Big announcement at 1 pm today: Hop to Washington | Page 25 |

Big announcement at 1 pm today: Hop to Washington

is he the dude with the clipboard who sits next to the coach and actually participates during timeouts ?
Hopkins will be back... Feel bad for Washington to only have a temporary HC
I think the chances of that are almost non existent. Washinton had to of structured his contract to prevent this or they are very dumb
People need to relax a bit, were talking about a hall of fame coach who has never had a losing season in 40+ years. If anyone understands the situation that the program is in and that we need to make some changes after a few mediocre conference seasons its JB. The guy hasn't won over a 1000 games by accident, hes put Syracuse on the map and we will live and die with him until hes ready to retire. I wouldnt' have minded giving Hop a shot and getting some new blood and ideas into the program but if your asking me to choose between 5 more years of JB or Hopkins next season I will ride with JB all day.
Given the results of this year I get the doom and gloom, but this could easily work out well for us.

We need a couple things to happen to make this work. We need a re-energized JB to agree to something like 5 more years, then he needs to get fully engaged on the recruiting trail.

We also need a kick ass recruiter to join the staff and start bringing some top flight kids in.

If we get that, I am beyond happy with this situation.

Personally, I don't care if GMAC stays or goes. It's funny to read posts saying that if Gerry leaves we are screwed. I swore I read about 100 posts saying how Gerry can't recruit to save his life.

I think we have all underestimated how much the sanctions hurt us. JB didn't just suddenly forget how to coach. Coaching gets harder when recruiting gets harder. It's that simple. No sanctions probably means Thomas Bryant is here, and one or two of the guys who transferred out could have stayed here and developed over the last few years. Those two easy possibilities that sanctions eliminated probably would have had us in the tourney this year.

JB is an all time great, and he is still great. This team was done on January 1. This board would have bet their lives on the team winning 4 or less games in conf. JB got that garbage team to basically the first team out of the tournament. Maybe not a miracle, but basically amazing considering where we were.

JB still has it. If he can kick it up in recruiting, we will be exactly where we all expect to be. I love Hopkins, and I hope he is successful, but JB is JB. He's done it before, and I expect he will do it again.

If nothing else, Hopkins leaving should open up a pretty hefty salary to hire a top-notch assistant. I would assume that he was paid above market as part of the deal he made with Gross as coach in waiting.

I'm not sure, though, if I agree with your narrative about the team's season. Most people, including Boeheim, did not think this would be a bubble team. Even if it was a crap team to begin with, then it was JB's crap team. Even the great ones can't avoid total responsibility for those they lead.
We're getting a shake up. New blood in the program.

Yeah, tell 'em.

That's a good high risk strategy to pursue. Forget continuity.

We're going for it on every fourth down. No punting for us.
I want to love this but new blood is being transfused into a HC with a year or so left. How is that possibly effective for the long term?

Either JB stays on for 5 more years and is a completely new coach or he needs to step away. The in-between is a temporary program killer.

He's staying more then one year, the writing has been on the wall for awhile. Those articles a few months ago saying JB might stay passed next season didn't come out of the sky
I want to love this but new blood is being transfused into a HC with a year or so left. How is that possibly effective for the long term?

Either JB stays on for 5 more years and is a completely new coach or he needs to step away. The in-between is a temporary program killer.
Those are honestly the only two options. Wildhack isn't an idiot. If us on this board see that I am sure he does as well.
Hop's light bulb lit up and he realized that following a HOF legend wasn't the smart thing to do. Wasn't easy either. Being your own man somewhere a long way away would be more fun and a lot easier.
I think the chances of that are almost non existent. Washinton had to of structured his contract to prevent this or they are very dumb

I dont think there isnt anyway he doesnt return to Syracuse when the job becomes available. Its his dream job
Gmac can go, not sure it's that big a deal if he did.

I'd feel bad for Matt Moyer. Matt is extremely close to Gerry. Also, Sidibe's main recruiter was Gerry.
People need to relax a bit, were talking about a hall of fame coach who has never had a losing season in 40+ years. If anyone understands the situation that the program is in and that we need to make some changes after a few mediocre conference seasons its JB. The guy hasn't won over a 1000 games by accident, hes put Syracuse on the map and we will live and die with him until hes ready to retire. I wouldnt' have minded giving Hop a shot and getting some new blood and ideas into the program but if your asking me to choose between 5 more years of JB or Hopkins next season I will ride with JB all day.

Unfortunately, I don't think he has the energy to coach five more years let alone two. A head coach needs to be out on the road recruiting. That's not JB's game anymore. He's also going to have to take on a greater role in running practices. And when we fail to make the tourney next year (likely), JB will be feeling enormous heat. One year closer to retirement, recruiting will become even tougher. This isn't playing out well.
JB won't let go?

How about JB would be glad to let go. But Wildhack and the University didn't have confidence in Hopkins and have beseeched JB to stay on so that they could get a replacement with proven head coaching experience.

Boeheim, who has exhibited uncommon loyalty to the University over four decades would probably stay on even though he doesn't need the money, the notoriety, or the grief.

Of course, if your agenda is to smear Boeheim and make him look as bad as possible, than you say he's hanging on for his own selfish reasons.

That's most certainly not what is happening.
It's not a viable position to have JB as a 1 year lame duck coach with no successor. It makes it hard for him to hire any assistant to replace anyone. Nobody good is taking a job with a coach leaving after next season. It kills 2018 recruiting because nobody is signing up to play for a TBD coach. Either the AD gives JB a contract extension for at least an additional 2 years after next season or JB steps down now voluntarily so the program can hire a new coach and end the chaos so they can recruit. If nothing is done, recruiting is dead and the program will decline.
Given the results of this year I get the doom and gloom, but this could easily work out well for us.

We need a couple things to happen to make this work. We need a re-energized JB to agree to something like 5 more years, then he needs to get fully engaged on the recruiting trail.

We also need a kick ass recruiter to join the staff and start bringing some top flight kids in.

If we get that, I am beyond happy with this situation.

Personally, I don't care if GMAC stays or goes. It's funny to read posts saying that if Gerry leaves we are screwed. I swore I read about 100 posts saying how Gerry can't recruit to save his life.

I think we have all underestimated how much the sanctions hurt us. JB didn't just suddenly forget how to coach. Coaching gets harder when recruiting gets harder. It's that simple. No sanctions probably means Thomas Bryant is here, and one or two of the guys who transferred out could have stayed here and developed over the last few years. Those two easy possibilities that sanctions eliminated probably would have had us in the tourney this year.

JB is an all time great, and he is still great. This team was done on January 1. This board would have bet their lives on the team winning 4 or less games in conf. JB got that garbage team to basically the first team out of the tournament. Maybe not a miracle, but basically amazing considering where we were.

JB still has it. If he can kick it up in recruiting, we will be exactly where we all expect to be. I love Hopkins, and I hope he is successful, but JB is JB. He's done it before, and I expect he will do it again.

gotta be something from SU today or tomorrow, doesn't there?
Unfortunately, I don't think he has the energy to coach five more years let alone two. A head coach needs to be out on the road recruiting. That's not JB's game anymore. He's also going to have to take on a greater role in running practices. And when we fail to make the tourney next year (likely), JB will be feeling enormous heat. One year closer to retirement, recruiting will become even tougher. This isn't playing out well.

I've said this before but if he's not prepared to "grind," as one poster likes to call it, then he should move down a level and coach in the Ivy or Patriot League where the schools do most of the recruiting for you.
I understand that concept. My point is that Syracuse can't let Boeheim stay for 1 year at this point. It either needs to be 3 to 4 years or him retire this year. If they keep the plan the same with him leaving after 1 year then we will be in very bad shape. No assistant coaches would come here for 1 year to only be fired. And no recruit would come here not knowing who the coach would be. Something has to change either Boeheim gone now or stays alot longer. Those are the only two options.
I actually thought all season that this one would be JBs last. He won't want to do the retirement swan song for a full season with all of the attention that would bring.

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