Which is sad. Years of anti vaccine talk has done damage.its a good thing a bunch of asymptomatic already had it because no way 80 % of people will take the vaccine anytime soon
that and waiting for clinical trials to complete for children. At my work the younger adult crowd is about 2/3rd are passing on vaccine some forever, some waiting until more people get both doses and dont die. Im lucky that my place of business is on approved workers able to get the vaccine as i had covid once and don't want it again. Im the one in charge at my work of giving the people who want the vaccine the link every week since there not doing publicly for phase 1 b.Which is sad. Years of anti vaccine talk has done damage.
I'm so over COVID. This is getting ridiculous. Finally someone put logic and math to the data...
Johns Hopkins Doctor Predicts Covid ‘Will Be Mostly Gone By April’
A Johns Hopkins doctor believes that Covid-19 will be "mostly gone" two months from now.www.mediaite.com
Let's start getting back to normal and stop allowing ourselves to be held prisoner. Did the COVID guidelines protect our 76 yr old coach? His son? Our President? In a perfect world, it could only be slowed and not contained. The testing is and was always faulty. Candidly, I'd rather die than live another 6 months the way that we've all been forced to live the last 12. People need to realize that we've been the equivalent of "free" prisoners for almost a year of our damn lives. I lost the most influential female in my life 40 days ago to leukemia and she was lost shortly after diagnosis. I was not able to go to the hospital in Albany to say goodbye to the person who sacrificed for me to earn the education that landed me where I am today. I couldn't say goodbye to the person who taught me unconditional love, because of some asshat's rules not to allow people into the hospital to visit those that are sick. People are literally dying alone for fear of an infection spreading that kills less than the god damn flu.
Don't suspend the players or students. Make them wear the contract tracing stuff and move on.
Well said, Doctor!!CDC estimates that 359,000 deaths have occurred in the U.S. due to influenza over the past 10 flu seasons (this does not include the current season [2020-21] as we are still in it and the numbers are WAY down due to all the COVID precautions taken).
According to Johns Hopkins website, the current death toll for the U.S.A. from COVID is at approximately 500,000 for the USA and approaching 2.5 million worldwide.
/ (this is the link for Johns Hopkins COVID site)
Please STOP with the "This is no more deadly than the flu," nonsense.
Orangepace, you have my sincerest sympathy. You have experienced what my greatest fear has been, and still is, since the beginning of the pandemic. But please don't let hyperbole dilute your message. I'm not trying to "come at you," honestly, but the no deadlier than the flu argument is more than a pet peeve. I can only hope that we are beginning to finally emerge from this madness and we can all finally be "free."
Again...my heartfelt condolences on your loss.
How do they have any authority to do that? Gestapo tactics. Probably incentivized neighbors to narc....my son lives in a house on Comstock. He says last semester DPS would drive by slowly at night and shine spotlights into the windows of student apartments trying to count bodies. If the gathering was deemed too large, they'd come to the door and ask questions.
what a time to be a student
The problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.My stance has softened on this stuff as of late. In my area? Our 1A, high priority, are well into the vaccination process. I'm 1B, and was contacted weeks ago for my turn. I'll wait, as I can minimize my risk, and don't mind if others that can't minimize their risk, go first. That's the whole point anyways, right?
College kids partying? We all did it, and it was a really enjoyable part of my college years. I no longer mind - for me - but I can't speak for others.
Rules are rules, though. I think there should still be a deterrent. The state of NY has also softened their campus rules, so I am not alone.
All over the place in there.The problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.
Bars close at 10:00. Why? Why not 10:30? 10:48?
A client owns a very successful bar in Syracuse. You know what started happening at 9:30? People placing to-go orders and organizing house parties. Brilliant, Andy.
its 11pm nowThe problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.
Bars close at 10:00. Why? Why not 10:30? 10:48?
A client owns a very successful bar in Syracuse. You know what started happening at 9:30? People placing to-go orders and organizing house parties. Brilliant, Andy.
Most of the Covid restrictions can be avoided one way or another, the point is self discipline for the greater benefit of our community. Is that so difficult for some people to understand.The problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.
Bars close at 10:00. Why? Why not 10:30? 10:48?
A client owns a very successful bar in Syracuse. You know what started happening at 9:30? People placing to-go orders and organizing house parties. Brilliant, Andy.
Why is normal closing time in most areas 2 AM? Why not 2:30? 2:48?The problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.
Bars close at 10:00. Why? Why not 10:30? 10:48?
A client owns a very successful bar in Syracuse. You know what started happening at 9:30? People placing to-go orders and organizing house parties. Brilliant, Andy.
Why is normal closing time in most areas 2 AM? Why not 2:30? 2:48?
I think they were trying to avoid the typical crowded, sloppy late night bar scene.
There was a study in Tokyo that had all bars and restaurants close at 8pm. They found that covid dropped greatly and they could pretty much live their lives as usual other than going out to bars after 8pmThe problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.
Bars close at 10:00. Why? Why not 10:30? 10:48?
A client owns a very successful bar in Syracuse. You know what started happening at 9:30? People placing to-go orders and organizing house parties. Brilliant, Andy.
I totally understand it right now in in my 40's. In my early 20's? I had a different mindset.Most of the Covid restrictions can be avoided one way or another, the point is self discipline for the greater benefit of our community. Is that so difficult for some people to understand.
Yeah, didn’t we all? Or at least most of us, I’m sure. (I don’t want to generalize too much).I totally understand it right now in in my 40. In my early 20's? I had a different mindset.
The problem with the rules is they have been arbitrary, capricious and non-sensical.
Bars close at 10:00. Why? Why not 10:30? 10:48?
A client owns a very successful bar in Syracuse. You know what started happening at 9:30? People placing to-go orders and organizing house parties. Brilliant, Andy.
As did II totally understand it right now in in my 40's. In my early 20's? I had a different mindset.