Dear Jim Boeheim ... a word with you, please? |

Dear Jim Boeheim ... a word with you, please?

But after a few days, I start longing for the smell of honeysuckle. It grows wild here by the side of the road, offering its intoxicating fragrance to whoever happens by.
And, Jim, I need magnolia trees. Do you have those in New York City? Their lush blossoms are like satin, bigger than a dinner plate. They smell like lemons and good soil.
Down here, it’s soil, not dirt, and we grow things in it — strawberries, sweet potatoes, apples. We don’t fence off all our green. We live inside its landscape.

Oh its all so beautiful. The birds The Flowers the Bright Blue sky. Oh how I love Rainbows, Unicorns, drinking tea with my pinky out and other prissy things that remind me of Greensboro!

Love and bless your heart,
Your Tough older brother,
Well, I guess it's decided then, Hard to beat honeysuckle, magnolias, good soil and such.. The ACC tourney will stay permanently in Greensboro.
Wow!! Maybe the ACC wanted SU to increase the credibility of the journalism and broadcasting degrees they pump out in North Carolina. Are we sure this isn't an article from Martha Stewarts magazine? Or maybe Forest Gump is sitting next to her with a box of chocolate!
Wow!! Maybe the ACC wanted SU to increase the credibility of the journalism and broadcasting degrees they pump out in North Carolina. Are we sure this isn't an article from Martha Stewarts magazine? Or maybe Forest Gump is sitting next to her with a box of chocolate!

Well, the author of that piece was a female so ... What chick-flicks are to movies, that little editorial (or whatever it's supposed to be) is to journalism.
She sounds like she really wants a nice tournament played outside, among rows of Magnolia Trees, sweet smells of nature, flora and fauna everywhere she looks......

I'm here to tell her that exact tournament does exist, and it's only a short 3 hour drive from Greensboro, NC.

Only problem is that it's in early April, not early March.

And they play with a little white ball instead of a orange ball.
These people are a joke.Just makes me hate everything south of Pennsylvania even more.Some of the rudest people i ever met are from the south.Just because THEY say they have the best bbq and are the nicest people does not make it so.GMA and the voters say Syracuse NY has the best bbq.Half my family has moved to the south and i don't even like talk to them anymore.Every time one of them ses YA'LL i get the urge to punch them in the face to smarten them up and diss own them as family.People allways saying i should move outa the Cuse and head south.I say WHY? And hell the NO never in a million years.They can keep the bugs and the weather and the STUPID ANNOYING accents.Seems like the south has a bunch of Pansies to go along with the Magnolias.Must be why the people from upstate NY move down there when they can't handle the cold and snow.Just glad we can weed them out and move them down there where they belong.
About the author:

Susan Ladd

Roles: News & Record Editor

Susan is the Features Editor for the News & Record.
College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Work Experience: Came to the News & Record in 1984 as a features writer. She has also served as High Point Bureau Chief, Assistant City Editor and Assignments Editor. She was named Features Editor in 2003.

Contact Susan at (336) 373-7006 or send an email .

More extended bio

I think the accents are more of an inland thing... Nevermind, some of my in-laws are from the Georgia/Alabama area, and they don't really have much of an accent either. I think that's strictly for the boonies and ignorants. Maybe mid-west and deep, deep south like Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Kentucky? This woman's proximity remains much to close to Virginia and its fading "accent" not to mention all the transplanted "Yanks" living in the region.

On the note of honeysuckle growing wild on the road and magnolia trees, WHAT? I think the spanish moss is cool and all, but how about the basketball and cultural heart of the world? She must have been smoking the same thing as the North Carolina troops who shot their own generals during the civil war ... All know their names--Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet among others (Lee's two most important corps commanders). Lee fought one hell of a campaign, and North Carolina may have upended the guys work ... not that their behavior was for the worse. My aunt, who's bat- crazy lives in Greensboro too. She likes to hang out with all those who have what they call "soil"... Last time I checked, the soil in the Northeast and Midwest has always served farmers better than this Southern dream.

In regards to this whole Southerners are a kind and gentle folk ... the culture is one of leisure, and many would rather leisurely tell their friends if something is wrong than address the actual issue ... Hence the reason a school with a relatively modern tradition like V Tech was able to sneak its way in and only with the help of its frat brother Virginia ... Virginia's governor that is ... While cute in rhetoric, and charmingly ignorant, that argument doesn't cut it on a business level. The northeast is so good at business, the leadership even knew when to move it to better labor markets, including this lady's area as well, leaving many New York residents without jobs -- not that they complained when there's always hand-outs.

Enough with this senseless banner. I love Jim Boeheim, and this lady's a b****
Fun facts about Greensboro:

It has 2 Delta Sonics.
It is the national headquarters for Greensboro County Bank.
It is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of shoe buckles.
More people use chewing tobacco in Greensboro than anywhere in the world.
Greensboro nearly missed out on being the capital of North Carolina, finishing in 14th place in a historic vote taken by the NC State House in 1794.



I’m not mispronouncing your name, am I, honey?
He's a HoF coach. You work in the media. This is bordering on insulting if not worse.

Now, I’m not saying Greensboro is better than New York City. They’re too different to compare.
Spoken like someone who has only seen NYC in postcards.

So come on down. We’ll show you around and treat you like family. That’s what we do. Even if you are sort of acting like an ill-mannered cousin.
At least we aren't in the habit of marrying that ill-mannered cousin.
Fun facts about Greensboro:

It has 2 Delta Sonics.
It is the national headquarters for Greensboro County Bank.
It is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of shoe buckles.
More people use chewing tobacco in Greensboro than anywhere in the world.
Greensboro nearly missed out on being the capital of North Carolina, finishing in 14th place in a historic vote taken by the NC State House in 1794.


1) I always loved the Hee Haw honeys, so props for them. But I equate that to Nashville and not Greensboro.
2) Shoe buckles. Sorry Greensboro, I have never owned any shoes with buckles. Not sure if even my wife has.
3) National headquarters for Greensboro County Bank. Up north we call that an oxymoron.
runner up to Albany for Capitol city
home of typewriter
the franklin autimobile
bobcat goldwait,tom cruise,richard gere,spongebob (voice guy),the baldwins, not to mention the numerous SU alums.
the foot measuring thingy
1st air(or water) cooled engine
I liked the article. I thought it was a clever poke at Boeheim in a good-natured way. I've lived in the south since the late 1980s and enjoy a fall that lasts till December and a spring that starts in February. I can see the grass most of the winter. They'll like SU in the ACC just fine as long as we beat Duke & NC when we can and avoid insulting things they honor. I thought Boeheim's comments on Greensboro vs. NYC were kinda funny and made by him to tweak his ACC friends. Seems only right that someone would respond.
I liked the article. I thought it was a clever poke at Boeheim in a good-natured way. I've lived in the south since the late 1980s and enjoy a fall that lasts till December and a spring that starts in February. I can see the grass most of the winter. They'll like SU in the ACC just fine as long as we beat Duke & NC when we can and avoid insulting things they honor. I thought Boeheim's comments on Greensboro vs. NYC were kinda funny and made by him to tweak his ACC friends. Seems only right that someone would respond.

How dare you like the article. I think we should call a lady nobody on this board ever heard of prior to last night a bitch, challenge her education credentials, and assume everything she says is with the utmost honesty and not the slightest hint of tongue-in-cheekiness.
My brother got married in Greesnboro. Nice enough small town/city. I do have a fear that after the first ACC tournament with real Yanks in it, especially if ConU joins us, the town will not hold the tournament anymore. Here is why. My brother's wedding was not really big, about 200 people. The reception was at a VERY nice hotel, restaurant, reception place. Had the reception in the courtyard. Well, when you get that many Yanks together, many of whom are of Irish decent, (+ a crazy Brit) and well, lets just say drinks were drunk, to the extent that they ran out of bottled beer. Yes, they ran out. (This is the same crew that racked up a $5,000.00 bar bill the night before at the rehearsal dinner.) Lots of hijinx ensued. Some not to be repeated, some not to be recalled. Much of it involved running in the halls, between rooms.
I found out the next year, from my brother, that after his wedding, they stopped holding weddings. That was it. Done.
Those people down there just do not know how to party.
My brother got married in Greesnboro. Nice enough small town/city. I do have a fear that after the first ACC tournament with real Yanks in it, especially if ConU joins us, the town will not hold the tournament anymore. Here is why. My brother's wedding was not really big, about 200 people. The reception was at a VERY nice hotel, restaurant, reception place. Had the reception in the courtyard. Well, when you get that many Yanks together, many of whom are of Irish decent, (+ a crazy Brit) and well, lets just say drinks were drunk, to the extent that they ran out of bottled beer. Yes, they ran out. (This is the same crew that racked up a $5,000.00 bar bill the night before at the rehearsal dinner.) Lots of hijinx ensued. Some not to be repeated, some not to be recalled. Much of it involved running in the halls, between rooms.
I found out the next year, from my brother, that after his wedding, they stopped holding weddings. That was it. Done.
Those people down there just do not know how to party.

This sounds like a great plan. Get drunk and run around Greenboro once, then we're back to Manhattan!
I must say I take some pleasure in knowing a lot of ACC people have been rubbed the wrong way by Boeheim's comments. Boo freaking hoo.

As long as we're on the topic of booze, anyone know the alcohol policy in the ACC? Do they serve at any of any of their venues and/or the ACC tournament?
Choosing between NYC or Greensboro for the ACC Tournament is like choosing between Albany and NYC for the Big East Tournament. How many people really want the BET in Albany?
Choosing between NYC or Greensboro for the ACC Tournament is like choosing between Albany and NYC for the Big East Tournament. How many people really want the BET in Albany?
Well we know that would never happen, but it would be great to see the Cuse play down here again in the future. 2003 was a great event which most likely will never be duplicated: Boston 1st round, Albany 2nd round. Also, now that Siena has fallen on some hard times, maybe Boeheim won't be afraid to come to town.

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