ACC Hate Continues | Page 4 |

ACC Hate Continues

What you should be saying is thank you. Otherwise we would be sharing a conference (if you can call it that) with UConn. ;)
they should be thanking us- other wise tobacco road would be the best they had to offer - and that aint a good road to travel right now -

the acc is getting a boatload of good press this year for 1 stinkin reason=SYRACUSE

otherwise it would all be about how far the rebs have fallen
they should be thanking us- other wise tobacco road would be the best they had to offer - and that aint a good road to travel right now -

the acc is getting a boatload of good press this year for 1 stinkin reason=SYRACUSE

otherwise it would all be about how far the rebs have fallen

The only 'reb' to have fallen is UNC. The rest of the ACC was never very good anyway.
What you should be saying is thank you. Otherwise we would be sharing a conference (if you can call it that) with UConn. ;)

Thank you to Southern Sportswriter and southern fans? They had nothing to do with this.
The south's plan was essentially to "win by not losing," through maneuver and other Fabian tactics, hoping to make it it so uncomfortable over a long period of time for the north they'd weary of it and concede at the "bargaining table." And it almost worked. If Lee had listened to Longstreet and after day 1 at Gettysburg, moved south overnight between the Union army and Washington DC (and effectively capturing Lincoln), the USA would likely be a very different place today.
I'm glad you mentioned Gettysburg, I was about to point that out. Winning by not losing may have been the South's strategy initially. But they lost the war by being too aggressive (and then the war was prolonged due to the North not being aggressive enough).
I had a bit of regret which is why I added the edit. I didn't want anyone to take it personally, being there were a whole slew of folks in the prior thread I mentioned. I'm unaiming edowd, at ease. You're one of the funniest posters on here, even if I dislike one of your jokes. I'm more upset at a centralized education system and media controlled by the same bankers who funded both sides of that war as well as others since. I'm also a bit offended by the raping of our organic Constitution that began when the original 13th Amendment(no titles of nobility) was replaced the the post civil war amendments and hasn't let up since. Lincoln was assassinated for the same reason every other Presidential assassination/attempt in US history occurred. He fought the banks by printing interest free "greenbacks", unlike the currency we have today, in which every dollar is printed by a non-government entity called to the federal reserve and loaned to us at interest.

I agree, and I am against it as much as anyone. I'm also against the ignorance that has resulted by the intentional dumbing down of our education system. Reagan didn't set out to abolish it because he thought it would make him look popular. Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, realized 2500 years ago that battles are won and lost before engagement actually happens. The main fighting doesn't occur on the physical plane, words also attributed to Jesus. The battle is for our minds and I'm not cool with disinformation, no matter how long it has been repeated. In that sense, there is a civil war that is still ongoing. This war wasn't orchestrated by the South as you propose. I could find the thread where I already attempted to dispel many myths, but I realize no amount of information is going to change your mind. I'd rather just agree with you about kicking some ACC butt rather than arguing whether a whole region of our country deserves to be stereotyped and mocked based largely on fallacies.
I was not offended. Not every joke can ne a winner. But borderlining controversy is how I rule!
I'm glad you mentioned Gettysburg, I was about to point that out. Winning by not losing may have been the South's strategy initially. But they lost the war by being too aggressive.
"The war of northern aggression " was lost because the South was "too aggressive"? Mind blown.
how can you not make fun of a culture that thinks putting on cammo is dressing up -

this sticking up for the loud south aint doing the ottoman army any good- assimilated or be destroyed
I'm glad you mentioned Gettysburg, I was about to point that out. Winning by not losing may have been the South's strategy initially. But they lost the war by being too aggressive.

Aw, I was trying to not hijack this, but what the heck, it seems to have acquired its own duality. :) The "winning by not losing" wasn't the original plan, it sort of evolved and fell on the Confederacy, sort of a tactic in search of a strategy (not unlike Blitzkreig). The problem with it was that while they were winning battles, they weren't really accomplishing anything else. The ANV couldn't really afford to leave its base of comfort, support and re-supply, but that paradox brought upon Virginia the actual prosecution of the war. For more battles were fought in Virginia than any other jurisdiction.

Lee invaded the North to take this weight off Virginia, however after being defeated at Gettysburg his army lost its edge, which was its ability to fight as an attacking force. From that point on, For them it was virtually a series of delaying actions. Lincoln had finally found in Grant, Sherman & Thomas, generals who also understood the Confederate armies had to be defeated in the field, that allowing them to come to negotiations any other way was a defeat for the Union.
the south went into it with a blind eye - no factory base to produce weapons or ammo-and no navy to protect ports for imports exports -

if you want to get technical about gettysburg - if the rebs had better cannon ammo they would have won - but the timer charges were hand packed and made from substandard materials and measurements -so they really didnt have the artillery advantage they thought they did- proper ammo and day 1 wouldnt have the history it has today
the south went into it with a blind eye - no factory base to produce weapons or ammo-and no navy to protect ports for imports exports -

if you want to get technical about gettysburg - if the rebs had better cannon ammo they would have won - but the timer charges were hand packed and made from substandard materials and measurements -so they really didnt have the artillery advantage they thought they did- proper ammo and day 1 wouldnt have the history it has today

The critical point of Day 1 is that after Heth/Hill engaged Buford on the west end of town, despite being specifically instructed by Lee not to do so. This alerted the Union Army to their presence, and allowed Howard to move in and take the high ground just east of the town. When informed what had happened, Lee ordered his advance party to stand where they were until he could double-time the rest of his army, who were otherwise strung out almost a full day behind, into position. While your point about "proper ammo" may be correct in and of itself, I don't see that it would have had any palpable effect on the course of the day.
from my understanding they had a numerical advantage in artillery on day one

it was a total clusterfudge for both sides on day 1 -and if the rebs had more accurate artillery fire they could have controlled day 2
I the local AM sports talk radio in Charlotte is hating on again. What's funny is that not one Syracuse fan has called in.

They acknowledge how bad it will look to the ACC if Syracuse comes in and wins out in our first season.

They are trying to unite the local UNC, Duke, NCST, and Wake fan base to actively root against us whenever we play a NC based team.

The early NCAA tourney exits are being highlighted.

They loathe that Seth Greenberg called SU- Duke a greater rivalry than UNC-Duke this year.

It's downright funny how much they dislike us.

Well, we rather expected this, didn't we? Wouldn't we feel the same way if some ACC teams invaded the Big East and one of them took over? I think we would! What is amusing me is that at first the ACC didn't want to pay us no nevermind. Now, they are feeling threatened.

I believe this rocky road will continue for a few years. But in the meantime? Apparently, "instant rivalry!"
the acc thought our football team would be a cake walk- it was for 3 acc teams but the rest learned a lesson- and football hasnt been as good as hoops since 1990 or so

just more southern ignorance to underestimate a team from syracuse
To be fair... this is the second tine we have destroyed their lives now.

March to the Atlantic.
I love this ... Only call it Boeheim's "March to the Sea." Wreaking devastation throughout the South.
the hate is still real. i've gotten the bird at many a southern intersection becuz of ny plates. and hey cracker... if you don't want me running over your damn little dog then put him on a leash! the light was green !
"i'm glad you mentioned gettsyburg"

This is an amusing and entertaining thread. FWIW, the Carolinas are loaded with so many transplants from the NE & MW, along with other geographic regions. I've lived in the Charlotte area for over 20 years now and it's extremely metropolitan. The Atlantic Coast Conference and its geography is vast, not segregated. This all makes for great banter for fans, especially on sports radio, talks shows, etc., so take it with a grain of salt. Living in the South
when 911 occurred, I can attest that southern folk do not hate their fellow Americans.
Actually the "old" ACC teams outside of NC (FSU, GT, Miami, Clemson) are made to feel like outsiders too. It's a tobacco road NC thing. They're just tolerated a little better because they've been there longer. GT fans dislike that after 30 years in the conference the NC fan bases still don't consider them to be real ACC. The extreme regionalism is just amazing. If it weren't for Swofford's vision to expand and own the entire eastern seaboard, 1/3 of the original ACC would probably now be in the B1G, 1/3 would be in the SEC, and 1/3 would be out in the cold with no seat at the table. Why can't these folks get that?

We call it the ACC's "Rule 2b" - "When two alternatives are available, you must choose the one that's worse for UVa."

But someone from Greensboro always seems to be there smiling when it comes time to take our picture at an NCAA trophy presentation.
The south's plan was essentially to "win by not losing," through maneuver and other Fabian tactics, hoping to make it it so uncomfortable over a long period of time for the north they'd weary of it and concede at the "bargaining table." And it almost worked. If Lee had listened to Longstreet and after day 1 at Gettysburg, moved south overnight between the Union army and Washington DC (and effectively capturing Lincoln), the USA would likely be a very different place today.

But Lee was incapable of listening to Longstreet. The only one Lee would have considered listening to was Jackson, and he was dead by that time.

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