April 14th Open Practice Observations | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

April 14th Open Practice Observations

Missed the first open practice as I was in Atlanta, so I was really anxious to see this one. Got there early, just after OrangeXtreme and LurkerJohn. As HC Scott Shafer was about to take to the practice field, he noticed us, and walked over to share our hands and thank us for coming to practice. Cool dude.

Before I get into this, the usual disclaimer. This represents one day of practice. Coaches experiment, players get hurt, people have good and bad days. Take what is written with a grain of salt...there remains a lot of football to be played before the opener in MetLife against the Nittany Lions on August 31st.

The players got to the practice field early. First drill was a punting drill. No rush, Fisher vs Riley. They have been close for more than a year and remain that way. On this day, I think Riley was better. His height and length give him a small advantage over Fisher when both connect well. Fisher remains the quicker to get rid of the ball. I think that continues to give him a small advantage...getting a punt blocked is a huge deal. But Riley appears to have improved here somewhat. At the least, there is quality depth here.

Early in practice, there were some 7 on 7 passing drills. TH continues to get the snaps with the North unit, Loeb and Kinder take the rest. The breakdown might be 50%, 30%, 20%. Thought all the QBs struggled some here. It was cold and windy out and their arms might have been a little tight, but...not an impressive start. Thought Hunt was a little better than Loeb, who was a little better than Kinder. On intangibles, Hunt looks the most confident...has the best body language.

After that they ran some red zone scrimmage situations, then some 'normal' yardage situations. Loeb had a long TD pass to AC III, Hunt made some nice tough passes into tight coverage and was the only QB to break into the open field on a run. Kinder had some nice passes, though most were short. Loeb threw his short and medium passes well but was noticeably bad on longer passes, mostly overthrowing them. Kinder and Loeb are playing with the South unit or worse almost exclusively, which doesn't help them look good.

At RB, Smith brought off a long run for a TD, seemed to get at least a 10 yard gain everytime he touched the ball and looked outstanding. His lower body is huge now, getting to Delone Carter like status. PTG was in sweats, out all spring. He spent parts of the afternoon visiting the young RBs, gently encouraging them. AB was also in sweats. Did not see him dance or leap over high buildings on this day. AAM didn't get a lot of reps, was hit hard by several people in one violent set of collisions. McFarland got almost no reps in the scrimmage sections but looked good catching the ball in 7 on 7 drills. GM is getting a lot of work and was again impressive. He has been busy in the weight room. Might have the biggest arms of any of the skill position players. Showed the ability to run over players, run around them and make people miss. He is impressive.

At WR, Jerrod West looks like the #1 receiver by a large margin. Strong, physical, showed good hands, and he is a big target. After that is Chris Clark, who looks like our quickest WR. Gets open consistently and catches it consistently. Still really skinny. The 3rd best WR today was Adrian Flemming, who has size and some speed. AC III had the long TD and several other nice receptions. Dropped one ball. Looks noticably stronger this spring. Overall quite impressive.

If the season started today, I think those would be our top 4 WRs. Kobena got a lot of reps but didn't do much with them. Funderburk and Hale barely played. Hale looked like he got banged up during the practice. My guess is that given the depth at RB and the lack of depth at WR, AB will get a lot of snaps here in the fall. Was disappointed in the lack of PT/lack of production out of Funderburk. Maybe he just wasn't feeling well.

Wales looks like he is far and away our best TE. Parris had a couple good catches. Sugar Bear is still out but he was doing laps around the practice field and ran well. No sign of a limp...I think things should be fine for him in the fall.

OL depth chart:

OT Hickey | (couldn't see)
OG Robinson | (couldn't see)
C McPherson | Emerich
OG Trudo | Knapp
OT Foy | Anyaegbunam

Foy didn't exactly look dominant out there. Robinson looked like he belonged out there, was mauling and holding his own with Macky and Sean.

The starters look set in stone. Nobody is getting reps with the North unit but them.

Jacob Green looks like he might be our best option at H back. Good hands and pretty quick feet as well.

On defense, the big news is Josh Kirkland is working with the North unit at OLB, along with Lynch and Spruill. Vigille has been relegated to the South unit with Arcinega and Coker. Arcinega and Coker both run well and made some nice plays. Kirkland is a legit 6'2 but is really light for a LB. Listed at 198, might not be that. The reason he is playing is pretty clear, he can fly. They used him like they used Davis last year, he blitzed a lot and did some damage in this capacity. But Josh was all over the field and had an excellent practice.

Defense Depth Chart:

DE: Welsh | Albrecht (Walk on from Hudson Falls)
DT: Bromley | Raymon
NT: Jones | Sloan
DE: Robinson | Coleman
SAM: Lynch | Coker
MIKE: Spruill | Arcinega
WILL: Kirkland | Vigille
CB: Anderson | Reddish
CB: Lyn | Whigham
SS: Eskridge | Mims (walk on from Nottingham)/Desir
FS: Wilkes | Morgan

Manley got some PT on the DL as well.

Welsh looked like our best pass rusher at DL. He has a way of getting an angle on the OT.
Eskridge had a nice pick in the endzone, stepping in front of a pass from TH.

Wilkes appears to have the FS spot locked up, no reps for Morgan with the North unit.

Mims is working with the South unit at SS a lot...I think he had more reps there than Desir did, which is shocking to me.

Reddish gets his share of reps with the North unit; the Big 3 CBs remain just that.

Zian Jones might be the biggest surprise of the spring on the DL. Looks good. Consistently. Really active, in the backfield a lot. Sloan is pretty badly out of shape right now, has to knock some pounds off to get in the rotation. Will be tough for him to beat out Eric Crume, who spent much of practice jogging around the practice field. He is a very large man built in the shape of a square.

Regarding special teams, besides the punters, who I have already talked about, Sam Rodgers remains the long snapper. He had 3 straight bad ones to start off the live punting drill, but then was fine. Maybe his hands were just cold? No idea. But I have never seen him struggle like that.

At placekicker, Ross Krautman got almost all the chances to kick in red zone drills. And he delivered on them, kicking the ball high and straight. Except for the first one, which was blocked by Keon Lyn. Pretty sure it was bad blocking that led to the block. Young Norton, who incidentally was the first player to make it back to the locker room at the end of practice, missed the one chance he had wide right. So Ross looks to be in control of this position as of right now.

Lots of blitzing by the defense. They are playing really aggressively. I would love to see Arcinega, Spruill and Davis end up with the starting jobs at LB, with Spruill being moved to the SAM position. That would be great grouping of athletes to pair together. Perhaps it will happen.

The offense is doing a lot of work on running plays and short passes. Not much being done with medium or long passes. I hope the lack of sophistication with the passing game is more about not being willing to show much in a public setting than about being willing to take chances and throw the ball downfield.

We will find out seen enough.

Overall, I can say the defense is fast and athletic, the offense looks like they will be good at running the ball and the passing game looks like it is going to take a step backwards (for a variety of reasons). Will know a lot more after next week. Man, I wish all the players who are out of the spring with injuries were around to play...
Some other miscellaneous stuff...
Early in the practice, a kid, presumably a student, walked over to the people watching practice and told us we had to move over, get out of the way, because they were about to start playing their game.

Glanced over to the middle of the track stadium field (we were standing on or near the track on the eastern side, close to the football practice fields) and saw some kids setting up cricket whickets, putting on pads, etc. The kid was thanked for his warning but we were not afraid of his baby ball and would keep an eye out for line drives from them.

Didn't look like any of them weighed more than 150 pounds or could lift 100 pounds in the air. Might have been a club match between SU and Cornell. Anyway, they played pretty much the whole practice. We had a few weak ground balls roll out way, and returned their ball when this happened (it was kind of like a baseball, had stitching on it, a leather cover but it was lighter than a baseball and softer too).

But out of the blue, one kid hit the bomb of his life on a pitch and sent it ballyard, depositing the ball well over the practice field fence onto the practice field itself. No players were hit and one of the GAs eventually was persuaded to throw it back over the fence to us so we could return it to the cricketeers.

That wasn't proper cricket.

Near the start of practice, a guy with a video camera kept filming us. It was kind of creepy. Then he walked over and wanted to talk with someone. He decided to interview Orangeyes, who had taken the stack of one page roster sheets someone on the staff had provided to fans attending practice and was manually distributing them to everyone watching.

OE waxed eloquently with the guy for a long time but eventually the batteries in his camera wore down and OE was forced to return to his role as social director for the practice (he does a great job of checking to see if people are on the board, and if so, introducing them to everyone else who is on the board). So props to OE, master of all media.

Brandon Sharpe and Shamarko Thomas attended practice and when the defense made a big play, they delighted in mocking the offense, celebrating the defense.

Condolences to DCCuse, whose day was ruined when a reckless girl smashed his car just as he was about to park and watch practice. Spent most of the practice dealing with that instead of watching his beloved Orangemen play.
Some other miscellaneous stuff...
Early in the practice, a kid, presumably a student, walked over to the people watching practice and told us we had to move over, get out of the way, because they were about to start playing their game.

Glanced over to the middle of the track stadium field (we were standing on or near the track on the eastern side, close to the football practice fields) and saw some kids setting up cricket whickets, putting on pads, etc. The kid was thanked for his warning but we were not afraid of his baby ball and would keep an eye out for line drives from them.

Didn't look like any of them weighed more than 150 pounds or could lift 100 pounds in the air. Might have been a club match between SU and Cornell. Anyway, they played pretty much the whole practice. We had a few weak ground balls roll out way, and returned their ball when this happened (it was kind of like a baseball, had stitching on it, a leather cover but it was lighter than a baseball and softer too).

But out of the blue, one kid hit the bomb of his life on a pitch and sent it ballyard, depositing the ball well over the practice field fence onto the practice field itself. No players were hit and one of the GAs eventually was persuaded to throw it back over the fence to us so we could return it to the cricketeers.

That wasn't proper cricket.

Near the start of practice, a guy with a video camera kept filming us. It was kind of creepy. Then he walked over and wanted to talk with someone. He decided to interview Orangeyes, who had taken the stack of one page roster sheets someone on the staff had provided to fans attending practice and was manually distributing them to everyone watching.

OE waxed eloquently with the guy for a long time but eventually the batteries in his camera wore down and OE was forced to return to his role as social director for the practice (he does a great job of checking to see if people are on the board, and if so, introducing them to everyone else who is on the board). So props to OE, master of all media.

Brandon Sharpe and Shamarko Thomas attended practice and when the defense made a big play, they delighted in mocking the offense, celebrating the defense.

Condolences to DCCuse, whose day was ruined when a reckless girl smashed his car just as he was about to park and watch practice. Spent most of the practice dealing with that instead of watching his beloved Orangemen play.

Was the girl who hit DCC with the cricket team? Now, that would be karma.
Was the girl who hit DCC with the cricket team? Now, that would be karma.
LOL. It would. Didn't see anyone who could clearly be identified as female who was participating. Maybe I will stop over there at lunch. They are probably still playing. Don't cricket games last a couple of weeks or so?

Also, to answer questions...

It was pretty cold but not horrible out. Strong, steady wind. I think the temperature was in the 44 range.

Lewis is missing the spring due to an injury. It is a shame, heard he was doing well and he could have positioned himself in the rotation for 2013 with a good spring. On the positive side, I think there is room for one or more WRs to step up and get a spot in the rotation in the preseason.

Davis is also out for the spring with an injury.

Was impressed with Whigham, who has filled out and looked very good at CB. He will surely be part of the rotation at CB in 2014.
So, it turns out that Nick Robinson - lightly recruited - is a pretty good football player from CNY.

Next year two CNYers starting on the OL?

Who would have figured that?

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