GoT Season 8 | Page 13 |

GoT Season 8

Arya is definitely killing Cersei.
Melisandre to Arya: brown eyes (Walder Frey), blue eyes (The Night Queen), green eyes (Cersei?). Eyes that you'll shut forever
Maybe, but prophecies don't always come true. Cersei was warned as a teen that her children would die and "the little brother" would strangle her. She just sent out a hit on her two younger brothers. Also, too, Jon Snow is the youngest (half) brother of Rhaenys and Aegon.
I was falling asleep while watching the Inside the Series, but I think I heard D&D say that they made the decision to make Arya the hero and it didn't come from GRRM. I believe the said they made the decisions a few seasons ago.
Despite there not being a Night King (so far) in the books, Arya was trained to be an stone cold killer since the first pages of book 1. So she's important in killing someone(thing) in the books, too. When it was readily apparent that TV show was going to fly past the books, GRRM sat down with them and sketched out his plans for the end of the books since he was likely contractually obligated to do so after selling the rights to HBO.

Benioff and Weiss had to carve their own course for the past couple of seasons, after outpacing Martin’s writing. “I’ve been so slow with these books,” Martin says, with palpable pain. “The major points of the ending will be things I told them five or six years ago. But there may also be changes, and there’ll be a lot added.”
Maybe, but prophecies don't always come true. Cersei was warned as a teen that her children would die and "the little brother" would strangle her.

Not saying it won’t happen, but this part of the prophesy wasn’t in the show.
Grey worm and Jorah (check) are easy bets to die. I expect Edd(check) and Tormund as well. Gendry is dead, but Arya is preggers. Sam sticks around (check) to write chronicle the events of this era, but the crypts will be overrun with wights (check) and everyone down there dies including Gilly and Sam Jr. Arya kills Viserion-Zombie. Brienne dies saving Jaime. My guess is that Bran as we know him is dead, but he merges with the Weirwood tree.

I think Jon mind controls a dragon at some point.

This episode was fantastic. The next one will be difficult to watch, because there's going to be a billion things going on and the camera will be flashing around constantly. I hope it's not a typical CGI Helm's Deep/WWZ/Age of Ultron battle where a billion CGI enemies fly around and are wiped out in one go.(check)
5/14. Not bad though. Really surprised Grey Worm didn't die nor Missandei after their talk of what they'll do in retirement. I enjoyed the episode and although there's some monday morning QB-ing going on, that's to be expected with something this bold and audacious for a TV show. They had 750 people work on this episode! That's crazzzzzy. The dragon fights were pretty well done given their limitations and there were some plot holes, but that was a fun watch.
Not saying it won’t happen, but this part of the prophesy wasn’t in the show.
True. I would imagine that whomever finally ends Cersei was something that GRRM knew from the beginning and wouldn't be something that they brush off. Could very well be Arya again.
Maybe, but prophecies don't always come true. Cersei was warned as a teen that her children would die and "the little brother" would strangle her. She just sent out a hit on her two younger brothers. Also, too, Jon Snow is the youngest (half) brother of Rhaenys and Aegon.

Despite there not being a Night King (so far) in the books, Arya was trained to be an stone cold killer since the first pages of book 1. So she's important in killing someone(thing) in the books, too. When it was readily apparent that TV show was going to fly past the books, GRRM sat down with them and sketched out his plans for the end of the books since he was likely contractually obligated to do so after selling the rights to HBO.

Benioff and Weiss had to carve their own course for the past couple of seasons, after outpacing Martin’s writing. “I’ve been so slow with these books,” Martin says, with palpable pain. “The major points of the ending will be things I told them five or six years ago. But there may also be changes, and there’ll be a lot added.”
Well one of my first predictions for this season was that Cersei would die in child birth like her mother.
That would be her little brother killing her.
Episode 4 has leaked.
Major chit is going down in this episode,

Welp, I’m off this thread for a few hours.

But I, for one, welcome the chaos that will accompany this episode.
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Episode 4 has leaked.
Major chit is going down in this episode,
From what you've read, are you feeling one way or another on the episode

I see a lot of a certain reaction but I'm kind of like the opposite
Really liked that episode. Felt the closest to old school GRRM ASOIAF since we pulled away from the books.

Lots of dread and uncertainty.
Jaime confirmed he is a POS.
Sansa is more annoying than Cersei.
If Sansa gets the Iron Throne it will suck.
Rhaegal dying tells me Jon Snow is dying.
Euron is such a duece

Glad Dorne was mentioned

No way Dany could take KL with what she has left

Got to be others besides Dorne coming to help

I could see Yara coming through during the Battle from the rear and annihilation of the remaining Euron fleet
Also Tyrion is a terrible hand.
He is outsmarted every time.
Dany deserves to lose.
Jon Snow still knows nothing.

Time and place.
Every character went back to making the same bad, dumb decisions they used to make and it felt appropriate.
Regarding Sansa, historically characters that break promises don't fair well.
That was a great episode.

Could’ve done without the Jamie/Brienne stuff but it served a purpose in revealing Jamie’s true self.

Set the potential for a few great plot twists to keep it interesting.
The Jaime thing made no sense to me. It was like they ignored most of his recent arch for no real reason.
The Jaime thing made no sense to me. It was like they ignored most of his recent arch for no real reason.

I wonder if he'll be the one to take down Cersei in the end.

Stab her in the back despite being welcomed back as an ally -- the Queenslayer.
I wonder if he'll be the one to take down Cersei in the end.

Stab her in the back despite being welcomed back as an ally -- the Queenslayer.

Yeah, he said all those things about his “hateful” past to keep Brienne from going with him. One person operation to become the Queenslayer. Couldn’t get close enough to her otherwise.
I loved this episode, felt like an old one and we also had a good old-fashioned dreadful death which was needed.

I did not expect to see the dragon blown out of the sky. That was awesome.

We got a mention of the Vale and Dorne.

Arya and the Hound appear to be traveling together. Arya says she also has unfinished business.

I really have no idea what's going to happen.

I think Sansa had the best line when she said if those things didn't happen to her she would have stayed a little bird all her life. Of the major players, I personally think she'd make the best ruler and wouldn't mind seeing her sit on the throne.
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The Jaime thing made no sense to me. It was like they ignored most of his recent arch for no real reason.

Felt like a ruse to me. Is he really going to fight for Cersai ? because he decided to leave after hearing of the ambush and the death of the second dragon. Doesn't really sound like Cersai needs him and I thought he was leaving to go help fight with Jon.
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