ACC Hate Continues | Page 3 |

ACC Hate Continues

I hate feeling ashamed of my fellow 'cuse fans but that is exactly what happens when I hear the jokes about the civil war and other gross generalizations about the south.

Makes wonder how the south can suck so bad and have so many yankees wanting to live here.
winners write history -

Yes, a scenario in which facts invariably are constructed around the narrative. No crap intended toward you, man.
Who started what? Here's some basic reading on the subject. It's the text I read in a course on the civil war, taught btw, by a professor who studied under Allan Nevins at Columbia. There was SO much more going on than just who fired the first shot in anger.

"Long considered the standard text in the field, The Civil War and Reconstruction—originally written by James G. Randall and revised by David Donald—is now available in a thoroughly revised new edition prepared by David Donald, Jean H. Baker, and Michael F. Holt. Maintaining the accuracy and comprehensiveness that distinguished the original, the revised edition incorporates the best new scholarship in the field. Expanded and updated coverage of social and cultural history includes detailed discussions of southern society, slavery and the African-American experience, the experiences of women, and issues of class. The postwar chapters have been reconceived to treat Reconstruction as a national, rather than a regional, problem, exploring the connections between developments in the South and parallel changes in the North."

you can also say they were lacking in smarts by starting the war when they had almost no ability to produce war items - all they had was cotton to trade-
it was as big a bone headed move as any ever-

we learned enough from that war to reshape our way to wage war-look at ww1 and ww2 - out produce your enemy and you win
it happened 150 stinkin years ago- let it go
i watch everything i can on the civil war - it was a disgusting part of our history- but it cant be changed-it was what it was-

this pc world is discusting-
you cant pick on them because it was a civil war and we want to keep things civil-

you cant pick on them for having no teeth -its off limits to rag on them for marrying sisters and cousins -ect ect

Plenty of white trash above the mason dixon line to go around.
low hanging fruit for goodness sakes - just look at the simpsons and see the national perception of the southerner - its a stereotype that is easy to have some fun with -i have a couple friends from georgia and they can dish it out and take it -
you can also say they were lacking in smarts by starting the war when they had almost no ability to produce war items - all they had was cotton to trade-
it was as big a bone headed move as any ever-

we learned enough from that war to reshape our way to wage war-look at ww1 and ww2 - out produce your enemy and you win

The south's plan was essentially to "win by not losing," through maneuver and other Fabian tactics, hoping to make it it so uncomfortable over a long period of time for the north they'd weary of it and concede at the "bargaining table." And it almost worked. If Lee had listened to Longstreet and after day 1 at Gettysburg, moved south overnight between the Union army and Washington DC (and effectively capturing Lincoln), the USA would likely be a very different place today.
A guy on this forum has a shirt that reads that. Yesterday he gave his tickets to another board mate to take his 9 year old son free of charge. How do you measure a man?

By the shirt he wears.

This place is lunacy.
Very true. Gotta love the holier than thou attitudes lol
The south's plan was essentially to win by not losing through maneuver and other Fabian tactics, hoping to make it it so uncomfortable over a long period of time for the north they'd weary of it and concede at the "bargaining table." And it almost worked. If Lee had listened to Longstreet and after day 1 at Gettysburg, moved south overnight between the Union army and Washington DC (and effectively capturing Lincoln), the USA would likely be a very different place today.
and if the british did a few things differently we would be eating bangers and mash -if and history dont mix
The south's plan was essentially to "win by not losing," through maneuver and other Fabian tactics, hoping to make it it so uncomfortable over a long period of time for the north they'd weary of it and concede at the "bargaining table." And it almost worked. If Lee had listened to Longstreet and after day 1 at Gettysburg, moved south overnight between the Union army and Washington DC (and effectively capturing Lincoln), the USA would likely be a very different place today.

That's controversial of course. But I salute your in-depth understanding of the War and the Battle of Gettysburg. ("Stars in Their Courses"?)
The public school system and media engineering are to blame. You people have no logic . The ACC waged a war of aggression against the Big East. They won and carpet bagged the assets of value: Syracuse ,BC , ND , VT , Pitt, Miami , Ville. Now the revenues are soaring because of it , we should have capitulated a long time ago. The Providence Gang did nothing for the Cuse and mostly took away from what should have been the marquee team of that conference.
Love the hate. It's better than the apathy created by Maryland and Rutgers entry into the B1G.

Bring it on, NC.
Heaven forbid we even bring back those "big Johnson" shirts lol.
take a look at the jacket thread - you get a big johnson t with every jacket purchase
Makes wonder how the south can suck so bad and have so many yankees wanting to live here.
The weather is nicer and humans are becoming increasingly soft. Congrats.
I've seen multiple article from "Southern Sportswriter" referring to Syracuse and their fans as "Yankees" F em. I'll say what I want about them, thanks for your concern though.

What you should be saying is thank you. Otherwise we would be sharing a conference (if you can call it that) with UConn. ;)
The public school system and media engineering are to blame. You people have no logic . The ACC waged a war of aggression against the Big East. They won and carpet bagged the assets of value: Syracuse ,BC , ND , VT , Pitt, Miami , Ville. Now the revenues are soaring because of it , we should have capitulated a long time ago. The Providence Gang did nothing for the Cuse and mostly took away from what should have been the marquee team of that conference.

Well, that's certainly one way of looking at it ...

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