Actually, Dick is extremely knowledgeable about basketball, among other subjects. He also loves SU. That said, it's his choice and right not to wade through the negative fair-weather fan dreck and high school hot dog comments that are the majority of offerings on this board. I also went on a prolonged sabbatical from this board for the same reasons. The attacks on Dick for opting out, made by people who don't know him, make me wonder whether I should exit left once again. As it is, I read this board to learn the views of a few select people; those who are trashing Dick in this thread I treat like being around oral flatulence. I turn off my ears, hold my nose, and pass right on by.
Maybe the reason that I'm still playing on this board is that I've lived out of the country most of past 12 years. I can't sit down at a coffee shop in Syracuse and have a conversation with someone about SU hoops. To be honest, if I had to listen to some of stuff through which I have to wade in order to find anything substantive and knowledgeable, I'd probably get up walk away from the guy in the Syracuse coffee shop!
Then, again, I don't like most people anyway.