Boeheim on Cowherd's show re: Lebron |

Boeheim on Cowherd's show re: Lebron

I'm still going with Michael. Lebron is about as close as it gets though.
The scary thing is 4 more prime NBA years left and maybe some Jason Kidd style..ride out the career til the wheels come off years. His overall stats are going to be off the charts.
If only he was humble he'd have a lot more supporters.
I don't think he's that bad. I think when you're that good it's hard to be completely humble, it makes you look soft (Durant).
"I always thought Michael Jordan was the best player I ever, I'm not so sure."


I think this is more JB being loyal to his guys on the Olympic squad, just like he does with the SU guys.

I think that is why he ended the statement with, "I'm not so sure". It's non-committal, still gives praise to Lebron, but doesn't make the ridiculous notion that Lebron is the best player ever over MJ.
Like your boy DW! DW is going to make everyone in Ohio forget LBJ!

Ha. Well played! LBJ is about as humble as it gets. He's made only a couple of bonehead statements/manuevers over his whole career. For a guy so much under scrutiny he's handled himself extraordinarily well.
Waiters is misunderstood, hes all about swag and his confidence is through the roof, maybe lebrons the same way.

Maybe, but you don't go into a new organization and say, "I have no weaknesses." Then he shows up out of shape.
The scary thing is 4 more prime NBA years left and maybe some Jason Kidd style..ride out the career til the wheels come off years. His overall stats are going to be off the charts.

Barring injury, I think he has more than 4 years. He has had no back or knee or feet injuries. He is 27. I think he is going to be putting up near triple double numbers for 6-8 more years. I know that sounds insane, but I think he can do it. Between whatever they got in Germany that Kobe is taking, his insane genetics and his ability to avoid injury, I don't see why he will start slowing down.

I also see him moving more frequently to the post and adding a turnaround jump shot, some up and under moves and maybe a more consistent baby hook.
I think this is more JB being loyal to his guys on the Olympic squad, just like he does with the SU guys.

I think that is why he ended the statement with, "I'm not so sure". It's non-committal, still gives praise to Lebron, but doesn't make the ridiculous notion that Lebron is the best player ever over MJ.

Boeheim brought this topic up on his own...he wasn't asked to place Lebron into historical perspective.
Boeheim brought this topic up on his own...he wasn't asked to place Lebron into historical perspective.

Maybe he isn't sure, but I still think part of it is his loyalty to his guys (which I applaud).
I think this is more JB being loyal to his guys on the Olympic squad, just like he does with the SU guys.

I think that is why he ended the statement with, "I'm not so sure". It's non-committal, still gives praise to Lebron, but doesn't make the ridiculous notion that Lebron is the best player ever over MJ.

Of course. People who follow Syracuse basketball as closely as this crowd have to be familiar with Boeheim's hyperbolic statements about his guys.
Of course. People who follow Syracuse basketball as closely as this crowd have to be familiar with Boeheim's hyperbolic statements about his guys.
Ya didnt he say triche would go pro after 2 years?
Clearly he and LeBron have forged a pretty strong bond, evidenced by the huge hug LBJ gave Jimmy after the game Sunday, so I'm not surprised Jimmy is big time on the LBJ train.
Barring injury, I think he has more than 4 years. He has had no back or knee or feet injuries. He is 27. I think he is going to be putting up near triple double numbers for 6-8 more years. I know that sounds insane, but I think he can do it. Between whatever they got in Germany that Kobe is taking, his insane genetics and his ability to avoid injury, I don't see why he will start slowing down.

I also see him moving more frequently to the post and adding a turnaround jump shot, some up and under moves and maybe a more consistent baby hook.

Maybe, but once he gets over the 30 mark, he will start having injuries and they will nag at him. It happens to them all. Even the great one.
Ya didnt he say triche would go pro after 2 years?
I also believe he starts every first practice of the season with "We have a real shot to win the national title this year"
Yeah my first thought was it had something to do with JB being loyal to his guys, which he pretty much always is. And I'm not surprised if he forged a close bond with Lebron; Coach K clearly had. Lebron is A) the best player on the team, and B) a guy who, for whatever his faults, has a fantastic basketball mind. It would be pretty easy for a coach to become close with a guy who is an incredible player and also "gets" basketball. (Watch him play one game and you understand he sees what happens on the floor as well as anybody).

I think he's going to be a beast for probably more than 4 more years. You certainly never know what's going to happen with injuries. Karl Malone and John Stockton never missed games, even as they got close to 40. Lebron has been pretty durable so far; you certainly expect more injuries to occur as he gets older, but if you're asking me to pick who will be the best player in the game in 5 years, I'm picking Lebron.

I also expect him to age very well. He began showcasing the post game more this year, it seems, and as he gets older I wouldn't be surprised to see him slide to more of a power forward type. I can see him being 35 and slicing defenses out of the post with his passing.
Ya didnt he say triche would go pro after 2 years?

I'm not sure if that was Boeheim or some posters on here, but I do know that Boeheim said in July of 2010 that Triche was an immediate upgrade over Flynn in terms of true point guard skills.

He also said in summer 2006 that Paul Harris would be the likely national freshman of the year (over Durant and Oden, among others).

He supports his guys. Can't fault him for that. But he does have a history of saying borderline-ridiculous things, wildly exaggerating statistics and making player claims and comparisons that most would find far-fetched.

Not a criticism, but just a caution about the remark about James: Boeheim's not serious. Just another off-the-cuff claim that can be roughly translated as "I enjoyed coaching this young man and think the world of him."
Ha. Well played! LBJ is about as humble as it gets. He's made only a couple of bonehead statements/manuevers over his whole career. For a guy so much under scrutiny he's handled himself extraordinarily well.

Especially considering what a flake his mother is. Given that, it is remarkable that LBJ has basically been squeaky clean. I don't like the guy, and like you say he's made a couple of bonehead maneuvers, but I don't think anyone can accurately claim that he is a bad seed in any way.

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