There are rebuttals for almost all these arguments, but rather than discuss them, I would like to understand where the enthusiasm for Shay came from. I offer one reason for staying put. Shay's kids get Yale free. Yale has billions and uses it to help less advantaged kids attend. Shay has recruited some of the better private school players for years because Yale is an entrance to the top of almost every field. And New Haven aint that bad. Yale lies on the edge of a bad neighborhood, but the city has plenty to offer.
Why not Murphy, if you want an ivy? Why the obsession with Shay? It all seems like wishful thinking to me. We suffered through a tough season. Grasping at straws is understandable. I can think of a dozen candidates to be excited about with much better reasons to want the job than Shay. Let's take some time to heal. See where we stand in September. Desko pulled SU out of 2007, maybe he can do it again. Maybe not. I am firmly ensconced in the middle. I'll be here either way.