There are teams that have tradition and there are teams trying to build tradition. Those who have tradition aren't big users of alternative unis, although it does happen a bit. Those who are using alt Unis heavy are trying to head up the totem pole--get viewers, get recruits, get program respect, etc.-- this includes SU, Maryland, and hell Oregon. If this was SU's hay day, we likely wouldn't be seeing alt unis, because we wouldn't need them to get viewers, recruits, etc.
Off the top of my head, Notre Dame, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio State, UCLA, West Virginia, Tennessee, LSU, VA Tech, Miami, and Clemson wore alternate uniforms this season.
I'd say that group of programs has its fair share of tradition and resides quite high up on college football's totem pole.
bevosu said:They're doing their best to kill what's left of tradition, but capitalism is flourishing.
Off the top of my head, Notre Dame, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio State, UCLA, West Virginia, Tennessee, LSU, VA Tech, Miami, and Clemson wore alternate uniforms this season.
I'd say that group of programs has its fair share of tradition and resides quite high up on college football's totem pole.
This is what kills me. And I'm not some 70 yr old that still remembers sock hops and games when Harvard and Yale really mattered.
No BS.
We Know Who Is Who.
Classic Auburn And FSU uniforms.
The Way It Should be.
Don't forget these awful uniforms:
I'm tired of watching the same teams every year in the big games...
Sock hops were great! So were raccoon skin coats and porkpie hats. Twenty-three skiddoo!
everyone says that the kids love stupid uniforms so i always wonder why the best teams always have the same old uniforms I recognizeNo BS.
We Know Who Is Who.
Classic Auburn And FSU uniforms.
The Way It Should be.