As Syracuse transitions to mobile ticketing, some fans feel left behind | Page 8 |

As Syracuse transitions to mobile ticketing, some fans feel left behind

Unpopular Opinion Warning:
Mobile ticketing has its supporter$. The facility can cut labor costs, and maybe have robots scan people in. App providers derive ad revenue from user clicks. Data miners vacuum up information for compilation and sale. And (for their own reasons) some people feel a need to clutch their cell phones during football games. That's the world we live in. But not everyone believes mobile ticketing is a 'necessity'. I include in this stalwart cohort some from the boomer generation, but plenty of others who are young and/or perfectly tech-savvy but see their phones as unneeded distractions. For a few hours at the game, they'd like to be unplugged, unmonitized, unmonitored, free from calls and texts, signal strength, PW's, "updates", log-ins, location services, charging problems, personal privacy sacrifices ... completely liberated from the false 'device imperative'. The fact is, paper tickets work great. Printing costs are nominal. They create jobs and provide friendly (human) faces at the gate. Printed tickets are safe from scamming, and bar codes make them 'no touch'. They put fans at the center of ticketing policy, where they should have been all along. So ... call us Luddites, 'old school', out of it, left behind, whatever. We'll happily pay extra for paper tickets so we can keep the memento and enjoy THE GAME. :)
I'm certainly no boomer and having only mobile tickets is the dumbest thing they could do, just creates another barrier another problem for fans, what do they expect is going to happen to the group of piss drunk guys whos phones wont load. I just think it's dumb, give people options maybe incentivize people to use mobile, I have season tickets even tho I'm no longer in syracuse and miss a game or two minimum each year, I'd gladly pay ten bucks to have my tickets arrive like they have the last 7 years, oh well nothing we can do i guess, all I'll add is you don't see legit top football programs doing this BS. I hope it bites them square in the a**.
I'm certainly no boomer and having only mobile tickets is the dumbest thing they could do, just creates another barrier another problem for fans, what do they expect is going to happen to the group of piss drunk guys whos phones wont load. I just think it's dumb, give people options maybe incentivize people to use mobile, I have season tickets even tho I'm no longer in syracuse and miss a game or two minimum each year, I'd gladly pay ten bucks to have my tickets arrive like they have the last 7 years, oh well nothing we can do i guess, all I'll add is you don't see legit top football programs doing this BS. I hope it bites them square in the a**.

Clemson is a legit top football program. And you can still go to the box office as Cusefan69 explained earlier in the thread if people would bother to read and stop whining or even make the effort to call SU themselves like he did

Clemson is a legit top football program. And you can still go to the box office as Cusefan69 explained earlier in the thread if people would bother to read and stop whining or even make the effort to call SU themselves like he did

Thanks. We are hardly an outlier, this is a worldwide common thing, as much as people choose to ignore that fact.

I'll argue that this may be less about the tickets themselves and more about the overall package, cash-less, no contact transactions, forming a communications loop with ticketholders, etc.
I did speak with someone at the AD's office, MSO, and remain hopeful that SU will preserve a paper option for a few extra bucks - mailed not will-call. The point of my post was to have a little fun with it and give pause to those who have declared mobile ticketing "inevitable". Ticket policy should hinge on fans ... and many fans still like paper.
Mailed, not will call. That would seemingly fully satisfy those that were so upset. So Syracuse is not leaving people hanging or pushing out the old fans after all. That's good.
Clemson is a legit top football program. And you can still go to the box office as Cusefan69 explained earlier in the thread if people would bother to read and stop whining or even make the effort to call SU themselves like he did

That's 2020 i guarantee you when this ends they'll allow people to choose and not be 100% mobile, why would i waste my time calling when we won't have fans allowed in for a long time, this is syracuse football tickets not notre dame lets not overcomplicate this, we're two years removed from concession coupons to get fans in early and now they want to do this, good luck
I suppose they have the ADA stuff done 100% because no one in a wheel chair has that option to go to will call right now. And will call is great if you have an extra hour to wonder thru lines to get your ticket.
I just noticed that this thread only has 181 posts. It feels like it should be over a thousand...

Mailed, not will call. That would seemingly fully satisfy those that were so upset. So Syracuse is not leaving people hanging or pushing out the old fans after all. That's good.

That is good to hear I would think that they could be so stupid to make fans only use mobile to get their tickets.
people have had season tickets since 1980 when the Dome opened before cell phones were even invented. That is a weak argument.

The University complaining about not enough people buy tickets is THEIR problem, not yours. The University has a lot of issues you can't take them all on yourself, as the kids say..."YOU DO YOU"
Actually had mine before that, but fail to see how that has anything to do with this discussion, if anything it argues against their new policy.
You mistake me for someone who cares what their policy is, I merely point out that you can not complain about attendance if you continually do things that alienate parts of your fan base. Its just bad business policy. All those surveys serve no purpose if you make it more difficult for a segment of your fans to buy tickets and attend games.
A friend of mine just got back from a weekend trip to the Georgia bulldogs game. He stated that ticket transfers are not allowed in the final 24 hours before kickoff. This would have to have an impact on those who suddenly have a change of plans at the last minute and are locked out from selling there tickets at the last minute. Just another example of the problems associated with mobile tickets.
A friend of mine just got back from a weekend trip to the Georgia bulldogs game. He stated that ticket transfers are not allowed in the final 24 hours before kickoff. This would have to have an impact on those who suddenly have a change of plans at the last minute and are locked out from selling there tickets at the last minute. Just another example of the problems associated with mobile tickets.

Do they have unique rules because of COVID? That certainly isn’t how it works with MLB.
Do they have unique rules because of COVID? That certainly isn’t how it works with MLB.

I guess it is possible to have rules unique to covid but it would lead one to ask why shut down transfers in the final hours before a game as it should not matter when a transfer happens. Why take this away from fans it really seems wrong.
Just another strike against mobile tickets.
I guess it is possible to have rules unique to covid but it would lead one to ask why shut down transfers in the final hours before a game as it should not matter when a transfer happens. Why take this away from fans it really seems wrong.
Just another strike against mobile tickets.

I've been in the 3rd innings of game transferring extras to people walking towards the stadium. That's why the Georgia thing seemed odd.
I guess that different venues will have different rules that is my thought. It seems to me that if there was a industry standard that every venue where was to use the same rules there would not be the animosity towards mobile ticketing.
I guess it is possible to have rules unique to covid but it would lead one to ask why shut down transfers in the final hours before a game as it should not matter when a transfer happens. Why take this away from fans it really seems wrong.
Just another strike against mobile tickets.

I know I have to fill out a self screen to come into work saying that I have not had any symptoms in the last 24 hours. I would guess with the limited capacity at the stadium this would be a similiar situation. They don't want you transferring tickets at the last second to someone that was not okayed previously.

It would make no sense as a full time policy. Please do not come in and spend more money.

Long story short, Ticket Guy really hates mobile ticketing
Long story short, Ticket Guy really hates mobile ticketing

You think !!

I have been to many concerts , games and events that were moving to mobile tickets last year and have seen first hand the problems that they cause.

As a retired baby boomer I am not the biggest fan of the new technology however if the mobile platform was simpler to use and did not cause the huge bottlenecks getting into an event I might be more open to it. Most in my generation just want things as simple as possible.
You think !!

I have been to many concerts , games and events that were moving to mobile tickets last year and have seen first hand the problems that they cause.

As a retired baby boomer I am not the biggest fan of the new technology however if the mobile platform was simpler to use and did not cause the huge bottlenecks getting into an event I might be more open to it. Most in my generation just want things as simple as possible.
Factor in the reality that Su never rolls this kind of stuff out smoothly and the first few games could lead to epic threads.
If SU wants to do it right then the transfer should go between the central system and not the 2 parties. you transfer the ticket back to your acct and some link is sent to the other person from the system to get the ticket so that you dont actually have to hand people cell phone info.
Older folks can adapt or not. ($ issues for phones and service aside.). My parents are in their 80’s and book trips, get tickets, etc. on line. They are looking at going to streaming TV service. On the other hand, I have clients who are seniors who refuse to get cell phones or computers.
Saw this online today. About how VERIZON 5G is setting up stadiums in a Post-COVID world we live in. They are starting with HARD ROCK Stadium in Miami. But this is going to be commonplace throughout the country moving forward as we all learn to live with COVID now. As they promote Touchless Ticketing with facial recognition

Digital tickets is destroying my ticket scrap book dreams! I guess I need to start printing them out to add them in but its not as cool as having the actual ticket in there
Agreed. I always thought it would be cool to have a bar in my man cave with a nice lacquered top with various ticket stubs underneath.

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