Wow cannot believe any discussion on this Board elicits such a debate of how much people hate or like D Marrone (kinda like our Presidential election) and there seems to be no middle ground.
First, I was a big fan of FHCDM - these arguments have be vetted so many times but I'll say, no repeat this many times, DM was not DGs first choice but the committee overruled him because DG could not afford to make another mistake again in hiring the wrong FB coach. The entire demise of the football program by the way rests on DGs shoulders. DG & DM, after about 1 month, the relationship went south and never was good.
Doug was promised a lot of things and even in year one he proposed the IPF as it was used against us in recruiting but got no help in fundraising (I saw the plans of the current IPF after year one in Dougs office). Admins argued back and forth with me that fundraising was the job of a HC and I argued it was the job of the AD & SU to provide the resources for the coaching staff - SU & Gross had it a$$ backwards. Admins probably wanted me off the forum at that time.
Now what DM is - is a very "stubborn man" that didn't know how to work the system. Most people (and those still up at SUAD who were around then) didn't like him because he roused lots of angst with SUAD & the BoT over resources to at least get us on the same level as others in this football wasteland at SU at the time. Most SUAD staff sided with DG because they have "no skin in the game to win games" so I take comments about how people feel about him at SUAD with a grain of salt because they mostly have cushy office jobs.
After 4 years of banging his head against the wall on the IPF and recognizing that SUAD & BoT were not going to lift a finger, he left for the Bills where football resource support is a 24x7 job #1. He was loud and clear on this when he left.
Amazing wasn't it that the very next thing that SU did under Sevyrud was what? Build an IPF. Surprised the Admins when I leaked that first way back when and even Shafer was surprised too. We can thank Doug's ticking off everyone for this - he was an SOB when it came to getting resources allocated to the FB program. Moving to the ACC, and by the way Gross was surprised he got the call as he was trying to get us in the BiG, Jim B and previous expansion not Gross had more to do with it anyway.
So fast forward to today where we have very competitive football facilities along with a Dome renovation soon to be announced. We have a new FB coach that loves the college scene (Doug disliked/hated recruiting) and is a proven winner and media darling. Let's let the Doug Marrone era end and let's enjoy the new era under DFB! Go Orange!