GoT Season 8 | Page 15 |

GoT Season 8

Jon telling Tormund to take Ghost and then two times refusing an on air good bye was just stupid.
Ghost went to the bleeping wall with Jon and he just didn’t say formally goodbye.
Hopefully Tormund comes back for Brienne and we see Ghost again.

I suspect we haven’t seen the last of Tormund... nor the last of Ghost.
Quick thought

Is Rhaegal reallllly dead?

They made a point of Cersei asking Euron, You are sure the Dragon is dead and he responds, it fell into the sea.

In a clip for next week he looks petrified of something in the sky. I can't imagine it's be just Dany
Yeah I found the dialogue interesting. Bran resurrection?
Also, I am involved at arms length with GoT fandom and this board is sure refreshing compared with the extreme negativity and bickering you see there, like meltdowns over Jon not petting Ghost.

But as a big fan aren't you really annoyed by all of the writing flaws in these shows?

Forget about the Starbucks cup, but so much is sloppy:

- Dany not seeing the iron fleet;
- Bronn sneaking into Winterfell unnoticed with a cross bow, getting to the hand of the queen, and having that awkward conversation where no one really believed Tyrion or Jaime were ever in trouble
- Jon's detachment from Ghost
- King's landing going from a peninsula protected by hilly forest to having that wide open field just outside their main gates
- Not having the Stark kids react to Jon's reveal
- Dany 'forgetting' about the iron fleet
- The spiky fire pit disappearing from just outside of Winterfell's walls during the burials after the battle
- The scorpions becoming semi-automatic and expanding their arrows from the diameter of a Louisville Slugger to the size of a tree trunk when hitting the dragon.
- Cersei standing at the edge of the wall with Missandei. Why wouldn't Missandei just grab her and jump off? You can tell by her last were she knew she was a goner -- no one was even near Cersei to save here there.
- Even the battle with the dead can be seen as a ploy in the plot just to weaken Dany after the way the whole thing played out

There's no denying the show is skimping on certain areas in order to have a flashy final season -- you just gotta accept it for what it is. I don't blame the real diehards though for being irate, because let's face it, this is likely the only ending we get.
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I love Jon, hes the king (in my eyes) but if I was in the show i’d throw a haymaker for him not giving Ghost the goodbye the good boy deserved
But as a big fan aren't you really annoyed by all of the writing flaws in these shows?

Forget about the Starbucks cup, but so much is sloppy:

- Dany not seeing the iron fleet;
- Bronn sneaking into Winterfell unnoticed with a cross bow, getting to the hand of the queen, and having that awkward conversation where no one really believed Tyrion or Jaime were ever in trouble
- Jon's detachment from Ghost
- King's landing going from a peninsula protected by hilly forest to having that wide open field just outside their main gates
- Not having the Stark kids react to Jon's reveal
- Dany 'forgetting' about the iron fleet
- The spiky fire pit disappearing from just outside of Winterfell's walls during the burials after the battle
- The scorpions becoming semi-automatic and expanding their arrows from the diameter of a Louisville Slugger to the size of a tree trunk when hitting the dragon.
- Cersei standing at the edge of the wall with Missandei. Why wouldn't Missandei just grab her and jump off? You can tell by her last were she knew she was a goner -- no one was even near Cersei to save here there.
- Even the battle with the dead can be seen as a ploy in the plot just to weaken Dany after the way the whole thing played out

There's no denying the show is skimping on certain areas in order to have a flashy final season -- you just gotta accept it for what it is. I don't blame the real diehards though for being irate, because let's face it, this is likely the only ending we get.

I'm in this camp. Show is still enjoyable but it's gotten pretty sloppy and the writing that was so smartly layered and purposeful that led to the shows rise has almost disappeared. I'm holding off on being too critical because who knows maybe they have some great surprises coming up that will help the beginning of the season make a bit more sense but I don't know.

It's just little things like why have the ship's mast fall on Tyrion in the water and turn the screen to black and then have him washing up on to the shore pretty much unscathed? The writing used to be above cheap, low hanging fruit scenes like that.

Or from what we know about Cersei why didn't she end the war and kill Dany, her army, Tyrion and the last dragon at the end other than just so they could have two more episodes? They've gone out of their way to show she is ruthless, doesn't care about honor and desperately wants to hang on to the throne but then she has a chance to pretty much end the war on the spot and instead lets Dany and them chill until Jon and his boys show up? I mean you just attacked them in the sea and then killed Missandei so by this logic why wouldn't she attack them when they're standing there outnumbered right in front of her?
I love Jon, hes the king (in my eyes) but if I was in the show i’d throw a haymaker for him not giving Ghost the goodbye the good boy deserved
Sounds like we have some pretty serious writers in

Writing isn’t easy folks and you can’t just lay it all out there. You need to build conflict, setups, have twists, use metaphor...

Jon didn’t kiss the dog goodbye I get it. Probably a CGI component to that but there’s
Story there too. It’s metaphor. It’s conflict. It’s setup.
Sounds like we have some pretty serious writers in

Writing isn’t easy folks and you can’t just lay it all out there. You need to build conflict, setups, have twists, use metaphor...

Jon didn’t kiss the dog goodbye I get it. Probably a CGI component to that but there’s
Story there too. It’s metaphor. It’s conflict. It’s setup.
Unless Ghost makes a heroic leap back into action at kings landing he deserves a damn pat on the head. I will die on this hill sir.
I'm in this camp. Show is still enjoyable but it's gotten pretty sloppy and the writing that was so smartly layered and purposeful that led to the shows rise has almost disappeared. I'm holding off on being too critical because who knows maybe they have some great surprises coming up that will help the beginning of the season make a bit more sense but I don't know.

It's just little things like why have the ship's mast fall on Tyrion in the water and turn the screen to black and then have him washing up on to the shore pretty much unscathed? The writing used to be above cheap, low hanging fruit scenes like that.

Or from what we know about Cersei why didn't she end the war and kill Dany, her army, Tyrion and the last dragon at the end other than just so they could have two more episodes? They've gone out of their way to show she is ruthless, doesn't care about honor and desperately wants to hang on to the throne but then she has a chance to pretty much end the war on the spot and instead lets Dany and them chill until Jon and his boys show up? I mean you just attacked them in the sea and then killed Missandei so by this logic why wouldn't she attack them when they're standing there outnumbered right in front of her?

Well I mean you also have an omnipotent character who could end everything in about 5 seconds but then you’d have no you have to suspend belief a bit
Unless Ghost makes a heroic leap back into action at kings landing he deserves a damn pat on the head. I will die on this hill sir.

You think Ghost and Tormund are just wandering back off into the wilderness?!
You think Ghost and Tormund are just wandering back off into the wilderness?!

Agreed. I think it is reasonable over the last two episodes to expect the following: big attack on King's Landing, goes well initially but then the tables turn and our heroes are left with their backs against the wall with imminent defeat / insurmountable odds staring them in the face. Everything looks bleak, then an unexpected ally [from the North?] shows up at the last moment to turn the tide back to the good guys.

Pretty common adventure / action format.
Well I mean you also have an omnipotent character who could end everything in about 5 seconds but then you’d have no you have to suspend belief a bit

I think that's very different. Dany showing mercy and not using her dragons to burn down the city is part of both her and her advisors character that's been built over the seasons.

Cersei's character has been built to be ruthless and embrace violence and not play by any sort of rules of decency. Her attacking them in that scene would 100% play to her character. Her not attacking Dany and the weakened army along with the lone dragon left standing in front of her when she has almost every advantage in that moment and just ambushed them in the scene before doesn't make any sense. And it's not like she didn't think that was the time for any sort of aggressive act because in that same scene she brutally kills Missandei in front of Dany.
Unless Ghost makes a heroic leap back into action at kings landing he deserves a damn pat on the head. I will die on this hill sir.
Sadly I don’t expect another scene between ghost and Jon.
You think Ghost and Tormund are just wandering back off into the wilderness?!

Hopefully we see them again. To me it seemed weird that he wouldn't have checked with Sansa and Arya to see if they wanted him.
Any chance Varys is planting the treason seed to sow a divide? Cersei loyalist?

He claims to be loyal to the realm... is he really just loyal to his own interests?

I feel like all my posts here these days are re: the Spider.
But as a big fan aren't you really annoyed by all of the writing flaws in these shows?

Forget about the Starbucks cup, but so much is sloppy:

- Dany not seeing the iron fleet;
- Bronn sneaking into Winterfell unnoticed with a cross bow, getting to the hand of the queen, and having that awkward conversation where no one really believed Tyrion or Jaime were ever in trouble
- Jon's detachment from Ghost
- King's landing going from a peninsula protected by hilly forest to having that wide open field just outside their main gates
- Not having the Stark kids react to Jon's reveal
- Dany 'forgetting' about the iron fleet
- The spiky fire pit disappearing from just outside of Winterfell's walls during the burials after the battle
- The scorpions becoming semi-automatic and expanding their arrows from the diameter of a Louisville Slugger to the size of a tree trunk when hitting the dragon.
- Cersei standing at the edge of the wall with Missandei. Why wouldn't Missandei just grab her and jump off? You can tell by her last were she knew she was a goner -- no one was even near Cersei to save here there.
- Even the battle with the dead can be seen as a ploy in the plot just to weaken Dany after the way the whole thing played out

There's no denying the show is skimping on certain areas in order to have a flashy final season -- you just gotta accept it for what it is. I don't blame the real diehards though for being irate, because let's face it, this is likely the only ending we get.

Somewhat annoyed at certain things, sure. The lack of LSH is still what I am most irked with, though. And not nearly as bitter as I was at the end of "Lost," which remains my favorite show evah despite my misgivings.
That was an odd episode and really full of dumbassery. I agree that it was replete with continuity errors. The time jumps and settings in this ep were terrible. The whole flet get blow'd up, cut scene, back at Dragonstone, "they captured Missandei!" how the hell do you know that? Then they know at Winterfell, then she's dead.

Plus Cersei as some kind of malevolent genius really irks me. She's more wild and reactive than cold and calculating in the books. But in the Show, she's nigh unstoppable and Jon and Dany just do stupid things one after the other and fail into some kind of success. They've lost the plot and I hope GRRM finishes the books, because I've lost faith in this one coming to some kind of satisfactory closure.
I think what really pushes me over the edge here is that they've had nearly three years to get these right versus a year and a half or so previously.

I mean this season, the writing and plot service is entering Walking Dead territory. Why'd that happen? I don't know, because it had to for X. She forgot about them. Just shut up.

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