Hackett > Shafer | Syracusefan.com

Hackett > Shafer


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Aug 16, 2011
Might not be that close.

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All depends on personnel IMO. Shafer was brilliant in '10 with Smith and Hogue. Hack looking good this yr with Nassib, Lemon, Sales, Pugh, Hickey and Smith.

Either way, it is a win-win for us when all units click.
He became a much better OC when Pugh replaced Alexander. I have said that I think he's done a nice job all year, even in the losses. I like Shafer as a DC other than when he gives away 1st downs with the 3 man front and big cushions to the receivers, which usually fail. I feel he's either major blitz or 3 man front on 3rd down and wouldn't mind some in between at times.
Weird statement.

More like, we should have confidence in both coordinators now.

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Weird statement.

More like, we should have confidence in both coordinators now.

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Shafer ia good. Not the god thought he was. He's actually had 3 bad seasons of his last 5.

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The question is how long to we keep Hackett? He is going to be really, really good.
Wasn't our defense #9 going into the Louisville game?
Both coordinators are very good. Neither has had a full complement of high caliber kids to work with. Both develop their players and have systems that kids like to play in which should help long term recruiting. Games like Louisville showcase a traditional name school with a fun style of play.

It's easy to complain about our staff/players when compared to LSU, Alabama, Texas, OSU, Michigan, ND, Texas, USC, etc., but they have had the money, facilities, and in some instances the "academic freedom", that Syracuse simply does not enjoy.

The real question is how long we get to keep Shafer and Hackett.
neither has home run hitters so has to make due, if this D had one pash rusher that teams had to account for it would open up the pressure schemes , they finally are getting solid play from the DTs but as we can see we are trying to hide some cover issues with less pressure and it doesnt always work.
I think it's much moreso: Talent on offense > Talent on defense.
Somebody needs to tell Schafer that the 3 man rush = automatic first down for the other team. I think they were something like 5 for 5 on those.
Eh, college football is an offense's game right now. Shafer's D did a great job when we built our big 1st half lead. Stopped the run all day, and forced Louisville into one dimension.

We're lucky to have both, and the stability they bring.

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with the returning players,i bet ya you don't make that statement next year...
Why is that even necessary?

Because you can constantly see improvement on the O side. D is always choopy, uneven, inconsistent, whatever word you want to use. And yesterday, we were poor again on D. Played soft. Seemed like Bridgewater completed 90% of his passes when we rushed 3 and played soft on the recivers. When we blitzed 1 or 2 guys, it seemed like he completed 10%. We got a nice lead and several possessions just let them march down the field playing a defense I will just call a prevent type. I hate that crap and I know we wanted them to use some clock. Just don't like what the defense has been doing the past several games. It's either been swiss cheese or it was yesterdays soft stuff.
The fact that this is even a thread is amazing.

The fact that we are shaky on defense is what keeps us from being a very very good team. People have always called Hackett on the carpet. At least there I have seen steady improvement year to year game to game. Defense, not so much but Shafer is the one that many hear think is the greatest coach since sliced bread.
Senior laden O > Young D

The injuries to our D last season and the turmoil of the end of the season really effected that unit. I can't remember what game it was, but I was waiting for the bus back to Manley and heard a few of our D starters really trashing the program and the coaches. As of that point in the season, they were not players that bought into the system as of yet. These were some of the players that were starting for the first time.

Fast forward to this year and the things I heard from these same players + the addition of young men like Crume, Morgan, and Reddish, these same players with the additions at the end of the spring game ( again being a little birdy just waiting around for a bus ) had a committed a total 180 in their attitude and the way they had spoken about the program.

The tongue is a double edged sword and is a fire kindled by what is in the heart. Things changed in the off season; not just for the coaches and players but the program and attitude towards the Fball side on the hill. As much as some have complained about Ft. Drum and other "character building opportunities" (which I don't understand because they held the allotted amount of football practicing they could and added a ton of team building activities they would not have normally been able to have) it really has pulled this team together.

The biggest issue on D is our LB corp. It is a young group and will get better going into next year. I really would like to see Morgan bulk up a bit and step into this group. Also, I hope that Coker can put two and two together and be a late bloomer to fill in the middle.

I think Shafer is playing the bend not break d that we saw in '10. He has the secondary and DLine to do it. We don't have the lb's like Smith and Hogue, yet. We could see a jr DDavis and sr MS be at that level.
Bees I think you just don't like Marrone and like to criticize whenever you can. You find a negative like many people on this board even after the biggest of wins. This was an excellent overall performance. You seem to forget that Louisville is no slouch and that Bridgewater is a fantastic QB that no one is going to stop.
Bees I think you just don't like Marrone and like to criticize whenever you can. You find a negative like many people on this board even after the biggest of wins. This was an excellent overall performance. You seem to forget that Louisville is no slouch and that Bridgewater is a fantastic QB that no one is going to stop.

Didn't even mention Marrone. Give it a rest.
Bees I think you just don't like Marrone and like to criticize whenever you can. You find a negative like many people on this board even after the biggest of wins. This was an excellent overall performance. You seem to forget that Louisville is no slouch and that Bridgewater is a fantastic QB that no one is going to stop.

I don't think he is being critical about DM or SS but more so defending NH whom many wanted to be run out of town tar and feather up to this season. I also am pretty sure that Bee's is probably one of the ones celebrating the hardest over yesterdays win.
I don't think he is being critical about DM or SS but more so defending NH whom many wanted to be run out of town tar and feather up to this season. I also am pretty sure that Bee's is probably one of the ones celebrating the hardest over yesterdays win.

Exactly. I want, and said early in the year, that Marrone should get an extension. So I guess I don't hate him. I also think Shafer is a very good coordinator, so why would we get rid of a very good coordinator? I just think the O has shown better continuous improvement and that in part has to be a credit to Hackett. But I'll be honest, I am concerned on how uneven and incosistent the D has been the past 2 seasons. And I will admit, I hate any semblance of a prevent, bend don't break, defense. Drives me nuts as it did yesterday.

But yes, celebrating was so easy yesterday and a great feeling.
neither has home run hitters so has to make due, if this D had one pash rusher that teams had to account for it would open up the pressure schemes , they finally are getting solid play from the DTs but as we can see we are trying to hide some cover issues with less pressure and it doesnt always work.

If the D had 4 pass rushers and we played the coverages we do it would not matter. Which is why when we blitz it makes no difference. Teams know where to go with the ball at snap against us. Shafer has done a great job stopping pro style running games this year. What happens next year when we don't play those types of teams? IMO we have the best CBs we have had in a loooong time. It seems like a waste to not use them. When Shafer started here we played a lot of press coverage with the likes of Kevin Scott. Sure we got beat deep from time to time but the D was agressive and made stops. Now that we have improved at CB we play soft coverages. Makes no sense and is so frustrating. I have more confidence stopping a 3rd and 3 than a 3rd and 9. It is so deflating to keep giving up easy 3rd and longs. And if we are going to play so soft on these 3rd downs and we at least disguise the coverages? We try and disguise the blitzes by moving people around. But you can tell the coverage easily, especially when they have trips and we have one guy over there covering.
Shafer's defense just held a very explosive offense with a whole helluva lot of talent plus a future NFL starter to under 30 points.

Let's see how Hackett does without Nassib, Pugh, Sales, and Lemon a year from now before we crown him anything.

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