ESPN reporting Notre Dame to ACC over B1G if forced |

ESPN reporting Notre Dame to ACC over B1G if forced


Walk On
Sep 18, 2011
ESPN's Andy Katz is reporting that Notre Dame will go to the ACC over the B1G if forced to give up their football independence. My question is, what does "forced" mean? Give up their NBC TV revenue? View their position as too weak in a world of 4 superconferences?

That said, UConn and Notre Dame for #15 and #16? From what I've seen here, it seems that you guys would prefer to leave Rutgers out in the cold even if it didn't mean getting ND.
uconn and nd is a nice compromise. aligning with nd in a conference would be pretty cool...and uconn brings basketball. rutgers is a complete waste other than some crazy geographical theory that they're aligned with nyc. they bring zero other than a blowhardedness that's incredibly disproportional to what they've ever achieved in any sport other than women's basketball.
This would be ideal for me. Would really lock up NYC. Might also screw Rutgers which is never a bad thing
This would be ideal for me. Would really lock up NYC. Might also screw Rutgers which is never a bad thing

But...but...Rutgers fans tell us they have twice the following in NYC than ND! How could we possibly lock up NYC without Rutgers? :crazy:
Time for the ACC to force by threatening to go 16 without ND. Get it done and bring whomever ND wants with them. Idealy Uconn.
Couldn't the ACC allow Notre Dame to keep their NBC contract? Why would that be a bad thing for the conference?
Revenue sharing wouldnt be equal which i assume would not rub people the right way.
I'm guessing that IF Notre Dame does go to the ACC their TV contracts will somehow be integrated into a new ACC renegotiated TV pact. With the end result possibly giving ND as much or more money than the old NBC contract gives them. I would think it would help the ACC boost their TV demand.

But...I wonder if NBC might want to litigate any contract changes that might occur if ND does go to the ACC? ( I don't know NBC's contract renewal date)

Some of this stuff is going to make a few lawyers much wealthier.
If ND did go all in, maybe the ACC just lets them keep their NBC contract money until it expires, then they're just one of the gang.
Couldn't the ACC allow Notre Dame to keep their NBC contract? Why would that be a bad thing for the conference?

I hope not - why does everyone think they have to cater to ND? Screw them...I would rather have the girls than ND with special treatment. Creates huge resentment by other schools in the conference. Why do you think the Big 12 is in such disarray - UT and the longhorn network! The ACC is dealing from a position of huge strength right now - finally someone dictating to ND and not the other way around...
If ND is seriously in the fold, I would think that PSU might consider being number 16. That would be quite a coup for Mr. Swafford.
UConn is the much better choice for the ACC. Rutgers history is one game of rugby in 1869, lightening in a bottle in basketball in 1976, and a ref aided win in 2006.

Strategically however, Rutgers is a better flanking move against the Big 10 into NYC...but I'm willing to risk it and take UConn because they are a better group of people.
ESPN's Andy Katz is reporting that Notre Dame will go to the ACC over the B1G if forced to give up their football independence. My question is, what does "forced" mean? Give up their NBC TV revenue? View their position as too weak in a world of 4 superconferences?

That said, UConn and Notre Dame for #15 and #16? From what I've seen here, it seems that you guys would prefer to leave Rutgers out in the cold even if it didn't mean getting ND.
Forced means that they don't believe what comes out of BEC restructing is attractive for the rest of their programs and football independance is not viable.

So the question is, does the Big1o stand pat in order not to create the 4 x 16 and ND still feels comfortable as an independent.
I find it hard to believe anyone associated with ND would make that comment even in private. ND & UConn would be the optimal to me. ND has developed into a nice little hoop rivalry with SU. And UConn football isnt going to get worse and can probably be as good as a Maryland/NC State type of program (to clarify to our new conference brethren that means better then UNC but not quite Clemson :D). The obvious benefit is it turns NJ State into a Patriot league team.
its not like ND has to play every game on a NBC game of the week. does ND going to a conf break the contract anyway considering the scope of teams the would be playing would change? Let ND have their NBC deal for the OC games.
ESPN's Andy Katz is reporting that Notre Dame will go to the ACC over the B1G if forced to give up their football independence. My question is, what does "forced" mean? Give up their NBC TV revenue? View their position as too weak in a world of 4 superconferences?

That said, UConn and Notre Dame for #15 and #16? From what I've seen here, it seems that you guys would prefer to leave Rutgers out in the cold even if it didn't mean getting ND.

This is going to get me banned by Scooch, but I'll just come back under a new handle. If, ever, ND decided to join this as the 15th team, you have as long a conversation with Penn State as they will allow you to have before you go to Rutgers or UConn. If fact, you sit at 15 for as long as you can (looks like it will be a few years anyway)

Having said that, don't see ND taking their football team anywhere for a long time. This "forced" issue could be several years away, if ever. Just have to hope their nervous, but I assume they're not.
If ND is seriously in the fold, I would think that PSU might consider being number 16. That would be quite a coup for Mr. Swafford.

Penn St aint going anywhere...too much money at stake - 50+ million is far more than what ACC will bring to the table. I wish people would get over Penn St - the relationship and rivalry died a long, long time ago. Penn State has moved on, I dont know why SU fans havent...
ESPN's Andy Katz is reporting that Notre Dame will go to the ACC over the B1G if forced to give up their football independence. My question is, what does "forced" mean?

Forced means that they no longer have the big east to stick all of their other sports in and no other conference is willing to give them the same type of deal
If ND is going to come, it's obviously a no brainer. ND coming to the ACC jives to some degree with what some inside info shared last year on the pay side last year when everyone thought that the Texas contingent was headed west.

The issue with Rutgers is that they add very little athletically and have been a drain on the conference financially for years while teams like SU, Pitt, WVU (and Miami, BC, & VT) covered them. The only reason that anyone is talking about Rutgers is that the school is close to NYC ( but in NJ ). The myth that Rutgers brings NYC is not true even though they like to spread propaganda that they do. I live here and ND, PSU, SU, Pitt, and many other teams carry NY much better than Rutgers ever will. Rutgers had a one hit wonder with their Thursday night gave against Louisville years ago now. They have also been to a I think 5 minor bowls in the last 6 years so they have that. Before that they went to 1 bowl that was in NJ in the 100+ year history of their program. There is some football talent in NJ though that they have been trying to tap into. PSU and ND cherry pick those kids for the most part. Rutgers brings nothing in mens basketball but they have had some success in women's basketball. Rutgers likes to think of themselves as Ivy League but they aren't. Are they a good University, yes but there are many good Universities out there and far from their delusional Ivy League self proclaimed status.

Rutgers uptick in football was during our absolute worst years in football which is well documented. Painful times for the 'Cuse faithful. Rutgers likes to gloat that they beat us a few times during those years like our little brother might. Thank goodness those years are over and we are in the process of rebuilding back.

Also, are you with GT? Great to see ACC people posting on the board.
This is going to get me banned by Scooch, but I'll just come back under a new handle. If, ever, ND decided to join this as the 15th team, you have as long a conversation with Penn State as they will allow you to have before you go to Rutgers or UConn. If fact, you sit at 15 for as long as you can (looks like it will be a few years anyway)

Having said that, don't see ND taking their football team anywhere for a long time. This "forced" issue could be several years away, if ever. Just have to hope their nervous, but I assume they're not.

LOL. Only if ND is in the fold would Penn State take the call. They'll politely turn an offer down, but they'd take the call.

You get to stay. ;)
the only thing being forced is the ACC being stuck at 14. classic ND. keeping all options open. As a cuse fan I think that is great. Rutgers can rot on the vine.
If ND is seriously in the fold, I would think that PSU might consider being number 16. That would be quite a coup for Mr. Swafford.

Why would PSU leave the B1G I just don't get it and don't see it happening.
Scooch, why is the B10 so much more attractive to Penn St if the ACC gets ND and redoes their contract. Are you saying that a restructured deal pales in comparison to whatever the B10 can get? Also, wouldn't Penn St like the chance of competing against eastern teams again which caters to their alumni on the coast. I also think Penn St would have a better chance of getting to BCS games in the ACC vs Big10.

Maybe i'm seeing this myopically but i would think it's at least a discussion Penn St should consider now. After all, the 8 teams that they would align with, would be the vision that Paterno had back in 1982 or so.

Penn St
Virginia Tech
Rutgers had a one hit wonder with their Thursday night gave against Louisville years ago now.

I will never understand people putting such importance on that game. It was a conference game. Nothing more. Conference games are different than big OOC games. They just can't put nearly as much weight on knocking off a conference mate in a close (and some will say, controversial) game. It was an exciting game for Buttgers fans. Nothing more. On the national level, it was nothing, period.

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