Certainly helps explain some of the SSDM problems. Other than the successful Bubba Fairman experience, doesn’t Maryland usually turn poles into SSDMs rather than turning O mids into SSDMs?I actually spoke to Jake Murphy last nite. He was at Cuse last week with the team and at practice. Coach Petro showed him film of the D . He told him he ran the same D at LIU. He said Troy Reh taught them this defense at the beginning at LIU then had to dummy it down. He said it's not complicated but he thinks being the DMs we're all O mids in HS they just lack experience in it. That's why they get confused. Maybe last yr Coach Petro should have dummied it down but this yr they should be a lot more comfortable and understand it more. He said it's a very good defense when everyone knows what to do. I mean this is Cuse that was LIU so they should be able to handle the system. I would think being in the 2nd yr they will all be more comfortable and understand it. Murphy is a natural leader so I'm sure come practice in January he will help the DMs understand it. It's just his nature. The D should be improved this yr.