Block / Charge | Page 4 |

Block / Charge

Will NCAA officials ever get the block / charge call right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • No

    Votes: 78 96.3%

  • Total voters
NCAA rules committee approves changes to block/charge

They did. I don't get why you and Cowtown are so obtuse over this. It was changed somewhat as a result of the terrible charge calls on Brandon Triche in back to back NCAA tournaments.

EDIT: I got the verbiage wrong. you were right as it was stated, but it still was never interpreted that way.
Yeah. We can disagree. When I played, that was always how it was interpreted. And it was usually an easy call.
I posted that above in an edited post. There's a reason they changed the rule. The officials never got it right in the first place.
I appreciate your admission but I think they changed it to help the offensive player and thinking it would be very difficult for an in-motion player to change course once momentum is going they decided to treat it like he was already in the air. The call is now a harder call to make IMO.
xc84 Here's another important factor in the debate: greater than 95% of players and coaches have never read through a rule book, let alone understood how rules are interpreted and applied. Also consider this: that includes the AD's who attend the meetings and get to choose which officials work in their conferences. :)
That is really interesting! Where did you find that data?
Was amazed to wake up this morning and find that this hadn't been angrily bumped. So I'll do it.

Officiating in college has never been worse in the time I've been watching it. They can't get block/charge right, and they're blowing the whistle on it half a dozen times per game. I blame the coaches who teach flopping, but I also blame the refs who can't seem to recognize legal guarding position in real time.
not seeing the debate here. i could argue minimal contact let it go. but this isnt a case of the D not being ready, he had pretty good position. contact with the leg was pretty solid, contact with the body was not.

much worse calls screwed up last night in the SU game both ways.
Was amazed to wake up this morning and find that this hadn't been angrily bumped. So I'll do it.

Officiating in college has never been worse in the time I've been watching it. They can't get block/charge right, and they're blowing the whistle on it half a dozen times per game. I blame the coaches who teach flopping, but I also blame the refs who can't seem to recognize legal guarding position in real time.

Well you clearly don’t understand the rules according to what I’ve been told above.
Well you clearly don’t understand the rules according to what I’ve been told above.

I was thinking that I'd love to rewatch pertinent parts of last night's game with Cowtown. Because I've gotta think he'd be critical of those three nitwits who, among other things, rewarded a Clemson player who didn't give Sidibe space to land when jumping for a pass.
I was watching last nights game and thinking that refs in the ACC really enjoy calling charges for some reason. Someone catches the ball down low and they love calling a charge if someone falls down within 2 feet of the person with the ball. It went both ways. There was that one that Marek drew right out of the gate and there was the one called on BS when he caught the ball near someone. It doesn't even make me mad anymore. I just laugh now. I hate this damn conference. It is what it is.
There was however one play where the Clemson defender blatantly flopped and was called for a block. Likely would have been a no call it he had stayed on his feet. First time I can ever remember giving a standing O to zebra.
There was one yesterday in the UCLA vs. UW game. It came after the same dude (big white center that's foreign) got called for a charge on the other end. However, this time, he drew the charge on the ensuing defensive possession for UW. The guy is like 7'0 300 lbs. and this skinny UCLA pivot guy nudged him and he flopped to the high heavens and got the call. This guy literally laughed all the way off the court as Hop made the substitution and all of his teammates on the sidelines were high 5'ing and laughing their arse's off.
The whole “taking a charge” thing is absolutely ridiculous. Just play defense.
What? The defender is supposed to get between the ball and the basket. The offensive player is initiating the charge not the other way around l.
What? The defender is supposed to get between the ball and the basket. The offensive player is initiating the charge not the other way around l.

No. Usually the defensive player is “initiating the charge” by flopping or undercutting or sliding over to “help”, by positoning himself right in the way to get in the way of an airborn player.

The rare times when it’s the offensive player creating an advantage by actually running the defender over, then it should be an offensive foul. I feel like that’s maybe 20-25% of the offensive fouls that are called. Maybe.
We are getting to the point where the Warrick dunk against Texas would have been called a charge. It’s getting worse, not better.
Why can’t we just use the eye test? And if it’s not obvious then swallow the whistle and play on.
Why can’t we just use the eye test? And if it’s not obvious then swallow the whistle and play on.
I’m all for this - feel like that’s the way it used to be.
I’m all for this - feel like that’s the way it used to be.
When I grew up we weren’t taught to crash into defenders and plead with the officials; we were supposed to have enough control to go around them.

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