Carleton Thoughts |

Carleton Thoughts


Basketball Maven
Aug 28, 2011
I suppose anyone who has read any of my old posts already knows I'm a basketball nerd. I'm into things like strategy, floor spacing, mid range jump shots, pick and rolls, and double teams, and I have to say that because of these things this year's team makes me happy.

They come equipped with lots of quirks and tricks. Things like, point forwards, centers and power forwards beating their man off the dribble, and mid range jump shots. Think of them as the basketball version of a veteran left handed pitcher who can only throw the ball 87 miles a hour but has an artillery of off speed pitches with which he can trick hitters. There is no star on this team, but there are four, five, maybe even six guys who should be able to put up double figures regularly.

This is not a typical Syracuse team in many ways, they have a lot of holes, and probably a ceiling of 4th or 5th place in the ACC, but they are tons of fun to watch from a basketball nerd standpoint, and they should be able to run a bunch of quirky plays, and score in a lot of different ways. All in all I had more fun watching this exhibition game than I have had watching any SU team in a long time.

Onto the game, I think we learned a few things today (which is rare for an exhibition). Syracuse was down 9 at halftime, and played the second half to win. This means we got a glimpse of their true rotation, which is this . . .

Joseph, Cooney, Gbinije, McCullough, Christmas are our best line up and will play the majority of the minutes. Patterson and Roberson will get regular game time. Johnson looks like the odd man out, and Obokoh is a question mark.

The reason Obokoh is a question mark is because Christmas played the entire second half. Obviously he can't play all game every game and somebody is going to need to be the back up center. Its either going to be McCullough or Obokoh, and I'm not at all sure that Boeheim knows who is best suited for that role yet. McCullough is skinny for a center and will get pushed around, but, he will also be able to take opposing centers away from the basket on offense, and beat them in transition. Translation, we will get worse defensively and better offensively with McCullough at center. Obokoh is young and raw, and worse than Christmas in every way so Syracuse gets worse overall with Obokoh on the court, but perhaps he can learn to take over Christmas's defensive duties and the rest of the team can worry about carrying the offensive load. Only time will tell at this point.

People overstate how good Carleton is. They have beat a lot of great teams recently , but that is because they play all year long, most of their players are 5th year guys, and they get those great teams in August when they are not ready to compete. Carleton has middle of the road mid-major talent and nothing more. Still, that makes for one of the most difficult exhibition games a D1 team can get.

The good news is, Syracuse won, and looked pretty good doing it. The bad news is they were terrible on the boards. With Christmas, McCullough, and Roberson Syracuse should be a good rebounding team, and quite frankly, they will need to be. In this game Syracuse was dominated on the boards mostly due to the fact that neither McCullough or Roberson were ever in the places they should have been. Gbinije was outstanding on the boards, but he had no help.

After a first half where Syracuse played a deep bench, and basically looked like a team in an exhibition game, they were down by 10-15 points until Joseph sparked a late rally taking Carleton's halftime lead down to 9. In the second half Syracuse came out looking to win, and pretty much ruled the game. The line up that did the most damage was notable for how different and fun it was . . . Patterson, Cooney, Gbinije, McCullough, Christmas. It was fun because Gbinije played forward on defense and point guard on offense. Patterson and Cooney (and even McCullough who can shoot) gave the offense great spacing, allowing Syracuse to dump the ball inside to Christmas who had tons of room to either score over Carleton's useless center or pass to the open man when the inevitable double team came. You've got to love a perfectly spaced offense were all five players are looking to take their man off the dribble, or find the open man. Its how basketball should look.

Individual performers

Joseph - Looked fantastic, scoring 19 points, in only 26 minutes, while only missing two shots. His best sequence came in the second half when he beat his man off the dribble for a lay up, then faked doing the same thing on the next possession, jab stepped and buried a mid range jumper. There is no defense for that. Joseph is a ton of fun to watch and is going to be a fan favorite. I just hope he's not get too good too soon, because I want him to stay at least three years. The down side to Joseph's game is he's bad defensively, but that is normal for a freshman. It was impossible to not be impressed at how good he looked this early in his career. Most freshman point guards are shaky in exhibition against worse competition.

Cooney - Had a bad game shooting. He is going to have his good and his bad days from behind the arc, but his defense was good (and is almost always good) and he hit his free throws.

Roberson - I honestly don't think Roberson is all that good of a basketball player right now. Offensively he can't handle the ball with enough skill to drive to the basket successfully and he's also a reluctant (and mediocre) jump shooter, so he does not offer much offensively. Defensively he's got the tools but not the mind. He made way too many mistakes today, and got pushed around on the boards to boot. I am expecting him to be this year's token starter, making way early and often for Gbinije, who is simply a better player. Where Roberson can help us this year is on the boards. He needs to clean up everything defensively and learn to get the garbage baskets offensively.

McCullough - The guy is lightning quick for a 6'10 player, and he's got springs. He's too young, and too weak to be a superstar, but he's good already, maybe the best player we have, and I expect him to leave for the NBA after this season. Its his versatility I like most. One minute blocking a shot, the next scoring in transition. One minute hitting a three, the next posting a player up. He can pretty much do it all. He was absolutely terrible defensively in this game, but, like with Joseph you have to expect that from a freshman.

Christmas - He basically sat the bench the whole first half because of fouls and still managed to be our best player. At this point Syracuse looks decent defensively with Christmas in the game protecting the rim as well as barking orders to his teammates, but everything falls apart when Christmas goes to the bench. This is a major worry. Christmas went up against a 6'6 guy a lot of the time in this game so he was double teamed every time he touched the ball. When he wasn't, he scored 100% of the time. He had some nice post moves, and also 3 or 4 times when he took his smaller (should have been quicker but wasn't) defender off the dribble to score. It took Christmas a while to learn how to pass out of the double team (lets face it the guy's never been double teamed in his life) but he eventually figured it out. There are signs that Christmas is making the kind of leap Rick Jackson did his senior year. Lets hope this is true because there can be no doubt that Christmas is our most important player. We don't really have a good back up option.

Gbinije - Remember last year when Gbinije struggled to bring the ball up the court, much less run the team as the point guard? Well those days are over. Gbinije looked like a whole new player, handling the ball confidently and doing a great job running the offense. He played the forward position all game long defensively and never played guard, which I think tells you a lot about who is more ready to contribute between Johnson and Patterson. Gbinije was also the only good defensive forward, and the only good rebounder. He offered a lot in this game, and is going to be an invaluable contributor. One of the most underrated aspects of his game . . . when Gbinije gets a rebound (which will be often if he plays forward full time like it looks like he will) its off to the races. He can lead the transition break as well as any forward we have ever had.

Patterson - Scored 15 huge points, that included hitting his first four threes. We know three point shooting is something that comes and goes, and we know Patterson is not going to hit four threes every game. Heck, he might never do it again, but he does pose a threat that will allow Syracuse to space the court properly on offense, and, his extra long arms make him a fantastic defender at the top of the zone. So long as he keeps that defense up he is going to play, whether the threes are falling or not.

Johnson - BJ has a great skill set; he's tall, athletic, he can handle the ball and he can shoot. Before its all said and done he is going to be a star here, but its not going to be this year. Right now, Johnson is just too skinny. Ive really never seen anything like it; it boarders on frail. He's got to put on muscle before he can bang with the likes of Carleton, much less the big dogs of the ACC.

Obokoh - He looks a little short. He also looks lost and inadequate on both offense and defense. He's not ready yet, but I am sure Boeheim and crew will be working with him around the clock. We will see what happens. It sure would be nice to know he's able come off the bench and play 15 minutes of solid defense.
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General, brilliant writeup as usual. Assuming Cooney rebounds from today's poor performance, I'm wondering who you think will be our other consistent option from outside the arc.
This football season has been making my SU fandom hurt right now. I totally needed to geek out some SU basketball. Great as always, General 20. Thanks.
Without being able to see the game, I'm more optimistic than you (and many others) about the season. I think that the team will have a few head-scratcher losses but could be scary in March. They'll certainly be exciting.
General, brilliant writeup as usual. Assuming Cooney rebounds from today's poor performance, I'm wondering who you think will be our other consistent option from outside the arc.

Consistent? Probably nobody. But we have options and that is the key. Last year we only had Cooney and when we was off from 3 we were off as a team. That's a problem because nobody is truly consistent from three point range. What you ideally want are a number of options, any one of which can get hot on any given day, and I think Syracuse has that.

Obviously Cooney can get red hot, we know that.
Gbinije shot pretty well last year and has obviously been working hard on his game. I expect him to hit his share of three's this year.
McCullough is not a pure shooter, and we don't want him shooting a lot, but he can hit from back there, and the defense is going to have to stay honest on him.
I expect Patterson to be streaky this year, but he's obviously a guy who can get hot too and must be guarded.
Joseph hits mid range shots, and that stretches the D too, which to me is just as good.

We need to start looking at shooting as a team effort, and not just an individual thing. Of our big 7 players, all of them can hit either mid range jumpers or threes. If we can get 3 or 4 of those players hot while the other 3 or 4 are cold we are in good shape.
The General!! You had gone into the black hole in my mind. I had forgotten you even existed! Luckily, you don't need my perception to exist. When I saw that hat and your name, I literally gave a squeal of delight. I know I should have quacked, but I am just telling you my truth.

I absorbed your write up and look forward to your incisive commentary all season long. Hooray!
I probably should've said most reliable or most competent.

If you are looking for most three pointers made, and highest percentage, I'd guess Gbinije. I'm pretty high on him. But look at today, neither Gbinije or Cooney hit shots. Patterson, Joseph, and McCullough did, and Syracuse won. Next game those guys might be cold but Gbinije and Cooney might hit everything in sight. The key to me is to have a lot of options so you up your odds that someone will be making shots every night. Boeheim's teams have always been good at feeding the hot hand.
I suppose anyone who has read any of my old posts already knows I'm a basketball nerd. I'm into things like strategy, floor spacing, mid range jump shots, pick and rolls, and double teams, and I have to say that because of these things this year's team makes me happy.

They come equipped with lots of quirks and tricks. Things like, point forwards, centers and power forwards beating their man off the dribble, and mid range jump shots. Think of them as the basketball version of a veteran left handed pitcher who can only throw the ball 87 miles a hour but has an artillery of off speed pitches with which he can trick hitters. There is no star on this team, but there are four, five, maybe even six guys who should be able to put up double figures regularly.

This is not a typical Syracuse team in many ways, they have a lot of holes, and probably a ceiling of 4th or 5th place in the ACC, but they are tons of fun to watch from a basketball nerd standpoint, and they should be able to run a bunch of quirky plays, and score in a lot of different ways. All in all I had more fun watching this exhibition game than I have had watching any SU team in a long time.

Onto the game, I think we learned a few things today (which is rare for an exhibition). Syracuse was down 9 at halftime, and played the second half to win. This means we got a glimpse of their true rotation, which is this . . .

Joseph, Cooney, Gbinije, McCullough, Christmas are our best line up and will play the majority of the minutes. Patterson and Roberson will get regular game time. Johnson looks like the odd man out, and Obokoh is a question mark.

The reason Obokoh is a question mark is because Christmas played the entire second half. Obviously he can't play all game every game and somebody is going to need to be the back up center. Its either going to be McCullough or Obokoh, and I'm not at all sure that Boeheim knows who is best suited for that role yet. McCullough is skinny for a center and will get pushed around, but, he will also be able to take opposing centers away from the basket on offense, and beat them in transition. Translation, we will get worse defensively and better offensively with McCullough at center. Obokoh is young and raw, and worse than Christmas in every way so Syracuse gets worse overall with Obokoh on the court, but perhaps he can learn to take over Christmas's defensive duties and the rest of the team can worry about carrying the offensive load. Only time will tell at this point.

People overstate how good Carleton is. They have beat a lot of great teams recently , but that is because they play all year long, most of their players are 5th year guys, and they get those great teams in August when they are not ready to compete. Carleton has middle of the road mid-major talent and nothing more. Still, that makes for one of the most difficult exhibition games a D1 team can get.

The good news is, Syracuse won, and looked pretty good doing it. The bad news is they were terrible on the boards. With Christmas, McCullough, and Roberson Syracuse should be a good rebounding team, and quite frankly, they will need to be. In this game Syracuse was dominated on the boards mostly due to the fact that neither McCullough or Roberson were ever in the places they should have been. Gbinije was outstanding on the boards, but he had no help.

After a first half where Syracuse played a deep bench, and basically looked like a team in an exhibition game, they were down by 10-15 points until Joseph sparked a late rally taking Carleton's halftime lead down to 9. In the second half Syracuse came out looking to win, and pretty much ruled the game. The line up that did the most damage was notable for how different and fun it was . . . Patterson, Cooney, Gbinije, McCullough, Christmas. It was fun because Gbinije played forward on defense and point guard on offense. Patterson and Cooney (and even McCullough who can shoot) gave the offense great spacing, allowing Syracuse to dump the ball inside to Christmas who had tons of room to either score over Carleton's useless center or pass to the open man when the inevitable double team came. You've got to love a perfectly spaced offense were all five players are looking to take their man off the dribble, or find the open man. Its how basketball should look.

Individual performers

Joseph - Looked fantastic, scoring 19 points, in only 26 minutes, while only missing two shots. His best sequence came in the second half when he beat his man off the dribble for a lay up, then faked doing the same thing on the next possession, jab stepped and buried a mid range jumper. There is no defense for that. Joseph is a ton of fun to watch and is going to be a fan favorite. I just hope he's not get too good too soon, because I want him to stay at least three years. The down side to Joseph's game is he's bad defensively, but that is normal for a freshman. It was impossible to not be impressed at how good he looked this early in his career. Most freshman point guards are shaky in exhibition against worse competition.

Cooney - Had a bad game shooting. He is going to have his good and his bad days from behind the arc, but his defense was good (and is almost always good) and he hit his free throws.

Roberson - I honestly don't think Roberson is all that good of a basketball player right now. Offensively he can't handle the ball with enough skill to drive to the basket successfully and he's also a reluctant (and mediocre) jump shooter, so he does not offer much offensively. Defensively he's got the tools but not the mind. He made way too many mistakes today, and got pushed around on the boards to boot. I am expecting him to be this year's token starter, making way early and often for Gbinije, who is simply a better player. Where Roberson can help us this year is on the boards. He needs to clean up everything defensively and learn to get the garbage baskets offensively.

McCullough - The guy is lightning quick for a 6'10 player, and he's got springs. He's too young, and too weak to be a superstar, but he's good already, maybe the best player we have, and I expect him to leave for the NBA after this season. Its his versatility I like most. One minute blocking a shot, the next scoring in transition. One minute hitting a three, the next posting a player up. He can pretty much do it all. He was absolutely terrible defensively in this game, but, like with Joseph you have to expect that from a freshman.

Christmas - He basically sat the bench the whole first half because of fouls and still managed to be our best player. At this point Syracuse looks decent defensively with Christmas in the game protecting the rim as well as barking orders to his teammates, but everything falls apart when Christmas goes to the bench. This is a major worry. Christmas went up against a 6'6 guy a lot of the time in this game so he was double teamed every time he touched the ball. When he wasn't, he scored 100% of the time. He had some nice post moves, and also 3 or 4 times when he took his smaller (should have been quicker but wasn't) defender off the dribble to score. It took Christmas a while to learn how to pass out of the double team (lets face it the guy's never been double teamed in his life) but he eventually figured it out. There are signs that Christmas is making the kind of leap Rick Jackson did his senior year. Lets hope this is true because there can be no doubt that Christmas is our most important player. We don't really have a good back up option.

Gbinije - Remember last year when Gbinije struggled to bring the ball up the court, much less run the team as the point guard? Well those days are over. Gbinije looked like a whole new player, handling the ball confidently and doing a great job running the offense. He played the forward position all game long defensively and never played guard, which I think tells you a lot about who is more ready to contribute between Johnson and Patterson. Gbinije was also the only good defensive forward, and the only good rebounder. He offered a lot in this game, and is going to be an invaluable contributor. One of the most underrated aspects of his game . . . when Gbinije gets a rebound (which will be often if he plays forward full time like it looks like he will) its off to the races. He can lead the transition break as well as any forward we have ever had.

Patterson - Scored 15 huge points, that included hitting his first four threes. We know three point shooting is something that comes and goes, and we know Patterson is not going to hit four threes every game. Heck, he might never do it again, but he does pose a threat that will allow Syracuse to space the court properly on offense, and, his extra long arms make him a fantastic defender at the top of the zone. So long as he keeps that defense up he is going to play, whether the threes are falling or not.

Johnson - BJ has a great skill set; he's tall, athletic, he can handle the ball and he can shoot. Before its all said and done he is going to be a star here, but its not going to be this year. Right now, Johnson is just too skinny. Ive really never seen anything like it; it boarders on frail. He's got to put on muscle before he can bang with the likes of Carleton, much less the big dogs of the ACC.

Obokoh - He looks a little short. He also looks lost and inadequate on both offense and defense. He's not ready yet, but I am sure Boeheim and crew will be working with him around the clock. We without Big will see what happens. It sure would be nice to know he's able come off the bench and play 15 minutes of solid defense.
Great write up as always, cant disagree w one single thing you wrote. Unfortunately one of the things you wrote was a ceiling of 4-5 in ACC. But looking forward to NCAAs, what type of ceiling do you see w this team in the Big Dance. Do you see that ceiling being different with or without Big Cole? I personally think because we are so young, if we can progress and get hot at the end we could make a decent run.
Great write up as always, cant disagree w one single thing you wrote. Unfortunately one of the things you wrote was a ceiling of 4-5 in ACC. But looking forward to NCAAs, what type of ceiling do you see w this team in the Big Dance. Do you see that ceiling being different with or without Big Cole? I personally think because we are so young, if we can progress and get hot at the end we could make a decent run.

The tournament is a total crap shoot. UConn last year was worse than we are this year and they won it all. You just never know what will happen. If Cooney happens to be red hot for those six games we could win the whole thing. I wouldn't bet on that, though.
Rak, as we all know, is crucial to our success. He has to be a little more judicious with his contests around the paint. There are going to be points throughout the season where he's a step late and he just has to concede a dunk or a layup rather than go for the block.

And it wouldn't hurt to get a little more respect from the zebras this season. Rak, more than just about any SU center I can remember, has gotten the short end of the stick on calls

tl;dr Rak has to play smart.
The tournament is a total crap shoot. UConn last year was worse than we are this year and they won it all. You just never know what will happen. If Cooney happens to be red hot for those six games we could win the whole thing. I wouldn't bet on that, though.
Yep,hot shooting and i also think McC and Roberson need to find a way to get stronger
Rak, as we all know, is crucial to our success. He has to be a little more judicious with his contests around the paint. There are going to be points throughout the season where he's a step late and he just has to concede a dunk or a layup rather than go for the block.

And it wouldn't hurt to get a little more respect from the zebras this season. Rak, more than just about any SU center I can remember, has gotten the short end of the stick on calls

tl;dr Rak has to play smart.
yes, Rak got hosed on that bogus illegal screen call. It was a good screen, the guy just flopped and the ref got caught falling asleep
Johnson - BJ has a great skill set; he's tall, athletic, he can handle the ball and he can shoot. Before its all said and done he is going to be a star here, but its not going to be this year. Right now, Johnson is just too skinny. Ive really never seen anything like it; it boarders on frail. He's got to put on muscle before he can bang with the likes of Carleton, much less the big dogs of the ACC.

JB played at about 6'3" and 150 lbs. BJ needs to pick JB's mind and find out how to use his skills.
Johnson - BJ has a great skill set; he's tall, athletic, he can handle the ball and he can shoot. Before its all said and done he is going to be a star here, but its not going to be this year. Right now, Johnson is just too skinny. Ive really never seen anything like it; it boarders on frail. He's got to put on muscle before he can bang with the likes of Carleton, much less the big dogs of the ACC.

JB played at about 6'3" and 150 lbs. BJ needs to pick JB's mind and find out how to use his skills.

You're maybe too young to remember?

Louis Orr...
6'8"175 lbsForward
I suppose anyone who has read any of my old posts already knows I'm a basketball nerd. I'm into things like strategy, floor spacing, mid range jump shots, pick and rolls, and double teams, and I have to say that because of these things this year's team makes me happy.

Totally forgot how much I look forward to your posts. Thanks as always. The season is now afoot.
Thanks General. GREAT stuff as always! Disappointed to hear this about Roberson. Perhaps it was opening game jitters. Hopefully he gets it going because we will need him. Even if it is just for mostly rebounding or else a team like Texas will slaughter us the boards if we happen to play them.
Thanks General. GREAT stuff as always! Disappointed to hear this about Roberson. Perhaps it was opening game jitters. Hopefully he gets it going because we will need him. Even if it is just for mostly rebounding or else a team like Texas will slaughter us the boards if we happen to play them.
I sure hope he comes through this. It really appears that he's lacking confidence in his game. Maybe if he relaxes it'll come to him. We do need him.
Great post. I still see a poor passing team that will struggle if they can't rebound or get steals. A lot of one on on one moves which I wasn't to pleased with but it was very nice to see them find a way to work Rak into the offense. Joesph was confident and very to see how he reacts to failure/struggle. Cooney is the same player he was last year and hopefully Patterson or Gbinije will fill the void when SU has flat Cooney. Roberson looked like he wanted to force his game instead of letting it come to him and there is no doubt he will be Boeheims guy to scream at this year.

A lot of US schools are missing a chance to get a helluva coach and should grab this Carlton guy. Schools like Iowa St or Rutgers would be wise to do so.

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