Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances | Page 6 | Syracusefan.com

Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances

In a fast food drive through when you conclude your order by saying - that is all I want, only to be asked if I want anything else. As a rule I don't allow myself to get annoyed by underpaid service workers, but I Just Said that comprises my entire order!
One that immediately comes to mind today is people who manage to squeeze 30 minutes of information into an hour meeting, especially seems to happen on days I'm really busy!

This drives me absolutely nuts. we have a weekly meeting, hour long. We accomplish nothing. We learn nothing. My notes today: 1. Budget sucks 2. Mentoring sucks 3. Mentoring will save the University 4 Mentoring sucks again.
What's with that whole new"micro-chip debit/credit card" thingy at the checkout?
Oh, great- swiping the card was waay too convenient, so now we have to wait an extra 2 minutes while we slide our card into some new-fangled detector to verify our identity.
Shouldn't we have voice-recognition technology by now? What's taking so fricken' long?
When I'm trying to get off the phone with someone, I'm all like, "Okay, bye" and then they say "Talk to you soon...oh, hey, did I tell you...?" And then they prattle on for 5 minutes. And then I say, "Okay, bye" and then they say, "Talk to you soon...oh, and by the way..." And then they prattle on for another 5 minutes.

I sometimes wonder if people can tell how angry I'm getting on the other end of those phone conversations.
What's with that whole new"micro-chip debit/credit card" thingy at the checkout?
Oh, great- swiping the card was waay too convenient, so now we have to wait an extra 2 minutes while we slide our card into some new-fangled detector to verify our identity.
Shouldn't we have voice-recognition technology by now? What's taking so fricken' long?
I freaking hate it. I use a company card to pay for some things at Walmart, and it takes me 20 minutes now because the card/chip never works so they have to call over a manager, who can't get it to work, and every time they void it and try to ring it up again, they have to wait for it to be cleared by an actual person on the other end of wherever those signals are transported (this is literally what they told me) because they have actual, living people sitting there making sure no fraud is going on. I find it hard to believe that's what happens, but the manager at the Walmart here swears up and down that's what they're waiting for every time they void out and try it again.
This drives me absolutely nuts. we have a weekly meeting, hour long. We accomplish nothing. We learn nothing. My notes today: 1. Budget sucks 2. Mentoring sucks 3. Mentoring will save the University 4 Mentoring sucks again.

Oh I hear you. My problem is my facial expressions are very easy to read so when I'm about ready to choke someone, I basically just to have to stare down at the table.
Football players who celebrate by dropping the ball to the ground the second they approach the goal line.
-Why would you ever do such a thing?

Football players who celebrate and essentially cause the referee to chase/beg for the ball. Same goes for basketball.

Football players that have no understanding and/or care to give the referee the ball in order to be placed in a time management situation.

Athletes who celebrate by themselves.
-Selfish. Why aren't you celebrating with your team? Get back to your team/huddle so you can be more prepared for the next play.

Athletes who celebrate in general.
-Why are you doing this?

College basketball players that do not understand THAT THE CLOCK DOESN'T STOP AFTER A MADE FIELD GOAL UNDER 1 MINUTE IN THE FIRST HALF.
-Drives me nuts.

This leads me to my next complaint. Why are you not paying attention?
-This goes for everyone that should be paying attention.

Grown adults that can't cook.
-How did this even happen?

Anyone that thinks 'cooking' is heating something up in the microwave or making Ramen noodles.

People who overcook meat.
-What the heck is going on here?

People who put ketchup on things and then tell me that ketchup amplifies the flavor.
-I think you just like ketchup.

People that can't do simple math in their heads.
-How much is 10% of this? Are you kidding me? What's 50% off of this? Cmon.
-People who can't figure out how much to tip. Good gracious.

People who are really good at reading dense paragraphs that make no sense and are able to somehow comprehend it.
-These people make no sense.

Little kids that cry over everything.
-What are you crying about? Everything.

Little kids that won't eat anything but three things. Chicken tenders, pizza, and Oreos.
-Parents, get your children to try new things at younger ages.

Adults that will only eat specific foods.
-Basically the chicken tender kids all grown up.

Teenagers that think everything is a big deal, even though you tell them about real problems that are way worse than anything that they can imagine.

People who fake laugh.

Headlines that read "450 people dead, 2 Americans"

People that don't understand that not everyone has the same values as them.

People that don't understand that not everyone is from the same culture as them.

People in health care that complain about EVERYONE.

People that can't joke around.
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Robo calls and auto dialers

Anyone over the age of 12 who goes door-to-door for anything in this day and age. I mean I'm afraid to open my door for people I know, much less some total stranger.

Politicians who think I want to receive multiple recorded calls before an election asking me to vote for them......sorry you robo called me you lost my vote.
When I'm trying to get off the phone with someone, I'm all like, "Okay, bye" and then they say "Talk to you soon...oh, hey, did I tell you...?" And then they prattle on for 5 minutes. And then I say, "Okay, bye" and then they say, "Talk to you soon...oh, and by the way..." And then they prattle on for another 5 minutes.

I sometimes wonder if people can tell how angry I'm getting on the other end of those phone conversations.
"I will let you go now" works great.
Waitress who call me "Honey" or "Hon", (like the one at Tully's.)

I'm not a Hun.

You don't ever want to live in the South if that bothers you. :p
People who dont use their turn signal

People who take too long to make a turn

People in the grocery store who dont move up when i am behind them and take the time to put stuff in their purse or wallet. I always ram my cart into them and then apologize

People at DD drivethru who dont have the common sense to pull ahead all the way up to the car in front of them

People who take the time to check to see if McDs got their order right which delays me getting my food

Parents who yell at officials when watching their kids play sports.


Slow sucky players on a golf course. If you suck then suck faster

When people throw parties in the month of March
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Cats. Cats scare the heck out of me. My mom had cat scratch fever as a kid, almost died. And someone wrote a song about it? How about I write a song, same tune, call it "prostate cancer"

Anyway, no matter what you say, your cat is not "the nicest little thing". When he gets pissed, and his claw goes through your eyeball, come see me and I'll buy you a drink to make you feel better. I won't feel bad tho. And I might pull the "I told you so, sucka"
I'm a cat lover but this was funny.

Though I could say the same when your pit bull bites your face off.

On edit: my cats have scratched and bitten me in the 45 years I've had numerous ones. But the only time I've required medical attention because of an animal was when I was 8 or 9 and my cousin's dog bit my cheek as I leaned over to kiss my cousin. We had to find a doctor on thanksgiving to stitch the bite up. And the dog knew me. It wasn't a pit bull either, I think it was a cocker spaniel.
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My son for choosing to be born a month early... right in the middle of the first round of the NCAA tourney every year (March 18). Damn him!!!

In all seriousness, it really is a drag when I'm trying to watch exciting basketball and I'm called away from the tv to eat cake and act like the other five year olds aren't getting on my nerves as I'm trying to finish my beers.

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