Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances

And another thing, how come I can't get no Tang 'round here?

Or Wink

Grown adults who don't know the difference between your and you're or there and their or they're.

And on that note, on NunesMagician right now is the headline:

Syracuse Football: What Does Dino Baber's Coaching Staff Look Like So Far?

Nice placement of the apostrophe, Mr. Professional Published Writer.
When I'm driving I despise those radio ads that have a honking horn on their soundtrack. Makes me react as if a real car is honking at me. I want to strangle the idiots that made the advertisement.
Same issue - radio ads that have either cellphone ring or a siren in them. Grrrrr
I was literally just about to post both of these.
Those whose religious beliefs must ban using blinkers when making turns.

Drivers drifting in your lane because their heads are down texting.

People who say "oh don't worry, my dog doesn't bite" then inevitably follow it up with "gee he's never done that before" (alluding that their dog must have been justified biting by detecting something uniquely evil).

Cars, vans , trucks that are all now 10 feet tall so in parking lots you just have to back out with rosary beads and insurance cards in your hands.

People who are so lazy that they leave shopping carts in parking spaces and can't walk the 10 feet to put them away.

Fake blinkerage. People who leave their blinkers on for days (like my husband). :p

People who think that the more times they constantly repeat their opinion that it miraculously makes their opinion more valid.

Selfies, more selfies and even more selfies.
- the last 2 minutes of any NY Giants game in 2015
- bartenders who dont know that the 4th drink is on them...and once weve established this, then its the 3rd. eventually every other 1, but that takes time.
- backpack people on the subway. hell-the-fluk-lo!! take it off and hold it between your legs, arsehole.
- Knicks fans who dont like and appreciate Carmelo
- ncaa's treatment of the Legend Jim Boeheim
- the last 15 years or so of Syracuse football
- a Yankee blown save
- rain when im tailgating
- when the parmesian cheese is all stuck together and wont shake out in the summer at the street walk-in pizza joints
- finishing up dinner and drinks with the family around 7 at the Tiki Bar on the shore, only to find out when leaving that BStreets is taking the stage at 8
- ice: not enough when im home drinking...too much when im out
And on that note, on NunesMagician right now is the headline:

Syracuse Football: What Does Dino Baber's Coaching Staff Look Like So Far?

Nice placement of the apostrophe, Mr. Professional Published Writer.

edit: ok, I was thinking his name was actually Baber, but it's Babers... then, yes, egregious apostrophe placement, especially for a headline
People who think they need to veer in one direction before turning the other way, to "round out" the turn--of course taking them into my lane and almost causing a chain-reaction pileup. I can just see them picturing themselves as long-haul truckers, masters of the road.
When a person says "okay" after every sentence that comes out of their mouth. Ooops... sorry Dino, no disrespect intended. Faith without Evidence, Faith without Evidence!!
Car blinkers - as if putting them on gives one the right to commit a wide variety of moving (or unmoving) violations.

Americans who forget, or don't bother to learn, the intent and meaning of our Constitution.

SU hoops players not being eligible to earn a small stipend for ref'ing or running the scoreboard for local amateur basketball leagues.

People who make a mad dash up the aisle when the plane hits the gate, only to be blocked anyway about 5 rows down.

The NFC East

Soggy french fries.
Drivers in the right lane who swing out to the left just before turning, like they think they're driving a freaking semi, especially when it's something like a Honda Civic.

Basketball fans, coaches, players and announcers who want to talk rules, but obviously have never looked in a rule book.

The two fat women who park their carts in the middle of the aisle so they can hug and chitchat, then give you the blank "What?" look when you say, "Excuse me ..."

People who turn nouns into verbs, such as "impact"

Cops who talk in TV interviews like they think they're lawyers in court ... "Whereas the first driver did not know he had impacted the ... "

Anyone who says, "It is what it is." Ever. It means "Why ask me? I'm too F-ing stupid know what happened ..."

Pedestrians who don't even look, just walk blindly when the light changes.

Adults who wear their baseball caps backwards.

When you're the 9th person in line, and there are at least 6 people behind the counter, all working feverishly at whatever, and the line never moves.

When you hold the door for the person behind you, and they won't put out their arm to catch the door, and them bump you while they squeeze through.

People who don't pick up after their dog has a dump.

When a salesperson says, "You can check it yourself on-line ..." and when you look at the website it's a freaking Gordian knot.

When you cut the tip of a finger off your left hand, and you have to play that night (just like I did last week :D).
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People who want to spawn their way upstream onto the elevator before the people on board have a chance to get off at the floor.

Oh yes. There is a special place in hell for these self absorbed . Oh - you mean there might be people actually getting off the elevator? They always act so shocked.

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