Does anyone know what happened to Dick in Michigan? | Page 6 |

Does anyone know what happened to Dick in Michigan?

Going to keep my posting to a minimal from now on.

Don't do that! Why should anyone drive you away you've done nothing wrong. I don't even want the posters I don't agree with or read very much to post less.
Don't do that! Why should anyone drive you away you've done nothing wrong. I don't even want the posters I don't agree with or read very much to post less.

I totally agree. The posters I disagree with at least make me think of a different perspective even if i don't agree with it. The few I have ever blocked are the ones that post the same things over and over again due to an agenda.
The last ten posts of this thread have changed my mind about using the "ignore" button. In a thread about being annoying and filling up the threads with worthless commentary, some people still can't help but fill the thread with worthless commentary.

"Can we all get along?"

The last ten posts of this thread have changed my mind about using the "ignore" button. In a thread about being annoying and filling up the threads with worthless commentary, some people still can't help but fill the thread with worthless commentary.

Well I, for one, thank you for breaking that pattern and showing everyone what a worthwhile post looks like.
The last ten posts of this thread have changed my mind about using the "ignore" button. In a thread about being annoying and filling up the threads with worthless commentary, some people still can't help but fill the thread with worthless commentary.


Deleted that other post quite quickly. Hmmmm. You can't really expect people to post the way you want them to its silly don't you think? Should people be civil and not highjack threads needlessly? Yes.
tptgeek said:
Biggest drama queen thread ever. We all love the Cuse! We all bleed Orange! Let's enjoy what is shaping up to be a truly special season. LGO!!
Can I get an "Amen?"!!!
Top 5 in hoops

Texas bowl champs with a fball program on the rise

greatest lacross program in the nation

One of the best fanbases in the country

And yet excuse my french but what the fluck are we doing complaining about the diversity on a message board. Every single one of us deserves a kick in the ass for getting on the complaint wagon about this including me. These are infinitesimal issues and personal choices. Lets move on and enjoy life for what it is vs the times its not so perfect.


jekelish said:
...did you just quote your own post asking for an amen? I'm refusing an amen out of sheer principle. You're half a step from referring to yourself in the third person, and jekelish is not a fan of that behavior.
Nor is tptgeek a fan! :) LOL! Is trolling for Amens the new trolling for tees?
To quote Jake, "I hope he didn't move to MA, ME or PA." Ewww.
I have? Thanks for pointing that out. I completely disagree and not sure where you justify that I am part of a clique but you are entitled to that opinion. Cliques of course exist in large communities but when they begin to impact the community and become recognizable is when it deters others from participating. Its just the same for when a clique is broken up into having more people participate, those who preferred the clique being the only group that posted decide to step away. For a long time on this board in the past there were new threads that would go unresponded to as well as responses within threads ignored and instead having replies to select members. This made it pointless for a while for anyone else to post as well as led to more lurkers. For once you have less lurkers and more posters which is a nice change. It comes with changes some don't care for. That is just part of change.

of course you are in a clique - cliques are natural formations in any social structure. You assume that clique is a "bad thing," but is just any collection of actors beyond dyad or triad in size. Let me assure that I am not being judgmental - cliques are neither good nor bad in and of themselves (although specific cliques can of course be either). Almost everyone in this forum are members of one or more cliques, whether we realize it or not. There are very few social isolates outside of the true lurkers.

If we did a social network analysis of everyone on the board, very clear tendencies would emerge for anyone with a sufficient number of posts - you would see that we tend to respond to certain individuals more frequently than others, that they tend to respond to us, and that likes are distributed in similar patterns. Even without that analysis, those patterns all exist.
of course you are in a clique - cliques are natural formations in any social structure. You assume that clique is a "bad thing," but is just any collection of actors beyond dyad or triad in size. Let me assure that I am not being judgmental - cliques are neither good nor bad in and of themselves (although specific cliques can of course be either). Almost everyone in this forum are members of one or more cliques, whether we realize it or not. There are very few social isolates outside of the true lurkers.

If we did a social network analysis of everyone on the board, very clear tendencies would emerge for anyone with a sufficient number of posts - you would see that we tend to respond to certain individuals more frequently than others, that they tend to respond to us, and that likes are distributed in similar patterns. Even without that analysis, those patterns all exist.

I will give you the science explanation on this one. However I don't identify with a single social network and instead identify with many. That creates (for me) a very large set of interests that are wide ranging. Given your definition, as broad sweeping as it is, eliminates any possibility for a clique to not exist outside of being the unibomber.

The alternate logic here is that being tied to a very large number of social networks eliminates the exlusive nature we often identify with cliques, small social circles etc. So by virtue of that logic I would hardly identify myself with one small group.

My point about previous years on the forum was that the forum was essentially a bunch of lurkers or posters who were ignored and then a clique of posters who chose to only respond to one another. This creates comfort and creates the tendencies you refer to but at a much higher %. Currently the board has more regular posters and a more diverse range of insights and interests. This has in my opinion made the board much more interesting and helped make it more diverse. I can see where that would scare off those who don't care for change in that respect. I think its a little unfair to point fingers in relationship to diversity of interest. It seems a bit over the top to me and I think it is more personal decision than it is a problem on the board.

And I will repeat what I said yesterday in that I think its petty to complain about such small things given the status of SU athletics. Life is far too short to let small changes deter you from the things you enjoy.
And thanks for the response I do appreciate you explaining yourself even though you didn't have to.

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