I know of a few excellent posters who don't post here because of the elitist views. This one gentleman is an extremely knowledgable poster who knows a ton of inside stuff. It's a two way street.
Get him signed up!
I would echo a lot of what Orangezoo said from earlier - so I won't repost ALL OF IT. I've been around for close to 15 years and when I first joined the board was pretty unwelcoming to newbies. Then you sort of learned your way about about and joined in. I'm not sure if that was a better environment or worse. It was different though.
Overall though, I just find most of this to be nonsense. Threads get hijacked when they're pretty much not worthy of standing on their own or the hijack is indirectly invited (or directly invited).
For example, Tomcat's 'My Take' posts are a board favorite, and for good reason. They are a great mix of a recap, insight, and humor all blended together seamlessly. Typically the responses are all positive, and primarily basketball related, but they seem open to going in another direction because Tomcat is pretty hilarious - and people play off of that.
People on the boards also do a great job of thanking those people that do the little things so well. OE is probably under-appreciated a little for what he does every day, but I doubt a single member of this forum that has been here for more than a few years hasn't gone out of their way to thank him multiple times for doing such a spectacularly awesome job.
It's the same with any posts - if DickinMichigan started a thread with a basketball focused theme - it's going to stay in line. I just don't see where informative, insightful posts are being hijacked - and if it happens it happens rarely. People here are very good about expressing their appreciation and going back and forth when the topic itself is about hoops - and worthwhile.
Now, all the other threads just go where they go. If it's the 3rd Duke goes down to ND thread - yeah, one of those may get out of control. If the post is just a rehash, or ridiculous to begin with it's going to be a magical mystery tour and the stopping point could be anywhere. The "You'll Never Know Who You Run Into at the Dome" thread is a great example of that. Nobody is going to hijack that thread and start talking about Rak's lefty hook shot - so if you don't want to read ridiculous crap, or see funny pictures - skip it. It's that easy.
If Jake, or Francis, etc...(can't name everyone) starts a thread, or even a post, nobody is responding with "Hey, thanks Jake, here is a pic of a half-naked Jennifer Aniston! Woooooohooooo!" It just doesn't happen - so I'm not even sure what anyone is talking about in this thread, because I don't even see half this stuff that is being alluded to ever even occurring. And I hate most of you and would love to take you all apart one by one!!!!