Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances | Page 7 | Syracusefan.com

Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances

My son for choosing to be born a month early... right in the middle of the first round of the NCAA tourney every year (March 18). Damn him!!!

In all seriousness, it really is a drag when I'm trying to watch exciting basketball and I'm called away from the tv to eat cake and act like the other five year olds aren't getting on my nerves as I'm trying to finish my beers.
This is why there are dvrs
Dealing with NYC traffic and public transportation. It's less of a problem now that I'm not working so I can avoid rush hour. (Which is way more than one hour). OTOH living on a street where my windows overlook a tunnel exit where rush hour occurs not just in the morning and afternoon but at 11 pm summer Sunday nights is a problem not easily avoided. (The rent's too damn cheap to move!)

Almost all republican politicians and the majority of their supporters.

The majority of college basketball referees. Not just during our games either.

Technology. I curse out my iPhone more than I do republicans or college refs. But to paraphrase Charlton Heston, you can pry it out of my cold dead hands.
When traffic suddenly comes to a near standstill crawl on a massive interstate highway, then suddenly picks back up 3 miles later... No on or off ramps, no accidents or breakdowns, just some invisible space where people drive slow then reach a point where they drive at the needed speed. It is an absolute mystery of the universe. Why did they slow down here and pick back up there?!?
This was summed up in a wonderful New Yorker cartoon a few years ago: A picture of a roadside billboard stating... "Inexplicable Delay Ahead."
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When I'm trying to get off the phone with someone, I'm all like, "Okay, bye" and then they say "Talk to you soon...oh, hey, did I tell you...?" And then they prattle on for 5 minutes. And then I say, "Okay, bye" and then they say, "Talk to you soon...oh, and by the way..." And then they prattle on for another 5 minutes.

I sometimes wonder if people can tell how angry I'm getting on the other end of those phone conversations.

Okay, bye.
on.]People who fake laugh.

People with fake smiles.

I can't believe no one mentioned this one yet: People that get in the EZ Pass lane without an EZ Pass and then have no clue what to do when the light doesn't turn green.

It totally amazes me how many assclowns still don't have EZ Pass or understand it. It's FREE!!! You don't have to pay any extra for it and you can save yourself a lot of aggravation. Unless of course you get some assclown ahead of you who gets in your toll lane without an EZ Pass.
People when boarding a plane, stow their huge carry-on luggage in the first empty overhead compartment space they come to (even though their seat is 15 rows back).
Then when you get to your assigned seat, there's no room in the overhead for your carry-on, even though nobody is sitting in the other seats in your aisle. So you end up having to put it farther back, which totally screws up everybody when it's time to exit the plane.

Or related to this... the jerk who tries to stow a carry-on under his seat, thus depriving the person sitting behind him of whatever meager leg room might be available on modern passenger planes. Your carry-on belongs under the seat in front of you, jerk!
Charges. The bane of college basketball, why do referees love calling this so much? If you can't guard a guy, don't have your buddy slide in and get in the way of a driver. How much better would the game be if this call didn't exist?
Robo calls and auto dialers

Anyone over the age of 12 who goes door-to-door for anything in this day and age. I mean I'm afraid to open my door for people I know, much less some total stranger.

Politicians who think I want to receive multiple recorded calls before an election asking me to vote for them...sorry you robo called me you lost my vote.

I have a great strategy with robo calls. When you answer the phone, don't say anything. Nobody ever comes on the line and you slow them down for a long time!
The way gasoline prices instantly go up when oil/barrel is on the rise. And it takes years before the price of gasoline drops after oil/barrel has collapsed.
Solicitors at your front door just when you sat down to eat dinner.

Telemarketers calling at 9 am on Saturday morning after you've been getting up all week at 5:00 am to go to work.

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