go up into the 160's after being at 143 this year so I think they could keep him. The Saints have so much dead money that they have spent on defense(Byrd, Galette...etc) and that's what has lead to a disappointing season, along with having Rob Ryan as their d. coordinator (anyone who knows me, knows I think the Ryan's are past their prime as defensive coaches).

Who knows what the Saints would of been if #bountygate never happened, but I believe the Saints could of been the NFC version of the Patriots had Gregg Williams never been bounced, and Payton never suspended. I think Brees could go to Denver or Houston and he could turn them into immediate Super Bowl favorites outside of New England in the AFC. He's not Brady, but he's close, and the man deserves a chance to QB a team with a legit defense and not have to try to play Arena football every week as this eras Dan Marino.

It's a sad time for the Saints. Brees has been as important to New Orleans as any athlete is in any city, but he deserves a better team than what Mickey Loomis has given him the past couple years.
Man I hope not . He's my favorite player in the NFL. He's had a great year despite the terrible supporting cast he has, but I could see a complete rebuild on the horizon, especially if Payton is gone which is a good possibility. The cap is expected to go up into the 160's after being at 143 this year so I think they could keep him. The Saints have so much dead money that they have spent on defense(Byrd, Galette...etc) and that's what has lead to a disappointing season, along with having Rob Ryan as their d. coordinator (anyone who knows me, knows I think the Ryan's are past their prime as defensive coaches).

Who knows what the Saints would of been if #bountygate never happened, but I believe the Saints could of been the NFC version of the Patriots had Gregg Williams never been bounced, and Payton never suspended. I think Brees could go to Denver or Houston and he could turn them into immediate Super Bowl favorites outside of New England in the AFC. He's not Brady, but he's close, and the man deserves a chance to QB a team with a legit defense and not have to try to play Arena football every week as this eras Dan Marino.

It's a sad time for the Saints. Brees has been as important to New Orleans as any athlete is in any city, but he deserves a better team than what Mickey Loomis has given him the past couple years.
Peyton is going to be gone. The team I heard he is most likely to go to believe it or not is the Dallas Cowboys. I don't know why Jerry would fire his puppet in Garrett but I heard that Peyton's number 1 spot if not NO is Dallas and not Indy.

Saints need DBs badly. Their LB core has some youth that will be better. The DL as well has youth. The Peat draft pick was bad. They needed more defensive help. That Armstread? LT is pretty good I wouldn't have taken Peat who was raw coming out of Stanford. Peat is playing LG which not what you use a mid first round pick on.

Brees is in the ballpark with Brady/Manning and if he goes anywhere it would be Houston would be my guess. It is close to New Orleans and his family wouldn't really have to move and they are a QB away and its a Dome as well. One weakness of Brees after his shoulders/labium injuries is his arm strength isn't elite and he needs a Dome if possible.

Saints need to spend all their draft on Defense. Cooks/Snead/Colston is a fine 1-2-3. The OL is solid and RBs are a dime a dozen. Spend all draft capital on DL/LB/DBs and hope Allen or whomever the next HC can fix the D.
As a Bucs fan, the vibe that I've gotten from the outside looking in is that there's a pretty good chance Payton is gone at the end of the year. If that happens, my guess is that Brees is pretty likely to be cut, but we'll see.

Is Grayson seen as the QB of the future there, or was he just a shot in the dark, backup type and they'll likely look to take a QB in the 1st or 2nd round this year?
That whole thing went over your head. Where did he or anyone say they thought bats were actually going to be used? It's called symbology.

And do you agree with Brian that homophobic slurs are acceptable just because it's on the football field?

I never said they were acceptable, but it doesn't excuse what Beckham did. Its trash talk, players have been trash talking for years. Its just a way to get into a players head.
Syracuse got a player into the Pro Bowl tonight in Chandler Jones. That is a good thing for our football program. I would think he is the first pro bowler since Freeney on defense while Marvin Harrison and Donovan McNabb were on offense.
Tyrod Taylor is a Pro Bowl Alternate.

DVOA ranks the Bills Defense 29th.

Wow.. Talk about a 180 from last year.

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