Cooney was terrific in Atlantis | Page 4 |

Cooney was terrific in Atlantis

It's hilarious. No one is arguing that he's Jerry West. It's merely a point that he's playing well, and better than last year.

But you get the "oh my god. He stinks just like last year you silly apologist".

It's just mind boggling. He made the freaking all-tourney team.

Be happy for him and his teammates.

I invite anyone who thinks otherwise to rewatch the last 5 minutes of the second half of tonight's game. Especially the finish through contact for a three point play he converted with 3:10 to go.

Jay Bilas: "Trevor Cooney is so much more than a shooter... he's an athletic driver, finisher, he's really got a complete game."
Yes maybe next time Cooney has a bad game I can make a thread telling you to eat crow, because that's what insightful posters do.

I'm sure you will, because that's your negative modus operandi.

The only reasons why you could possibly be insulted by this thread are that you're anti-Cooney, or that you're just trolling for an argument. So which is it?
rrlbees said:
Stats also don't measure things like leadership, hustle, that double back steal attempt just before the half which caused the bad pass that G stole and got 3 foul shots, etc.

But, but he did not get credit for a steal, assist, rebound or point. It doesn't compute in my metric centripetal force geosynchronous analysis spreadsheet therefore it doesn't matter.

Eye test > stats.
I've made my point multiple times but how about one more try!

Cooney's career has been more than these last three games and in that larger sample we all know what kind of player he is.

Furthermore attacking a group of posters with a different opinion than you does not lead to a very good experience for the whole.

And no one is actually bashing Cooney. We are bashing the less informed posters who think he is more than he actually is.
I've made my point multiple times but how about one more try!

Cooney's career has been more than these last three games and in that larger sample we all know what kind of player he is.

Furthermore attacking a group of posters with a different opinion than you does not lead to a very good experience for the whole.

And no one is actually bashing Cooney. We are bashing the less informed posters who think he is more than he actually is.

So, trolling for an argument it is.

Since you have such difficulty with reading comprehension, let me make this monosyllabically simple for you. Nobody disputes that he's been inconsistent. Nobody disputes that his play has been frustrating at times in the past. I also understand that this is going to be difficult for less informed butt hurt posters with an agenda like the one that has bled through all of your posts in this thread to understand, but past performance isn't necessarily indicative of future play. If you don't believe that Cooney has shown a more well rounded game this season against the better teams we've played, you are wrong. And if he's putting the ball on the floor better and getting to the rim better against quality defensive teams like uconn and aTm that really get after it, he can do it against most other teams, too.

Additionally, our coach who is approaching 1000 wins completely disagrees with your odd take, as does anyone who has even a modicum of understanding of the game of basketball.

And get ready, because what you say these past three games will be the new normal for Cooney and the team. Which, given your posts in this thread, is bound to upset you all season long since you harbor bizarre animus toward one of our players.
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skurey said:
I've made my point multiple times but how about one more try! Cooney's career has been more than these last three games and in that larger sample we all know what kind of player he is. Furthermore attacking a group of posters with a different opinion than you does not lead to a very good experience for the whole. And no one is actually bashing Cooney. We are bashing the less informed posters who think he is more than he actually is.
The thread is about the three games in Atlantis.

You do understand that right? It's like, in the title.
The thread is about the three games in Atlanta. You do understand that right?

Jake, don't bother. As mentioned earlier, skruey is one of the consistently least insightful, informed, and knowledgeable posters on the basketball forum.
There is a level of sickness to the Cooney bashing. Even when we win a really nice tournament, out it comes. He has been a solid player that our Hall of fame coach has played 38 minutes a game. There is a reason for that. But more than that. He has been a credit to our school and our team over that time. He has never embarrassed the school as some of our board's favorite players have most certainly done. The bashing just amazes me.

Obviously some bashing goes on, but never quite sure why it gets termed that so quickly. I mean, it's an "eat crow" thread. Of course it would head in this direction at some point! :)
The thread is about the three games in Atlantis.

You do understand that right? It's like, in the title.

And Rf proceeded to tell anyone who spoke ill of Cooney prior to eat crow in the very first post on this thread. It's just needless baiting. RF made this thread to get a rise and he got it. So congrats to him. If his message body had simply been "Cooney played his heart out and and really showed something this tournament. I'm looking forward to his contributions going forward." But no. He baited and trolled looking for people who were jaded and disappointed in what Cooney did last year. This sort of needless negativity and fighting is exactly why the board turned into a cesspool last year. The sanctions merely were an accelerant, not the root cause.
And Rf proceeded to tell anyone who spoke ill of Cooney prior to eat crow in the very first post on this thread. It's just needless baiting. RF made this thread to get a rise and he got it. So congrats to him. If his message body had simply been "Cooney played his heart out and and really showed something this tournament. I'm looking forward to his contributions going forward." But no. He baited and trolled looking for people who were jaded and disappointed in what Cooney did last year. This sort of needless negativity and fighting is exactly why the board turned into a cesspool last year. The sanctions merely were an accelerant, not the root cause.

Give me a break. I didn't make this thread to get a rise out of anyone--I made this thread to appreciate the important contributions made by one of our players, and the strides that player has made to expand his game. You would have to go out of your way to be offended by the OP, instead of celebrating a phenomenal tournament championship and the high quality play of one of our key contributors in helping us win the Atlantis tournament.

Only a real troll / argument baiter--or someone with an anti-player agenda they are sensitive about defending--would find negativity in what the team in general and Cooney in particular accomplished this week, or get worked up over an "eat crow" post being too controversial. That's the sort of needless reaction that turns the board into a cesspool--not the sentiment expressed in the OP.
Give me a break. I didn't make this thread to get a rise out of anyone--I made this thread to appreciate the important contributions made by one of our players, and the strides that player has made to expand his game. You would have to go out of your way to be offended by the OP, instead of celebrating a phenomenal tournament championship and the high quality play of one of our key contributors in helping us win the Atlantis tournament.

Only a real troll / argument baiter--or someone with an anti-player agenda they are sensitive about defending--would find negativity in what the team in general and Cooney in particular accomplished this week, or get worked up over an "eat crow" post being too controversial. That's the sort of needless reaction that turns the board into a cesspool--not the sentiment expressed in the OP.

You do you dude. Telling people to eat crow tells a different tale, to me. You're actively challenging people with that. If that's not baiting then I don't know what is.

Edit: Also "You know who you are." Come on dude. Don't piss in my glass and call it lemonade.
You do you dude.

Is that even English?

Again, you would have to actively go out of your way to be offended by the playful sentiment of that original post, unless you have an anti player agenda. Also, despite what you insinuated, the original post was not directed at those who make objective criticisms of Cooney's gameplay, and instead was directed at those who consistently lob unfair criticism at the player on a consistent basis.

If you go back through the thread, I'm sure you notice that there are numerous posters, many of whom are amongst the most knowledgeable basketball posters on this forum, who express opinions similar to mine. There are also some who disagreed with me, but who I know from past experience are worth paying attention to. So engaging this posters in dialogue is worthwhile, even though we disagree.

But throughout this thread, the only posters who seem to be getting worked up are those who are firmly entrenched in defending their anti Cooney agenda,
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Is that even English?

Again, you would have to actively go out of your way to be offended by that original post, unless you have an anti player agenda. Also, despite what you insinuated, the original post was not directed at those who make objective criticisms of Cooney's gameplay, and instead was directed at those who consistently lob unfair criticism at the player on a consistent basis.

If you go back through the thread, I'm sure you notice that there are numerous posters, many of whom are amongst the most knowledgeable basketball posters on this forum, who express opinions similar to mine. There are also some who disagreed with me, but who I know from past experience are worth paying attention to. So engaging this posters in dialogue is worthwhile, even though we disagree.

But throughout this thread, the only posters who seem to be getting worked up are those who are firmly entrenched in defending their anti Cooney agenda,

It means keep being yourself.
It means keep being yourself.
I will. And I'll also enjoy watching what is shaping up to be one of our most fun teams in years, while some others have their enjoyment undermined by some illogical beef that prevents them from rooting for one of our players.
I remember the coaches saying Cooney isn't practicing shooting nowhere near how he used to his first 3-4 years maybe a reason his numbers aren't as high. For a guy who used to make 80% in practice I would bet his numbers are down some in practice to and the coaches know that can be changed some.

I like that he has broken out as the guy who wants to do so much more as a true Senior. I am sure Rak is super proud of him. The kid is a stud! I am eating some crow. I didn't know if he would add to his game this year, but he has.

I remember all this preseason love :p
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Cooney was no better then the 3rd 4th or 5th player in the tournament.
Out of 96 players and 4-5 ranked teams that's just simply not going to cut it. We shouldn't put up with that.
It warms my heart when I see orangefan13 bringing the sarcasm.
name a player you'd rather shoot a three with game on the line.

G, Lydon, Malachi...

Edit: there is no denying he is playing better this year. Zero. We agree on that. He just needs to use other parts of his game more than chucking IMO
Shark90210 said:
G, Lydon, Malachi... Edit: there is no denying he is playing better this year. Zero. We agree on that. He just needs to use other parts of his game more than chucking IMO

Agreed. BTW the part of my post you quoted was referring to GMAC, not Trevor.
If RF was trying to bait some you, he got an A plus on his assignment. This thread is filled with the typical posts of posters being miserable over their miserableness. This stuff blasting Cooney and other players borders on mental illness.
Please note that Cooney's improved play coincides directly with him taking the ball to the hoop, and deciding that he doesn't need to just float around the perimeter. This is thanks to the improved shooting of Gbinije, along with the additions of Malachi and Lydon.

When you don't feel like you have to be the only shooting threat on the court, it allows you to actually focus on more parts of your game, and the results have been strong.
skurey said:
I mean the people who look at sample sizes larger than 3 games. This happens every year. He plays poorly and people bash. He plays well and people anoint. Just let it be.

When cooney finds himself in times of trouble...skurey comes to he...speaking words of wisdom...let it be...let it be...
I'm by no means a Cooney hater, I just thought he'd struggled in the first few games. He was a completely different player in Atlantis. He was terrific. I really watch him on D (and not just when he jumps a pass) and he was MUCH improved on D, got on shooters, got over screens, etc. the shooting numbers are what they are but I can tell you that the "eye" test showed me he hit a HUGE three after ATM had hit a big 3 to go up there late. I knew then we were going to win.

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