Chase Scanlan suspended indefinitely | Page 27 |

Chase Scanlan suspended indefinitely

That's a nice sentiment and probably worth a discussion in a broader sense, but I don't know if it is applicable to this case, or not. We don't know the history of events from the day Chase arrived at SU. There are rumors that he hasn't been a very good teammate, irrespective of this latest alleged incident. One such rumor is that he punched a captain in the face when he tried to intervene in an altercation Chase was having at a bar.
It's quite possible that he has been offered help in the past by his teammates. As outsiders, we don't know, hence why I was careful to use the words "rumor" and "alleged".
There are often many sides to a single story, therefore, I think it's best that we don't carelessly assume people turned their backs on a teammate in need of help, when we don't know if that help hasn't been offered or if it has and was ignored/refused.
I have 0 knowledge of anything but it would certainly make sense to me if that bar rumor were accurate. I played a sport through college and I can't imagine how many chances you would have to have blown before the team turned on a teammate in this manner and refused to give them another chance. Would likely be beyond 3 strikes and your out.
My thoughts on the Chase Scanlan situation.

Assuming all the stories and innuendos are true, maybe instead of turning their back and abandoning Chase, they might want to consider getting him some help. I'm not saying he should be back on the field - the hard truth is that for all intents and purposes his playing days are over. So what do we do - kick him to the curb and bemoan the waste of talent?

Everyone wants to praise the players for posting statements on their social media about about domestic violence - not to belittle the gesture, but literally that is the least they could do. Einstein said that adversity introduces a man to himself. Chase has led a privileged life these past 10 years - coddled by a system because he is an extraordinary talent. He is about to meet himself. Rarely do we see some at the crossroads of their life - we just don't see it in the moment.

And I am not - in any way, shape or form - condoning what he is said to have done. It is abhorrent and there is a price to be paid. He is only at the beginning of paying that price. He will be shunned by the PLL and forever be marked as that guy caught putting his hands on a woman (and I say caught because statistically speaking he is most certainly not the only D1 lacrosse player to have done so).

So do we just abandon and shun him? Mark him with a Scarlet Letter and move on to the next guy who can dodge from X?

Or as his teammates...those we think of as our college they owe him more?

Maybe John Desko was right...

Great take and I've always thought about this...

Do we just accept the existence of people that have these flaws?

Or do we show them the right way?

Does the permanent branding solve any of the issues that we find to be unacceptable in society?

Obviously there are certain crimes where this is the case, like hurting children, or murdering people. But it's a great philosophical question that I feel few people take the time to consider.

Take, for instance, somebody that is truly racist. They are publicly exposed, they get fired, they are ostracized from society. Do we really believe they will cease to be racist? Did they learn anything? Did we actually solve the problem?

If the answer to those last two are no, did we really make society any better? Or did we just slap a band-aid on the gunshot wound, and then write it off as "our work is done." The person more than likely is still racist, and if they don't understand what they did wrong and we don't give them an opportunity to change, we didn't truly rid society of their negative behavior. We are then collectively saying that we can abide their existence, even if we disagree with it.
I do corporate communications. If my client had no choice but to speak publicly and knew these questions would come up, here's what I would do.

First off, no hollow opening statement. Just talk about the the game. First question about the situation that is asked, I answer something like this.

"You know, thank you for asking that question. I understand why you asked, and I understand why people want more information based on things they may have heard. I wish I could say more. I hate sitting up here and having to play fast and loose and avoid answering perfectly valid questions. At the end of the day, I am legally bound from saying more. I just can't do it. As much as I want to provide more information to our passionate fans and to the community, i just can't, and I really am sorry about that. And I know you are going to ask more questions, and that's fine. I know you have jobs to do. And I promise I wont get frustrated with them, but you need to promise not to get frustrated either when I just continue to refuse them at this time. i hope someday sooner than later to be able to comment further."

This is what I would say. This allows the coach to leave a press conference looking like a human with feelings who is being forced by the law to say nothing, but who has enough of a brain to understand and appreciate why the questions are being asked. Its an absolutely nothing statement that doesnt reek of tone deafness.
Thanks for providing that background and example. I respect your expertise on this matter. I too, am in a similar field. I agree that statement would have been a good one to have made and humanizes both the situation and the coach. No argument from me at all on that.

The SU AD has strong leadership that wants to do the right thing. They are understaffed at the moment. From my experience with these matters, sometimes a plan for how your spokesman/woman will respond to live questioning doesn't always work out. Now, perhaps, the blame for that rests squarely on your comms teams. Other times, despite ample prep, live fire in front of the bright lights can be difficult. I know Desko cares deeply about his players and SU. This is likely a very hard situation for him emotionally. I say this only to offer, that I don't believe what you wrote wasn't what was planned. But I do imagine, a healthly dose of fear, and some legal advice, pushed onto JD, the need to stay as far away as possible from any specifics.

Just my .02
Take, for instance, somebody that is truly racist. They are publicly exposed, they get fired, they are ostracized from society. Do we really believe they will cease to be racist? Did they learn anything? Did we actually solve the problem?
Right. This has always been my dilemma with the way racism is dealt with. If a person is truly racist, you aren't going to change them. The way this needs to be handled is for us to go back to treating everyone with a little respect regardless of your personal beliefs. This is how we were raised. And yes, I know i'm talking fairy tale BS right now and we are WAY beyond that. Its as basic as this (in my mind): If I saw Springsteen, I would nod and smile, even hold the door open for him. Then later, I would tell my wife that I ran into that hack Springsteen ;).

I'm only half kidding. You can convince me all you want on how awesome Springsteen is, but there is no way in hell you're going to succeed. The key is to just respect what he has been able to acheive, and go back to listening to Ozzy.

Regarding Chase, we will have to find out if he's fixable. The sticky part is that if it's true that the victim is also a student athlete, you run the risk of pushing her away or making her uncomfortable were he to stick around.
"Criminal mischief in the fourth degree" is only a misdemeanor. Basically means property damage.

I would not count out more serious charges being added. It is unclear if the investigation is still ongoing.
More details here:

According to the Onondaga County inmate database, Syracuse attackman Chase Scanlan was arrested Friday and has been jailed and charged with criminal mischief in the fourth degree, a crime that can include intentionally damaging another person’s property. obtained a photo last week that showed a damaged wall that was reportedly in an apartment on Syracuse’s South Campus that was part of the investigation.

Scanlan is due to be arraigned Friday afternoon in Syracuse City Court.

Scanlan is also accused of breaking a woman’s phone, as well as a physical altercation with her, the District Attorney said.
"Criminal mischief in the fourth degree" is only a misdemeanor. Basically means property damage.

I would not count out more serious charges being added. It is unclear if the investigation is still ongoing.

Yeah do we have any lawyers here?
You can go to jail for criminal mischief?

As a class A misdemeanor, if you are convicted of criminal mischief in the fourth degree, your sentence may include a jail term of up to a year, a probation term of up to 3 years, a fine, and restitution.
NYS Penal Code section 145

Criminal mischief in the fourth degree​

A person is guilty of criminal mischief in the fourth degree when, having no right to do so nor any reasonable ground to believe that he or she has such right, he or she:

1. Intentionally damages property of another person; or

2. Intentionally participates in the destruction of an abandoned building as defined in section one thousand nine hundred seventy-one-a of the real property actions and proceedings law; or

3. Recklessly damages property of another person in an amount exceeding two hundred fifty dollars; or

4. With intent to prevent a person from communicating a request for emergency assistance, intentionally disables or removes telephonic, TTY or similar communication sending equipment while that person: (a) is attempting to seek or is engaged in the process of seeking emergency assistance from police, law enforcement, fire or emergency medical services personnel; or (b) is attempting to seek or is engaged in the process of seeking emergency assistance from another person or entity in order to protect himself, herself or a third person from imminent physical injury. The fact that the defendant has an ownership interest in such equipment shall not be a defense to a charge pursuant to this subdivision.

Criminal mischief in the fourth degree is a class A misdemeanor.
The DA appears to acknowledge there was a physical altercation but says they couldn't charge on that basis because the girl wasn't "legally injured." Interesting phrasing. Scanlan may have escaped more serious charges but his lacrosse playing days are over.

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