Acc/espn deal 17m/year |

Acc/espn deal 17m/year


Co 2020 Cali Winner, Rcd/Rcpts/TD Rcpts (5)/TFL
Aug 15, 2011
15 years. Yeah buddy.
ABC is reporting no financial terms were disclosed
What was the big east contract figures? And how much of this goes to SU?
ABC is reporting no financial terms were disclosed

Got 'em right here - $17.1M per school. That's a raise of $13.5M per year.

Now, over on the UConn conference realignment board, NelsonMuntz and a couple other posters are saying this is a terrible deal for the ACC and that Swofford must have caved in on the negotiations, because he locked the ACC into a deal for 15 years that pays out less than the Big 12 (by $3M per) and the SEC and Big 10, which I believe are at $25M and $23M per year, respectively. Personally, I don't think it looks too bad, since ACC football hasn't been exactly living up to expectations these past few years.

Nelson spins a tale / interpretation of events that suggests that there may be a behind the scenes deal that ESPN will help the ACC keep Fla State and Clemson in exchange for the long term deal and no renegotiation rights. I think, from Swofford's point of view, he was able to work a $4M/year increase due to the acquisition of Pitt and SU, so you had to figure that ESPN would close that loophole in the contract that permits renegotiation.

Losing renegotiation works to Swofford's and the ACC's benefit, too, so long as it is mutual. That would mean that if Fla State did bolt at some point, the ACC wouldn't have their existing deal renegotiated downward by the defection.

Personally, I just don't see Florida State or Clemson going anywhere other than the SEC. The distance makes travel too expensive and will hurt fan interest if they were to go to the Big 12, as has been rumored lately. Their closest opponents would be 800+ miles away (WVU and Texas), and none of the others closer than 1,000 miles.

Then there is the academic prestige angle, which many forget about - but that's the reason WVU couldn't get into the ACC with their outstanding athletic programs. The Big 12 schools are a notch below the other major conferences, and well below the ACC in particular, academically. FSU and Clemson can feel better about their academic status by being associated with Duke, UNC, UVa, etc. Their only real fit is the SEC, but I think the SEC thinks that things are perfect in their conference right now. They rule the roost in football, and appear to have that locked up for the foreseeable future.
I think when the dust settles it will still be apples to Road Apples.
A question I don't think has been asked: What does Syracuse plan to do with their extra revenue? I mean this as a serious question. Are there specific plans in place? Their Fiscal Year 13 budget must include this extra revenue. Will it all stay in the athletic dept? Some stay with AD and the rest to a general fund? Other?
A question I don't think has been asked: What does Syracuse plan to do with their extra revenue? I mean this as a serious question. Are there specific plans in place? Their Fiscal Year 13 budget must include this extra revenue. Will it all stay in the athletic dept? Some stay with AD and the rest to a general fund? Other?

I imagine the AD will earmark any extra funds for whatever they feel.
That's not apples to apples. Why do people keep saying that? That assumes the BE deal will be $3.6M and also would have been $3.6M if SU had stayed in the BE. We have a huge increase in $$$$$ but it isn't $13.5M just because the ACC deal came first. That's called fun with numbers.

With the TV contract being turned down, who knows what the Big East will get. You can only compare two birds-in-the-hand. Maybe the Big Easts blows apart before they ever get a new contract. From SU's perspective, we just got a $13.5M raise. Those are real dollars.
I am deferential to those questioning the ACC contract for various reasons, but overall it is a very good contract and let me point out why:
1. Regardless of what the BE does in its contractual negotiation, 'Cuse is out of the BE. And frankly the BE sucks at this point so why care
2. ACC did not have right to negotiate with anyone but ESPN...and it raised the dollars received by over $60 million per school over the next 15 years...that is increase vs. old contract that ran thru 2023...$4 million + a year is a big deal...and by the way, the ACC was making less than $8 million/team in 2009
3. The new contract allows for two look in periods at years 5 and 10 (read Teel in articles posted today) the contract can be revised if something happens such as ACC goes to 16 teams etc
4. 'Cuse getting at least one or two Friday night games is cool...national exposure with little collegiate to help with recruiting and building a national brand.
5. Lastly, money is not the only important factor in a conference, academics is also important along with culture. Based on what has happened to the BE, for whatever reason, the ACC is the very best conference for 'Cuse: number of private universities, academic excellence, east to southern exposure, demographically one of only two sections of country growing, and the only conference I can travel to easily for all games...all games.

Do you agree with this...if not, why not?
A question I don't think has been asked: What does Syracuse plan to do with their extra revenue? I mean this as a serious question. Are there specific plans in place? Their Fiscal Year 13 budget must include this extra revenue. Will it all stay in the athletic dept? Some stay with AD and the rest to a general fund? Other?

Does this mean we can expect an upgraded Basketball schedule, as it won't be absolutely necessary to maintain as many home dates?
If this contract allows a "look in" period at 5 years and 10 years for the ACC to expand, then that would mean Rutgers and UConn are out?
Does this contract safely assume that the ACC is done expanding in the near future?
I wonder if this move could cause a chain reaction and make the music stop. (conference musical chairs)
I am deferential to those questioning the ACC contract for various reasons, but overall it is a very good contract and let me point out why:
1. Regardless of what the BE does in its contractual negotiation, 'Cuse is out of the BE. And frankly the BE sucks at this point so why care
2. ACC did not have right to negotiate with anyone but ESPN...and it raised the dollars received by over $60 million per school over the next 15 years...that is increase vs. old contract that ran thru 2023...$4 million + a year is a big deal...and by the way, the ACC was making less than $8 million/team in 2009
3. The new contract allows for two look in periods at years 5 and 10 (read Teel in articles posted today) the contract can be revised if something happens such as ACC goes to 16 teams etc
4. 'Cuse getting at least one or two Friday night games is cool...national exposure with little collegiate to help with recruiting and building a national brand.
5. Lastly, money is not the only important factor in a conference, academics is also important along with culture. Based on what has happened to the BE, for whatever reason, the ACC is the very best conference for 'Cuse: number of private universities, academic excellence, east to southern exposure, demographically one of only two sections of country growing, and the only conference I can travel to easily for all games...all games.

Do you agree with this...if not, why not?

- If you are correct on Point 2, then I would say the new numbers have to be considered a nice bump given the limited leverage. But whatever it is for the current ACC schools, it is a huge bump for us over what we are currently receiving...
- I would assume there would have to be some limited renegotiation right for further expansion as you mention in point 3. In the absence of something that recognizes additional mouths to feed and some additional value coming from those additional mouths, what would be the point in further expansion. Yet the product could potentially be greatly improved for ESPN with the right additions.
- Agree with point 5 too with the exception that the geographic location of our conference partners is not a positive for me at present, that aspect is the only downside for that I have recovered from my initial sadness over losing "perceived" traditional rivalries with Gtown, Nova, St. Johns and UConn - - which don't seem as strong to me anymore after this past season (maybe it is being resigned to their ending).
If this contract allows a "look in" period at 5 years and 10 years for the ACC to expand, then that would mean Rutgers and UConn are out?
Does this contract safely assume that the ACC is done expanding in the near future?
I wonder if this move could cause a chain reaction and make the music stop. (conference musical chairs)

To me, the only way the ACC expands any further is (a) if Notre Dame gets forced to join a conference (very small likelihood for a number of years more); or (b) for some reason, ACC schools defect. For that scenario, the only way I see it happening would be Fla State and Clemson to the SEC, not the Big 12. Also a long shot.

Going back to ND for a moment. The Irish have only had 4 seasons since 2000 where they ended up ranked, and the last time was 7 years ago. They haven't had less than 3 losses in 20 years. Their football is in decline, but they remain a national brand. But the longer they go with a weak product, the lower their TV ratings and the less money they will make on their next TV contract. It will be the combination of declining success on the field and a reduction in their TV contract due to lower ratings, plus the movement to create a playoff that is centered around conference champions that will eventually force them into a conference. That could still be 10 years away, though, if things keep going as they are.

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