Totally cold post, haven't read the board or paper but SU dominated everywhere but the scoreboard yesterday.
I revise my season prediction from 7-5 to 8-4, and wouldn't be surprised if doesn't turn out better. The offense did that without it's best OL and WR, Holy cow. I was expecting improvement but I wasn't expecting that much. Different team out there guys and girls. I can see 7-0, 6-1 in the BE.
You spot a bad team 28 pts, let alone a mid level Big 10 team, you should get smoked, not lose on a nonsense PF with less than a minute left in the game. That was like NCST, OU (2x), UT, PSU (the fumble), @Minny giveaways. And that might not be the worst thing in the world, those were very good teams with What losses. If losing to a good NWestern team is a What loss, that tells me the program has come a long way.
This team has some ceiling left to, Pugh, Lemon, Stevens, Thompson, more Broyld, maybe Morris, the new DT's.
Ran into Alec Lemon and his family in the Armory, he thinks he'll be ready to go next week, and he really wants to play against SC. Before yesterday I would have wanted him and Pugh to sit it out, now if they both aren't pushing it before they are ready, give it go at shocking the world.
Quick hits: DE could turn out to be the best safety in the program since Darius. Shamarko is a freaking beast. Goggins has turned it up a notch. I don't think Nassib was sacked once on 60 passing attempts. Thanks for joining the program Chris and Markus. Send it in Jerome, kid is a different player, much faster than before. Who knew Kobena could catch the ball.
Disappointing outcome, but the program is heading in the right direction.