Greg Schiano and the NFL |

Greg Schiano and the NFL

Jersey Orange

Sep 1, 2011
Schiano will have huge problems in the NFL - huge. This is a guy whose strength is in three areas (i) recruiting, (ii) building a program infrastructure, and (iii) campaigning for facilities - all skills that can bring a good deal of success in NCAA but are virtually useless in the NFL.

The NFL is a game built on micro-attention to detail, relentless preparation, game planning, scheming and scouting, and the ability to make on-the-fly adjustments and decisions on game day - none of which are strengths of Schiano. With talent levels very close among the best teams in the NFL and the worst teams in the NFL - a coach's ability to master the above factors means the difference between wins and losses in most games.

As for Schiano - this is a great move - he will make huge money and can always go back to the college game when he is inevitably fired by the BUCS. He can also escape the uncertainty of the Big East and the recent attention that NJ politications have begun focusing on athletic expenditures at Rutgers. IMO - he also escapes the touch transition from the time when Rutgers ate up all of the "hope and change" and big talking promises of national championships and are now demanding results on the field...NOW.

Regardless - this is a huge plus for SU - gets rid of a huge thorn in our side on the recruiting trail (and also one of the historically biggest SU negative recruiters). SU coaches will be visiting several of the large NJ schools this week and hopefully we can swing one recruit in particular.
Thanks JO your opinion is much appreciated. I do hope DM goes on an absolute mission, to not just talk to recruits for 2012, but as you said, work coaches with the song and dance that he is a lifer at SU and we are here to help! :)
JO -- how do you square your comments with the fact that Bill Belichick endorsed Schiano to the Glazers?

Not that BB is in fallible, but seems odd if your take is the common perception.
I know nothing about x' and o's but from my lay observations, you're right - Schiano seemed to have very little ability on game day.

He really impressed me as pretty darn inept.

But, as you say, he knew how to recruit and to raise money.

We could use a lot more of that.
JO -- how do you square your comments with the fact that Bill Belichick endorsed Schiano to the Glazers?

Not that BB is in fallible, but seems odd if your take is the common perception.
How soon you forget how good coaches can make really bad recommendations when they don't have much reason to care!
Between potential state funding issues, uncertainty about the Big East and potentially losing several key players from this one recruiting class, Rutgers could be in for a tough stretch of seasons.
JO -- how do you square your comments with the fact that Bill Bellichick endorsed Schiano?

Schiano and Bellichek are friends - and friends and colleagues in the coaching fraternity tend to always stick up for each other. Bellichek is probably more concerned with the upcoming Super Bowl and not giving a ton of thought to exactly how Greg Schiano will help the BUCS. My guess is that he rarely, if ever, has seen a Rutgers game.

Remember, Dick Vermeil gave Daryl Gross a huge endorsement for Greg Robinson. Bill Walsh gave the Rutgers AD a glowing endorsement for Terry Shea - even called him one of the best offensive minds in football. Donovan McNabb wanted SU to hire Marty Morningwheig. Bottom line is endorsements from coaches are rife with conflicts of interest and homerism - especially because there is really no accountability if you are wrong.
How soon you forget how good coaches can make really bad recommendations when they don't have much reason to care!

What do you mean?

Schiano and Bellichek are friends - and friends and colleagues in the coaching fraternity tend to always stick up for each other. Bellichek is probably more concerned with the upcoming Super Bowl and not giving a ton of thought to exactly how Greg Schiano will help the BUCS. My guess is that he rarely, if ever, has seen a Rutgers game.

Remember, Dick Vermeil gave Daryl Gross a huge endorsement for Greg Robinson. Bill Walsh gave the Rutgers AD a glowing endorsement for Terry Shea - even called him one of the best offensive minds in football. Donovan McNabb wanted SU to hire Marty Morningwheig. Bottom line is endorsements from coaches are rife with conflicts of interest and homerism - especially because there is really no accountability if you are wrong.

Yup, that's what I figured. Thanks.
I would endorse Millhouse as an OC for the Bills if someone called me, nice payday for him and no skin off my back. I am also a dolphins fan. Coaches aren't always looking out for management or owner's best interest but stick within the fraternity pretty well for sure.

That comment about Schiano that Bellichick made was probably leaked for a reason a few weeks ago

I get calls for people that use to work for our company on a regular basis, some were good people just didn't cut it, I always give them good recommendations because they for the most part were good people just not super talented or sharp to be honest. Guys like Greg Robisnon.
Bellichecks kid played for schiano do that had to help with the recommendation.

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His kid plays lacrosse.

That's right lax. I was thinking football walk on.

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I get calls for people that use to work for our company on a regular basis, some were good people just didn't cut it, I always give them good recommendations because they for the most part were good people just not super talented or sharp to be honest. Guys like Greg Robisnon.

Greg Robinson was an electrician? I'm shocked.
JO -- how do you square your comments with the fact that Bill Belichick endorsed Schiano to the Glazers?

Not that BB is in fallible, but seems odd if your take is the common perception.
I would make 3 points on this...
1. BB is the same guy that drafted Tommy Vardell, Lawrence Maroney, and Brandon Meriwether in the first round. 2. He likely doesn't give a rats arse
3. Maybe he has secretly been wanting a shot at the RU job...
some of his best work


If GRob was an electrician, I picture someone coming home to a re-wired house, flipping the switch to the front porch light only to find that the toilet flushed.
It's a huge win for Schiano. Even if he's run out of, or runs out on, Tampa Bay, he'll pocket beaucoups bucks, plus he'll be in line for a much higher-profile college job than Rutgers.
Schiano and Bellichek are friends - and friends and colleagues in the coaching fraternity tend to always stick up for each other. Bellichek is probably more concerned with the upcoming Super Bowl and not giving a ton of thought to exactly how Greg Schiano will help the BUCS. My guess is that he rarely, if ever, has seen a Rutgers game.

Remember, Dick Vermeil gave Daryl Gross a huge endorsement for Greg Robinson. Bill Walsh gave the Rutgers AD a glowing endorsement for Terry Shea - even called him one of the best offensive minds in football. Donovan McNabb wanted SU to hire Marty Morningwheig. Bottom line is endorsements from coaches are rife with conflicts of interest and homerism - especially because there is really no accountability if you are wrong.

Bellichek has seen more Rutgers lacrosse games.
1. BB is the same guy that drafted Tommy Vardell, Lawrence Maroney, and Brandon Meriwether in the first round. .

He also took Logan Mankins, Vince Wilfork, and Richard Seymour in the first round. Not seeing your point on that one.
I would make 3 points on this...
1. BB is the same guy that drafted Tommy Vardell, Lawrence Maroney, and Brandon Meriwether in the first round. 2. He likely doesn't give a rats arse
3. Maybe he has secretly been wanting a shot at the RU job...

Well missing on some draft picks is kind of common, so not sure what that means.

I've just never heard of him ever giving a recommendation for someone that's never been on his staff, so for him to do it for Schiano seemed notable.

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