Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances | Page 9 | Syracusefan.com

Festivus - Time for Syracusefan's Annual Airing of Grievances

The Delaware River Port Authority who charges you $4 to cross their bridge then loans the money they collect to build professional soccer stadiums so now they have to charge $5 to cross.
When your plane lands, and you're sitting in the back, and it feels like people are getting their bags out of the overhead compartments at a turtle's pace.

And there's always that one douche having an unnecessary conversation on their phone during this time.

How about the one douche who stands up quickly and runs up the aisle to get out sooner? Like you are more important then the rest of the people on the plane. Those people should be euthanized.
People walking down a crowded sidewalk at a snail's pace because they are looking at their cell phone. I want a free pass just one time to knock that stupid device out of the person's hand. Years of frustration would be let go.
If you're even remotely a Kenny Powers fan, starting at 0:58 on this clip should offer you some relief:

The whole [NSFW] thing is worth watching, though.
People who think they need to veer in one direction before turning the other way, to "round out" the turn--of course taking them into my lane and almost causing a chain-reaction pileup. I can just see them picturing themselves as long-haul truckers, masters of the road.

If you didn't drive that oversized pickup you wouldn't have a problem. Ha!

Which leads me to my grievance.

Tiny thin parking spaces everywhere that makes contact with the car/truck next to me inevitable regardless of how hard I try not to do it.
People who pronounce it "reeseez peeseez." Oh Lord

If you didn't drive that oversized pickup you wouldn't have a problem. Ha!

Which leads me to my grievance.

Tiny thin parking spaces everywhere that makes contact with the car/truck next to me inevitable regardless of how hard I try not to do it.
Serious!!! I love how people always make fun of Wal-Mart but they have the widest parking spots I have ever seen.
When you are at a light and turning left in a 4 lane, and the person directly across from you is turning right...but they decide they will just bypass the lane closest to them and hop into the middle lane while you are turning...That's an illegal lane change and I almost hit you.

I will neither whip or nene, and you cannot make me.

Guys looking to take a walk in co-ed slow pitch softball...seriously dude?

Organized dance...why are we still doing this (I threatened to not pay the DJ at my wedding if he did a single organized dance...screw you chicken dance!!)

Hipsters - if I can see your junk...your pants are too tight "sir"

Losing cell service...pretty much anywhere - what year is it? How are we still getting dropped calls?
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My next door neighbor who called the police a while back because she heard screaming and yelling coming from my garage. When the police arrived, thinking it might be domestic violence, they stuck their head under the garage door to see a drunk guy (me) watching an SU basketball game. Fortunately they just laughed, wished us luck in the game and left. My neighbor on the other hand...
New Jersey for not allowing you to pump your own gas.

That we have to pump our own gas. We used to have an attendant who would do that, wash your windshield and check your oil. That was back when they actually wanted you to be a customer. Now they just expect you to be one.
My pet peeve is that everything defaults to being served with cheese on it. Even when you tell them you don't want it. Somehow, the only mistake they're capable of making is the cheese thing. Bastids.

Pizza is about the tomato sauce and the crust. The cheese is just a topping. If they could make a pizza consisted entirely of cheese, they would.
That we have to pump our own gas. We used to have an attendant who would do that, wash your windshield and check your oil. That was back when they actually wanted you to be a customer. Now they just expect you to be one.
Wouldn't you get bonuses too, like green stamps? What happened to those?
That we have to pump our own gas. We used to have an attendant who would do that, wash your windshield and check your oil. That was back when they actually wanted you to be a customer. Now they just expect you to be one.
Having to pre-pay in the store. If I see that sign on the pump - I'm going somewhere else.
People who get on the subway before allowing everyone to get off.

People who suck at golf but think its a good idea to tee off at 9 am.

People who wait until the green clears on a 450 yd par 4 to tee off then slice it 125 yds.


Or the buses and trains at the airport. Wait your damned turn people, we aren't animals! And when you do it the right way, it goes easier!

And +1000 for the last one.
My next door neighbor who called the police a while back because she heard screaming and yelling coming from my garage. When the police arrived, thinking it might be domestic violence, they stuck their head under the garage door to see a drunk guy (me) watching an SU basketball game. Fortunately they just laughed, wished us luck in the game and left. My neighbor on the other hand...

Best Post Ever!
If you're even remotely a Kenny Powers fan, starting at 0:58 on this clip should offer you some relief:

The whole [NSFW] thing is worth watching, though.

Holy crap. Absolutely insane that a corporation actually approved/authorized this.
Love it.

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