This is really a tough set of penalties. Can you imagine how it will eat at all of the Mindless Minions that Paterno is no longer the winningest coach in college history?
The handing-out of 15 scholies only means that with transfers, etc., the number if scholarship players will quite possibly be LESS than 65. With injuries, you simply can't field a competitive team at that level with that number. Especially when not even a minor bowl appearance is in the offing. And it's not as if the NitWits generally draw from the 'pay-to-play' thugocracy so prominent in the south and on the west coast.
Penn State is not USC. USC, along with those $EC programs, are rogue programs. The U$C sanctions were probably viewed as merely the cost of doing business. If there was even an iota of introspection on the part of USC, I must've missed it. They didn't hire Kiffin b/c of his history of integrity. Which, ironically, means that it will be much tougher for Ped State to recover than the traditional football rogue programs.
In fact, as much as I support the tough sanctions, I find it more than a little disingenuous that the NCAA is making State Pen into an example of their intent to regain control of college sports from unlawful programs.
Make no mistake. Penn State fully deserved this. But this does nothing to 'change the athletic culture' at rogue institutions all over the country. Does enable the NCAA to cover their asses, though...