Mets biggest issues are Long, Collins and Alderson.. Long for his stupid hitting strategy which has been a disaster for everyone not named Murphy and Collins for not realizing that if his team can't hit with RISP he needs to start manufacturing runs the way other teams do with far less offensive talent. When was the last time we even tried a hit and run. Also Collins lineups are a disaster and his rigid adherence to baseball dogma instead of reality are really hurting bet Mets. It's baffling that Flores isn't starting every single game somewhere and that Granderson starts just about every game and that Conforto is never given the opportunity to hit lefties, etc.. etc...
Alderson for not signing Murph this offseason... you could argue that if Murph was a Met right now the Mets and Nats would switch places in the standings. I guess in that sense the biggest blame for this season goes to whoever decided not to resign Murph.
Next biggest issue is the injuries... this team is paying the price for last year's long run into November.
Next biggest issue is building a team of hitters who extremely inconsistent... outside of Cespedes not one of their hitters brings it every day, they are either hot or not. Not sure how much can be linked to Long's hitting philosophy but I find it odd that a bunch of guys who were decent hitters on their old teams all came to NYC and forgot how to hit.
If I'm the Mets I shutdown Matz to get his bone spur fixed so he is ready to go by spring training... shutdown Thor at the end of August. Try to trade Cespedes, Colon, Verrett and Familia for as much talent as possible. Make Reed the closer (you're not going to need Familia to save games because there won't be many games to save). Promote Herrera and Rosario and Smith, let Nimmo play every day. The lineup is Conforto, Nimmo, Granderson, Flores, Herrera, Rosario, Smith. D'arnaud. The record will be TERRIBLE but at least we can see what the kids can do and we would get a pretty good draft pick.
Next year the big 5 is all healthy and we can try to sign Cespedes in the off-season again if we really want him.